The plaque of Vico dei Griffoni in Genoa

La lapide Vico dei Griffoni a Genova

The plaque in the alley called dei Griffoni in the historic center of Genoa.
Walking through the alleys of the historic center of Genoa I always find something interesting to photograph.
This is a plaque written in Latin and placed at the beginning of Vico Griffoni that can be seen walking along via al Ponte Calvi.

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La lapide Vico dei Griffoni a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the tombstone located:

In fact, due to missing parts and a deep crack, the text is difficult to decipher:
Facvltas Concessa Philippo Cattan Q . Io Iacob / Collocandi in vitro (…) ine Hvivs Vicvl – / Rastra Ferrea ad Ipsi (…) ingressvm Noctv / Prohibendvm Sit ad Beneplacitvm Ill.m / Magvs. Patrvm Commvnis et cvm Onere / ea Divrnis Temporibvs Aperiendi Habita / Pro Caeteris Relatio (…) ad Decretvm Con / Die 25 Ian: 1686.
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The plaque in the alley called dei Griffoni in the historic center of Genoa – La plaque de Vico appelée dei Griffoni dans le centre historique de Gênes – La placa de Vico llamada dei Griffoni en el centro histórico de Génova – A placa em Vico chamada dei Griffoni no centro histórico de Génova – Die Gedenktafel in Vico namens dei Griffoni im historischen Zentrum von Genua – Tấm bảng ở Vico có tên dei Griffoni ở trung tâm lịch sử của Genoa

Venti Settembre street seen from Piazza De Ferrari

Via Venti Settembre vista da piazza De Ferrari a Genova

Venti Settembre street seen from Piazza De Ferrari in Genoa.
The beginning of Via XX, the straight main street in the center of Genoa. The street starts from the beautiful Piazza De Ferrari and, thanks to its arcades, has become the main attraction for tourists looking for shopping (all the famous shops are here).

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Via Venti Settembre vista da piazza De Ferrari a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is the spot where I took these photos:

What is September 20, the date of the XX Settembre streets? On that day, in 1870, the Italian army took Rome after the breach of Porta Pia: it was the end of the Papal State.
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The street called Venti Settembre seen from the square called De Ferrari in Genoa – La rue Venti Settembre vue de la place De Ferrari à Gênes – La calle llamada Venti Settembre vista desde la plaza llamada De Ferrari en Génova – A rua chamada Venti Settembre vista da praça chamada De Ferrari em Génova – Die Straße namens Venti Settembre vom Platz namens De Ferrari in Genua aus gesehen – Con phố có tên Venti Settembre nhìn từ quảng trường De Ferrari ở Genoa

The beautiful San Lorenzo in Genoa

La bellissima cattedrale di San Lorenzo a Genova

The beautiful cathedral of San Lorenzo in Genoa.
If I'm in the center of Genoa I always try to pass in front of the cathedral to admire its beauty.
In fact, I have several posts and photos of this splendid church and I always try to enhance its magnificence in my shots.

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La bellissima cattedrale di San Lorenzo a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

If you are interested, this is the official website that updates you on Catholic initiatives and liturgies:

Here all the photos I took on a previous visit:
foto gallery

Here's where I took the photo from:

Saint Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of Rome, where he was martyred in 258 during the persecution ordered by the Roman Emperor Valerian in 257. The Catholic Church venerates him as a saint. Since the 4th century, Lawrence has been one of the most venerated martyrs in the Church of Rome. Constantine I was the first to build a small oratory on the site of his martyrdom. This building was enlarged and embellished by Pelagius II (579-590).
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The magnificent Cathedral of San Lorenzo in Genoa – La magnifique cathédrale de San Lorenzo à Gênes – La magnífica Catedral de San Lorenzo en Génova – A magnífica Catedral de San Lorenzo em Gênova – Die prächtige Kathedrale San Lorenzo in Genua – Nhà thờ tráng lệ San Lorenzo ở Genoa

Grimaldi Palace of the Meridiana in Genoa

Palazzo Grimaldi della Meridiana a Genova

Palazzo Grimaldi della Meridiana in Genoa.
Palazzo Grimaldi della Meridiana, located in Genoa, is a splendid example of Renaissance and Baroque architecture. Built in the 16th century, the palace is part of the Rolli of Genoa, a system of noble residences registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Here are some key facts about Palazzo Grimaldi della Meridiana:
The palace was built in 1543 by order of Gerolamo Grimaldi, an important member of the Grimaldi family, one of the most influential families in Genoa. Over the centuries, the palace has undergone various alterations and restorations that have enriched its architecture and interior decorations.
The palace features typical Renaissance architectural elements, with the addition of later Baroque decorations. The interiors are decorated with frescoes and stuccoes by famous artists such as Luca Cambiaso and Giovanni Battista Castello.
The palace is famous for its garden and the large sundial on the facade, from which it takes its name. The sundial is a testimony to the scientific and astronomical interest of the period.
Today, the Palazzo della Meridiana hosts cultural events, exhibitions and ceremonies. It is also possible to visit it to admire its splendid rooms and works of art.
As one of the Rolli palaces, the Palazzo della Meridiana was part of the aristocratic residences that, during the Republic of Genoa, were required to host dignitaries and visitors passing through the city on behalf of the State. This unique system was recognized by UNESCO as part of the world heritage in 2006.
The Palazzo della Meridiana is a significant example of the cultural and historical heritage of Genoa, testifying to the wealth and influence of the city's noble families over the centuries.

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Palazzo Grimaldi della Meridiana a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the palace:

Here is where the palace is located:

Palazzo Gerolamo Grimaldi – also known as Palazzo della Meridiana – is a building located in Salita di San Francesco at number 4 in the historic center of Genoa, included on July 13, 2006 in the list of forty-two palaces registered in the Rolli of Genoa that became World Heritage Sites by UNESCO on that date. It was built between 1536 and 1544 by the Genoese banker Gerolamo Grimaldi Oliva, who had become rich in Portugal and Spain where he managed the collection of taxes in Cordoba and Granada.
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The Grimaldi Palace of the Meridiana in Genoa – Le palais Grimaldi della Meridiana à Gênes – El palacio Grimaldi della Meridiana en Génova – O palácio Grimaldi della Meridiana em Génova – Der Grimaldi della Meridiana-Palast in Genua – Cung điện Grimaldi della Meridiana ở Genoa

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Alley of the House of Mazzini in the historic center of Genoa

Vico Casa di Mazzini nel centro storico di Genova

Vico Casa di Mazzini in the historic center of Genoa.
Just behind the Museum of the Risorgimento, where the birthplace of Giuseppe Mazzini is located, there is this small alley (which connects via Lomellini with via Cairoli) closed by a gate.

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Vico Casa di Mazzini nel centro storico di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the alley is located:

The Museo del Risorgimento – Istituto Mazziniano is a museum complex in Genoa, established in 1934, entirely dedicated to the events of the Italian Risorgimento and, in particular, to some leading figures of that specific moment in Italian history closely linked to the Ligurian capital, such as Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Goffredo Mameli, author of the Canto degli Italiani, the Italian national anthem. Located in via Lomellini 11, it is housed in the ancient Palazzo Adorno (15th century), in what was the birthplace of Mazzini; it was restored in 2005 and reopened to the public to coincide with the bicentenary of the birth of the great thinker.
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Alley of the House of Mazzini in the historic center of Genoa – Vico della Casa di Mazzini dans le centre historique de Gênes – Vico della Casa di Mazzini en el centro histórico de Génova – Vico della Casa di Mazzini no centro histórico de Génova – Vico della Casa di Mazzini im historischen Zentrum von Genua – Vico della Casa di Mazzini ở trung tâm lịch sử của Genoa

A creuza in the seaside village of Genoa Nervi

Una creuza nel borgo marinaro di Genova Nervi

A creuza in the seaside village of Genoa Nervi.
The creuze are these beautiful little streets that start from the sea and go up the Ligurian villages.
They are almost always with rounded stones on the sides and red bricks in the central part.
This creuza, which toponically is called via Giovanni Caboto, starts from the small port of the beautiful Genoa Nervi.

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit Genova Nervi? What struck you most about this enchanting place?
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Una creuza nel borgo marinaro di Genova Nervi

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 28.

To see all the photos of Nervi click here:

Where is the creuza located:

A first urban settlement arose in the current area between the Roman bridge and the small port and already in the first decades of the Christian era a station for stopping and changing horses was mentioned in an area considered strategic and as a point of embarkation to and from goods going to and from the Bisagno and Fontanabuona valleys.
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A creuza in the seaside village of Genoa Nervi – Une creuza dans le village balnéaire de Gênes Nervi – Una creuza en el pueblo costero de Génova Nervi – Uma creuza na aldeia costeira de Génova Nervi – Eine Creuza im Küstenort Genua Nervi – Một creuza ở ngôi làng ven biển Genoa Nervi

The central via Galata in Genoa

La centrale via Galata a Genova

The central Via Galata in Genoa.
This road crosses almost the entire modern center of Genoa. It goes from Via XX Settembre to Piazza Brignole and is interrupted only by the Fontana del Genio Marino in Piazza Colombo.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the street located:

Galata (or Galatae or Pera) is the historical core of Beyoğlu, a district of Istanbul, and is located in the northern part of the Golden Horn, the inlet that separates it from the historic city center. There are various theories on the origin of the name "Galata": it could be a contamination of the Italian term calata, archaism for scalo (arch. scala), or derive from gala, milk in Greek; the most probable derivation is however from the Celtic tribe of the Galatians who are believed to have settled in that place in the Hellenistic period: more precisely, a prince of Galatia would have settled there.
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The central via Galata in Genoa – La Via Galata centrale à Gênes – La céntrica Via Galata en Génova – A Via Gálata central em Génova – Die zentrale Via Galata in Genua – Trung tâm Via Galata ở Genoa

Spaghetti with clams from Buca di SAN. Matteo

Gli spaghettoni alle vongole della Buca di San Matteo a Genova

Spaghettoni with clams from Buca di San Matteo in Genoa.
My wife's favorite Italian dish is probably pasta, or rather spaghetti, with clams.
When we eat at a restaurant she almost always orders this dish.
Some time ago we were in the center of Genoa and we had lunch at this excellent restaurant, Buca di San Matteo, and she enjoyed this dish of spaghettoni (which if I remember correctly were Senatore Cappelli) with clams and bottarga. Really good!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

This is the restaurant's website:

Spaghetti with clams from the Buca di San Matteo restaurant in Genoa – Spaghetti aux palourdes du restaurant Buca di San Matteo à Gênes – Espaguetis con almejas del restaurante Buca di San Matteo en Génova – Esparguete com amêijoas do restaurante Buca di San Matteo em Génova – Spaghetti mit Muscheln vom Restaurant Buca di San Matteo in Genua – Spaghetti với nghêu từ nhà hàng Buca di San Matteo ở Genoa

The arcades of via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa

I portici di via di Sottoripa nel cuore di Genova

The porticos of Via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa.
In the beating heart of Genoa, the porticos of Via di Sottoripa represent a fascinating journey through time. These porticos, located along the northern side of Piazza Caricamento and Via Turati, are among the oldest in Italy, dating back to the 12th century. Originally lapped by the sea, today they are located about one hundred meters from the coast, but continue to be a central point of reference in the daily life of the city.
The porticos of Sottoripa were built between 1125 and 1133 on the initiative of the consuls of the Municipality of Genoa. Their construction was intended to create spaces necessary for port trade, hosting shops, artisan workshops and warehouses. The goods were moved by the camalli, the port's unloaders, who transported the cargo from the ships to the docks and warehouses.
Today, the porticos of Sottoripa are a lively center of commercial activity. Here you can find shops selling exotic food, sailor clothing, old fry shops and historic restaurants. Walking under the arcades, you can breathe in the air of the Middle Ages and the Orient, with sounds and scents that make this experience unique.
The arcades of Sottoripa are not only a place of commerce, but also a meeting point for Genoese and tourists. Their characteristic atmosphere, enriched by historic and modern shops, makes this area an unmissable place for those visiting Genoa.
Reaching the arcades of Sottoripa is easy. You can get off at the San Giorgio metro stop, take bus number 1 to the terminus in Piazza Caricamento, or park in the Porto Antico area.

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I portici di via di Sottoripa nel cuore di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The street was called “di Sottoripa” (Sotorîa in the Ligurian language, “Sottoripa” in the Italian translation) because the sea reached the porticoes, whose foundations were below sea level, and therefore literally “under the bank”. The term ripa (shore) indicated the main dock of the ancient port of Genoa, distinguishing it from the many small coves of the Ligurian Riviera (that is, the stretch of coast, or riviera, indicated in the original language as rivêa or ripétta).
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The arcades of Via di Sottoripa in the heart of Genoa – Les arcades de la Via di Sottoripa au coeur de Gênes – Las arcadas de Via di Sottoripa en el corazón de Génova – As arcadas da Via di Sottoripa no coração de Génova – Die Arkaden der Via di Sottoripa im Herzen von Genua – Các mái vòm của Via di Sottoripa ở trung tâm Genoa

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The archivolt of via Tommaso Reggio in Genoa

L'archivolto di via Tommaso Reggio a Genova

L’archivolto di via Tommaso Reggio a Genova.
Uno scorcio appena dietro alla cattedrale genovese di San Lorenzo.
Da qui ci si incammina per arrivare alla chiesa di San Matteo. Come leggo da internet un ponticello creato per collegare rapidamente i diversi luoghi del potere della Genova medievale.

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L'archivolto di via Tommaso Reggio a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is where the archivolt is located:

The strategic street named after Tommaso Reggio, bishop of Ventimiglia and then of Genoa from 1892 to 1901, is home to important buildings linked to the power and intrigues of medieval Genoa. Here, in fact, are the sixteenth-century Palazzetto Criminale, the small bridge connecting the Palazzetto itself to the cathedral of San Lorenzo, the Torre del Popolo, the Loggia degli Abati, a perimeter wall of the Palazzo Ducale and the Museo Diocesano.
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The archivolt of the street called Tommaso Reggio in Genoa – L’archivolte de la rue appelée Tommaso Reggio à Gênes – La arquivolta de la calle Tommaso Reggio en Génova – A arquivolta da rua chamada Tommaso Reggio em Génova – Die Archivolte der Straße namens Tommaso Reggio in Genua – Người lưu trữ của con phố có tên Tommaso Reggio ở Genoa