The main altar of the church of Sao Joao in Funchal. The Igreja de São João Evangelista do Colégio do Funchal is a religious building in the city of Funchal, on the island of Madeira. I visited it, by chance, a few months ago and took a couple of photos of the splendid gilded wooden altar.
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Funchal is a Portuguese municipality, the capital of the autonomous region of Madeira. Funchal is the largest city on the island; it was founded in 1421 by João Gonçalves Zarco and was elevated to city status by King Manuel I in 1508. Today Funchal is a modern city, located in a unique area, where the geological conformation creates a natural amphitheater that surrounds the entire city, starting from the port and reaching up to 1200 meters of its highest slopes. This natural protection attracted the first inhabitants who formed the initial nucleus of Funchal. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The main altar of the Sao Joao church in Funchal – Le maître-autel de l’église Sao Joao de Funchal – El altar mayor de la iglesia de Sao Joao en Funchal – O altar-mor da igreja de São João no Funchal – Der Hauptaltar der Sao Joao-Kirche in Funchal – Bàn thờ chính của nhà thờ Sao Joao ở Funchal – 丰沙尔圣若昂教堂的主祭坛 – フンシャルのサン・ジョアン教会の主祭壇
The Flam Wooden Bridge in Norway. Nestled in the majestic mountains of Norway, the picturesque village of Flam is famous not only for its breathtaking scenery but also for its charming wooden bridge. This bridge, which spans the Flam River, has become a local icon, a symbol of the connection between man and nature. The Flam Wooden Bridge, with its elegant and rustic architecture, blends in perfectly with its surroundings. Its solid wooden beams rise towards the sky, while the interwoven railings create an artistic effect that captures the attention of anyone who passes over it. The choice of wood as the main material is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also a tribute to the Norwegian building tradition, which has made wise use of natural resources for centuries. In addition to its visual beauty, the Flam Bridge plays a fundamental role in the life of the local community. By connecting the two banks of the river, it facilitates the daily transit of residents and visitors, creating a tangible connection between people and the surrounding nature. The feeling of walking on this bridge is a unique experience, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Norway. During the warmer seasons, the bridge becomes a meeting point for locals and tourists, offering a scenic space to admire the surrounding landscape. During the winter, however, the bridge takes on a different charm, with snow gently settling on the wooden beams, creating an enchanting picture. The construction of the Flam wooden bridge is also an example of ecological engineering, with the aim of minimising the impact on the surrounding environment. The architects have cleverly integrated the bridge into the natural topography, avoiding disturbances and preserving the beauty of the place.
In conclusion, the Flam wooden bridge is much more than a simple crossing structure. It is a symbol of connection, union and respect for the environment. Crossing this bridge, you can experience a moment of quiet and contemplation, surrounded by the pristine beauty of Norway and the warmth of a community that values its history and its natural environment.
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Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Flam wooden bridge in Norway – Le pont en bois de Flam en Norvège – El puente de madera de Flam en Noruega – A ponte de madeira Flam na Noruega – Die Flam-Holzbrücke in Norwegen – Cây cầu gỗ Flam ở Na Uy – 挪威弗洛姆木桥 – ノルウェーのフロムの木の橋
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L’interno della chiesa di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli. Ormai diverso tempo fa sono stato a visitare Napoli e tra tutte le bellezze che offre la città ve ne sottolineo una, oggi, rappresentata dal complesso monastico di San Gregorio Armeno, proprio nel centro storico. Questa è la vista del soffitto della chiesa del monastero.
Sei mai stato a Napoli ed hai mai visitato questo monastero nei vicoli partenopei? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
Ho scattato diverse foto nel complesso, clicca here per vederle:
La chiesa di San Gregorio Armeno (popolarmente conosciuta anche come chiesa di Santa Patrizia) è una chiesa monumentale di Napoli sita nell’omonima via, tra il decumano maggiore e quello inferiore del centro antico. Assieme all’adiacente complesso monastico, costituisce uno degli edifici religiosi più antichi, grandi e importanti della città. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The interior of the church of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples – L’intérieur de l’église de San Gregorio Armeno à Naples – El interior de la iglesia de San Gregorio Armeno en Nápoles – O interior da igreja de San Gregorio Armeno em Nápoles – Das Innere der Kirche San Gregorio Armeno in Neapel – Nội thất của nhà thờ San Gregorio Armeno ở Naples – 那不勒斯圣格雷戈里奥阿尔梅诺教堂的内部 – ナポリのサン・グレゴリオ・アルメーノ教会の内部
The Moorish Christ in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa. This beautiful wooden crucifix, called Moorish for the dark color of the wood used, is one of the works in the beautiful church that impressed me the most. Its history is very particular: during a restoration in the middle of the last century it was discovered that many elements of the statue (such as the beard and long hair) were fake and were not part of the original work; it was decided to remove them to bring the Christ back to the original. But since the faithful were so used to seeing the statue with those elements it was decided to make a copy (still present in the church). Another beautiful story, of which I leave the links below, is the one that tells of betrayed loves that the statue remedied.
Have you ever visited this beautiful church in Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
The legend that speaks of the young girl betrayed by love and helped by this crucifix can be read on two of my favorite websites about Genoa: and
The crucifix of the Moro christ in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa – Le crucifix du Christ Moro à Santa Maria in Castello à Gênes – El crucifijo del Cristo Moro en Santa Maria in Castello en Génova – O crucifixo do Cristo Moro em Santa Maria em Castello em Génova – Das Kruzifix des Moro-Christus in Santa Maria in Castello in Genua – Cây thánh giá của Moro christ ở Santa Maria ở Castello ở Genoa – 熱那亞城堡的聖瑪麗亞摩洛基督的十字架 – ジェノヴァのカステッロにあるサンタマリアのモロキリストの十字架
The statue of Christ in the church of Santa Maria di Nazareth. The Holy Christ placed in the chapel in the left nave of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Nazareth, the “white” church located where the streets that climb the Sestri Levante Peninsula begin to rise. As I write to you shortly after, a miracle accompanies this Crucifix that has been venerated in my town for centuries.
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Known locally as “Santo Cristo”, a popular tradition has it that the crucifix was brought to Sestri Levante by sea, transferred to the church on the island and, in 1616, placed here in the choir. Disused and moved to the sacristy between 1690 and 1700, it was spared from an imminent fire due to an event considered miraculous by the population (according to legend “the face of Christ opened his eyes like a living person”). Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The statue of Christ in the church of Santa Maria di Nazareth – La statue du Christ dans l’église de Santa Maria di Nazareth – La estatua de Cristo en la iglesia de Santa Maria di Nazareth – A estátua de Cristo na igreja de Santa Maria di Nazareth – Die Christusstatue in der Kirche Santa Maria di Nazareth – Tượng chúa Kito trong nhà thờ Santa Maria di Nazareth – 聖瑪麗亞迪拿撒勒教堂中的基督雕像 – サンタマリアディナザレ教会のキリストの像
Una tipica statuetta vietnamita come soprammobile. Non ho portato a casa dalla mia ultima vacanza dal Vietnam molti souvenir. Mi erano piaciute molto queste statuette in legno che avevo trovato tra le bancarelle di Hoi An. Il vestito poi, abilmente laccato di rosso, si adatta bene ai colori di casa mia. Cercando in rete ho trovato diverse di queste statuette, vendute come souvenir, ma non ne riesco a scoprire più informazioni né se sia la riproduzione di qualche altra statua più famosa.
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Le statue vestono tutte il tipico abito tradizionele vietnamita chiamato: Áo dài.
L’Áo dài è un vestito tradizionale vietnamita principalmente femminile. Nella sua attuale forma, consiste in un abito di seta stretto ed aderente, indossato sopra i pantaloni. Áo dài viene pronunciato ˈáʊ ˈjàɪ (ow yai) nel sud del Vietnam, e ˈáʊ ˈzàɪ (ow zai) nel nord. Áo deriva dalla parola cinese che indica “giacca imbottita” (襖). Nella lingua vietnamita moderna, il termine áo fa riferimento ad un capo di abbigliamento che copre dal collo in giù. Dài invece significa “lungo”. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A typical Vietnamese figurine as an ornament – Une figurine vietnamienne typique comme ornement – Una estatuilla vietnamita típica como adorno – Uma estatueta vietnamita típica como ornamento – Eine typisch vietnamesische Figur als Schmuck – Một bức tượng nhỏ điển hình của Việt Nam như một vật trang trí – 一个典型的越南小雕像作为装饰品 – 装飾品としての典型的なベトナムの置物
Collane in legno e conchiglie a Barbados. Le preferite della mia mamma sono questo tipo di collana che un po’ ovunque si trovano ai Caraibi. Queste erano nella cittadina di Bridgetown a Barbados. Il tizio che le vendeva, con il suo carretto, mi ha anche gridato di tutto perche’ facevo la foto… chissa’ poi perche’? Rimpiango di non averne comperata una come regalo ma pensavo che sarei andato nuovamente…
Wooden necklaces and shells in Barbados – Colliers et coquillages en bois à la Barbade – Collares y conchas de madera en Barbados – Colares e conchas de madeira em Barbados – Hölzerne Halsketten und Muscheln in Barbados – Dây chuyền và vỏ bằng gỗ ở Barbados – 巴巴多斯的木制项链和贝壳 – バルバドスの木製ネックレスとシェル
Barchetta tipica a Doha. In tour per la capitale del Qatar non puo mancare una foto della imbarcazione tipica di questo paese: il dau. Veramente, prima di fare una ricerca su internet, ne sapevo veramente poco. Ora ho scoperto che e’ una barca tipica della intera area Sud-Orientale. Ormai, quasi tutte a Doha, sono destinate al turismo di elite.
Il dau (adattamento dell’inglese dhow o dow) è una tradizionale barca a vela araba con una o più vele latine. È tipica delle coste della Penisola arabica, dell’India, e dei popoli swahili dell’Africa orientale. Un grosso dau può imbarcare circa trenta persone mentre uno piccolo normalmente ne accoglie una dozzina. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia.
Per vedere tutte le foto che ho scattato in Qatar clicca here:
Porticato rosso della Città Imperiale. Uno dei particolari più fotografati della cittadina di Huè sono sicuramente questi portici di legno colorati di rosso. Questi corridoi sono incredibilmente belli da attraversare e, ovviamente, da fotografare. Il legno, il colore rosso, l’altezza del soffitto… tutto qui ti fa capire che sei a casa di un imperatore!
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Click here to see all the photos I took in this place:
The Imperial City of Huế is a fortified complex consisting of a citadel within which is located the actual Imperial City of Huế, the ancient imperial capital of Vietnam. In turn, enclosed within the Imperial City is the Purple Forbidden City.
Here is where this mythical place is located:
Red arcade of the Imperial City of Hue in Vietnam – Arcade rouge de la ville impériale de Hue au Vietnam – Arcada roja de la Ciudad Imperial de Hue en Vietnam – Arcada vermelha da Cidade Imperial de Hue no Vietnã – Rote Arkade der Kaiserstadt Hue in Vietnam – Khu di tích Cố đô Huế ở Việt Nam – 越南顺化皇城的红色拱廊 – ベトナムのフエの帝国都市の赤いアーケード
Bassorilievo della Cattedrale di Palermo. Alcune foto di una delle cappelle della magnifica chiesa palermitana. In particolare l’altare della cappella di San Pietro e Sant’Agata. Come in uno scatto precedente della Basilica dei Fieschi in Liguria, l’agnello (ma in questa foto potrebbe anche essere una pecora) e’ nuovamente presente nelle raffigurazioni religiose cattoliche.
Ricordo che c’e’ anche il sito ufficiale della Cattedrale: which offers you a complete virtual visit to the monument.
With Gualtiero Offamilio the cathedral is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin represented in three different iconographies: one is the Dormition of the Mother of God or «Koimesis tes Theotokou» or «Dormitio Virginis», which belongs to the Byzantine tradition, the other two belonging to the Latin tradition: the Assumption and the Coronation in Heaven. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia.
Click here to see more beautiful images of the city: