A very mysterious column in the alley of Chiavari

Una colonna molto misteriosa del caruggio di Chiavari

A very mysterious column in the alley of Chiavari.
In the alley of Chiavari, in Piazza Mazzini, there is this column with a very particular capital that almost certainly belonged to the building, now destroyed and of which only one wall remains, located in Via Rivarola.
It looks like the trigram of Christ IHS with a crown at the top.

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Una colonna molto misteriosa del caruggio di Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

I found this site giorgiotarditispagnoli.com from whom I learned much information about the Rosicrucian lodge.

A very mysterious column of the Chiavari caruggio – Une colonne très mystérieuse du caruggio de Chiavari – Una columna muy misteriosa del Chiavari caruggio – Uma coluna muito misteriosa do caruggio de Chiavari – Eine sehr mysteriöse Säule des Chiavari Caruggio – Một cột rất bí ẩn của Chiavari caruggio – Chiavari caruggio 的一个非常神秘的专栏 – Chiavaricaruggioの非常に神秘的なコラム