Dried Fruit at the Boqueria in Barcelona

Frutta secca al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona in Spagna

Dried fruit at the Boqueria market in Barcelona, ​​Spain.
The beautiful stalls of the most famous covered market in Barcelona are always very beautiful to see and to photograph.
This was one of the several stalls that sell (but the photo is not exactly recent) dried fruit and you can recognize some of them: banana, apricot, strawberry, kiwi and other fruit that I don't recognize.

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Frutta secca al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona in Spagna

Frutta secca al mercato della Boqueria di Barcellona in Spagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Here's where the market is located:

La Boqueria is the most famous market in Spain and one of the largest in Catalonia with its 2,583 square meters and more than 300 stalls. It is also one of the oldest markets in Spain: born at the beginning of the 17th century at the gates of the city in the plain of Pla de la Boqueria (which today is a small square in front of the current market) to avoid paying taxes on goods, it was inaugurated later, in 1836, where it is still located halfway along the popular Rambla, between the Palau de la Virreina and the Liceu Theater.
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Dried fruit at the Boqueria market in Barcelona, Spain – Fruits secs au marché de la Boqueria à Barcelone, Espagne – Frutos secos en el mercado de la Boquería de Barcelona, ​​España – Frutas secas no mercado Boqueria em Barcelona, ​​​​Espanha – Trockenfrüchte auf dem Boqueria-Markt in Barcelona, ​​​​Spanien – Trái cây sấy khô tại chợ Boqueria ở Barcelona, ​​​​Tây Ban Nha – 西班牙巴塞罗那Boqueria市场的干果 – スペイン、バルセロナのボケリア市場のドライ フルーツ

Frutta fresca tagliata

Una buona e sana colazione non può prescindere dalla frutta fresca (non fraintendetemi: non posto questa foto perché ho appena fatto colazione con questa frutta, io sono per le più classiche e sicuramente meno salutari uova e bacon). Qui un bell’esempio: kiwi, pompelmi, mele cotte e, non si vede bene ma ve le racconto ugualmente, pere cotte.