Swiss Spätzli or Knöpfli, the recipe

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli.
Every now and then my mother likes to make this Swiss dish, a type of egg pasta, which is normally used as a side dish for meat dishes or savoury dishes.
We instead, taking note of the similarity to our palate with Ligurian trofie or gnocchi (which are made with potatoes), season them with Genoese pesto and they are truly delicious.
The leftovers are put in the freezer to be enjoyed another day, always with pesto or (this time yes) as a side dish for a nice grill of meat and sausages.

– 500 g of 00 flour
– 2 eggs
– salt
– half a glass of sparkling water
– half a glass of milk

Attention: to make this pasta you need a special tool Spätzle sieve to ensure that the pasta drips into the water at the right size.

you can knead everything by hand but we normally use a mechanical mixer.
Put the flour, the two eggs and a pinch of salt in the mixer and slowly add the liquid ingredients so as to obtain an elastic and dry dough.
At this point let everything rest for at least an hour.
After an hour, boil some salted water (as if you were cooking normal pasta) and, using the sieve I told you about before (and which you can see in the first photo below) drop the pasta into the water.

The pasta should cook for about five minutes until it reaches a firm consistency.

Drain and season to taste with your favorite sauce!

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Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

In addition to the attached photos I have several posts on the site, here, in which I show you this seasoned pasta.

Spätzle (a Swabian dialect term meaning little sparrows) are irregularly shaped dumplings (in Swabia the shape is elongated) made from soft wheat flour, eggs and water, originally from southern Germany (those from Stuttgart are particularly famous), also very popular in Tyrol, Alsace and Switzerland, Trentino-Alto Adige, despite their homeland par excellence being Swabia and Bavaria (south-western Germany).
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Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli, the recipe – Spätzli ou knöpfli suisse, la recette – Spätzli o Swiss knöpfli, la receta – Spätzli ou knöpfli suíço, a receita – Spätzli oder Schweizer Knöpfli, das Rezept – Spätzli hoặc Swiss knöpfli, công thức – Spätzli 或 Swiss knöpfli,食谱 – シュペッツリまたはスイスのクネプフリ、レシピ

Knopfli con il pesto genovese

Knopfli con il pesto genovese

Knopfli con il pesto genovese.
Il pesto e’ sicuramente una delle salse piu’ famose della cucina italiana. Lo si puo’ sposare con molti tipi di pasta.
In questo caso e’ stato usato per condire un tipo di pasta tipico svizzero, i knopfli (in tedesco Spätzle), che solitamente vengono solamente bolliti ed usati come contorno di altri piatti.
I knopfli sono molto simili alle trofie (o trofiette di Recco) per cui l’accoppiata rende molto.
Handmade by my mom and this is the recipe!

Do you know this type of Swiss pasta? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Knopfli con il pesto genovese

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Spätzle (a Swabian dialect term meaning little sparrows) are irregularly shaped dumplings made from soft wheat flour, eggs and water, originally from southern Germany, but also very popular in Tyrol, Alsace and Switzerland, Trentino-Alto Adige, despite their native land being Swabia and Bavaria (south-western Germany).
Sometimes beer or milk is used instead of water.
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Knopfli, a typical Swiss dish, seasoned with pesto – Knopfli, un plat typiquement suisse, assaisonné de pesto – Knopfli, un plato típico suizo, aderezado con pesto – Knopfli, prato típico suíço, temperado com pesto – Knopfli, ein typisches Schweizer Gericht, gewürzt mit Pesto – Knopfli, một món ăn đặc trưng của Thụy Sĩ với sốt pesto

Knopfli, a typical Swiss dish, seasoned with pesto

Macro dei knopfli

Knopfli, a typical Swiss dish, seasoned with pesto.
It's not exactly the type of pasta that is easily found paired with pesto but these splendid knopfli (in German Spätzle, a type of Swiss pasta that is very similar to Genoese trofie) made at the moment are truly exquisite.
You will hardly be able to eat them if not at my house!

Handmade by my mom and this is the recipe!

Do you know this type of Swiss pasta? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La pasta mentre cuoce

Macro dei knopfli

Un piatto di knopfli al pesto

Spätzle (a Swabian dialect term meaning little sparrows) are irregularly shaped dumplings made from soft wheat flour, eggs and water, originally from southern Germany, but also very popular in Tyrol, Alsace and Switzerland, Trentino-Alto Adige, despite their native land being Swabia and Bavaria (south-western Germany).
Sometimes beer or milk is used instead of water.
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Knopfli, a typical Swiss dish, seasoned with pesto – Knopfli, un plat typiquement suisse, assaisonné de pesto – Knopfli, un plato típico suizo, aderezado con pesto – Knopfli, prato típico suíço, temperado com pesto – Knopfli, ein typisches Schweizer Gericht, gewürzt mit Pesto – Knopfli, một món ăn đặc trưng của Thụy Sĩ với sốt pesto

Fleischkaese and Knöpfli, a typical Swiss dish

Fleischkaese and knöpfli, a typical Swiss dish.
I would say my favorite Swiss dish; the name is impossible (I had my mother dictate it to me) but it is truly delicious.
The translation would be "meat cheese" I think because of the shape the meat has once cooked.
The meat, pork, has the consistency of a sausage; you put it in the oven and after a couple of hours it is ready.
As a side dish, pasta dumplings passed in a pan.

Do you know this dish? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Here's the photo and enjoy your meal!

Fleischkaese e knöpfli

Leberkäse, also called Fleischkäse, is a meat dish typical of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Switzerland and Austria, but it is also very popular in the rest of Germany and among all German-speaking populations, including South Tyrol. Similar to a meatloaf, in Germany it is actually considered a Wurst, therefore classified as a sausage.
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Fleischkaese and knöpfli, a typical Swiss dish – Fleischkaese et knöpfli, un plat typiquement suisse – Fleischkaese y knöpfli, un plato típico suizo – Fleischkaese e knöpfli, prato típico suíço – Fleischkäse und Knöpfli, ein typisches Schweizer Gericht – Fleischkaese và knöpfli, món ăn đặc trưng của Thụy Sĩ – Fleischkaese 和 knöpfli,典型的瑞士菜肴 – スイスの代表的な料理、フライシュケーゼとクノプフリ –