A stroll through the caruggio of Sestri Levante in Liguria. More or less around this time, but last year, I took this beautiful photo of the caruggio (this is what the pedestrian street that crosses a village is called in Liguria) of my town, Sestri Levante. Almost deserted, just as many Sestresi like it.
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Strolling through the splendid alleyway of Sestri Levante – Se promener dans la splendide ruelle de Sestri Levante – Caminando por el espléndido callejón de Sestri Levante – Caminhando no esplêndido beco de Sestri Levante – Ein Spaziergang durch die herrliche Gasse von Sestri Levante – Dạo bước trong con hẻm lộng lẫy của Sestri Levante
A sumptuous villa on Viale Millo in Chiavari. Sooner or later I will have photographed them all, the beautiful villas that populate the western side of Viale Enrico Millo. As many of you have written to me, they are almost all homes built by Chiavari emigrants who returned rich from the Americas.
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Enrico Millo di Casalgiate (Chiavari, 12 February 1865 – Rome, 14 June 1930) was an Italian soldier and politician. He was an admiral of the Royal Navy and Minister of the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy. He was decorated with the gold medal for military valor. He was born in Chiavari in 1865 to Gustavo Millo of the Counts of Casalgiate and Maria Luisa Altoè of the Counts Anguissola di Altoè. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A beautiful villa in Viale Enrico Millo in Chiavari – Une belle villa dans Viale Enrico Millo à Chiavari – Una hermosa villa en Viale Enrico Millo en Chiavari – Uma bela vila na Viale Enrico Millo em Chiavari – Eine wunderschöne Villa in der Viale Enrico Millo in Chiavari – Một biệt thự xinh đẹp ở Viale Enrico Millo ở Chiavari
The wonderful Porta delle Saline in Rapallo. Perhaps a little hidden but truly one of the most beautiful things to see in the center of Rapallo. It is located at the end of the seafront promenade and can be walked along to enter the alley.
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It is the only survivor of the five gates of the ancient “walled village”, and owes its name to its proximity to the salt mines, of which the Genoese Doria family had a monopoly, which were active for many centuries in the flat area near the beach in the centre of the gulf. Continue and learn more on Comune di Rapallo
The wonderful door of the Saline in Rapallo – La magnifique porte Saline à Rapallo – La maravillosa puerta Salina en Rapallo – O maravilhoso portão Salino em Rapallo – Das wunderbare Saline-Tor in Rapallo – Cổng Saline tuyệt vời ở Rapallo
A glimpse of via Vittorio Veneto in Chiavari. Chiavari is certainly the Ligurian city with the most porticoes. The historic center is entirely crossed by a straight road that takes several topographical us. First is via Martiri della Liberazione; then continues in via Vittorio Veneto and ends in Corso Dante.
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A glimpse of via Vittorio Veneto in Chiavari – Un aperçu de la via Vittorio Veneto à Chiavari – Un vistazo a via Vittorio Veneto en Chiavari – Um vislumbre da via Vittorio Veneto em Chiavari – Ein Blick auf die Via Vittorio Veneto in Chiavari – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Vittorio Veneto ở Chiavari
Via Giuseppe Mazzini: the alleyway of Rapallo. In the heart of Rapallo, one of the pearls of the Ligurian Riviera, there is Via Giuseppe Mazzini, a charming alleyway that embodies the history and charm of this picturesque town. This narrow alley, typical of Ligurian historic centers, is a place where time seems to have stopped, offering visitors an authentic and evocative experience. Via Giuseppe Mazzini is one of the oldest streets in Rapallo, and walking along its path, you can admire historic buildings that tell centuries of history. The facades of the houses, with their pastel colors and wooden shutters, evoke an atmosphere of times gone by, while the architectural details, such as slate portals and wrought iron balconies, testify to the skill of local craftsmen. Despite its ancient appearance, Via Giuseppe Mazzini is also a lively center of commercial activity. Along the caruggio, there are numerous shops, boutiques and artisan workshops that offer typical products of the region, such as olive oil, Genoese pesto and local wines. In addition, the restaurants and trattorias along the street invite visitors to taste the delights of Ligurian cuisine, in a welcoming and familiar environment. Visiting Via Giuseppe Mazzini means immersing yourself in the authentic soul of Rapallo. Whether it is a quiet walk, a shopping session or a dinner with friends, this caruggio offers an unforgettable experience, capable of conquering the heart of anyone who passes by.
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Giuseppe Mazzini street: the alleyway of Rapallo – La rue dédiée à Giuseppe Mazzini : le caruggio de Rapallo – La calle dedicada a Giuseppe Mazzini: el caruggio de Rapallo – A rua dedicada a Giuseppe Mazzini: o caruggio de Rapallo – Die Giuseppe Mazzini gewidmete Straße: das Caruggio von Rapallo – Con đường dành riêng cho Giuseppe Mazzini: caruggio của Rapallo
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Le trofie di farina di castagne con il pesto alla genovese. Ovviamente, da buon ligure, uno dei miei piatti preferiti è la pasta condita con il pesto (di basilico). Quando poi ho a disposizione anche le trofie impastate con la farina di castagne il piatto risulta ancora più buono.
Do you want to have fresh Basilico Genovese Dop directly to your home throughout Italy? Check out this offer for you.
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There is a type of trofie kneaded with chestnut flour called “bastard” trofie, which has a sweeter taste than normal or white trofie. You can also mix white trofie with chestnut trofie to give a delicate taste to the dish. In addition to pesto, trofie bastarde can be seasoned with walnut sauce. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The pasta called trofie made with chestnut flour dough and seasoned with Genoese pesto – Les pâtes appelées trofie à base de pâte à base de farine de châtaigne et assaisonnées au pesto génois – La pasta llamada trofie elaborada con masa de harina de castañas y aderezada con pesto genovés – A massa chamada trofie feita com massa de farinha de castanha e temperada com pesto genovês – Die Nudeln namens Trofie werden aus Kastanienmehlteig hergestellt und mit genuesischem Pesto gewürzt – Món mì ống gọi là trofie được làm từ bột hạt dẻ và nêm sốt pesto Genoa
A Sunday morning in early March in the Bay of Silence. This morning the bay was truly spectacular. March and April are probably the best months to take a quiet walk, even on Sundays, in this heavenly place!
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A Sunday morning in early March in the Bay of Silence – Un dimanche matin début mars à Baia del Silenzio – Una mañana de domingo a principios de marzo en Baia del Silenzio – Uma manhã de domingo no início de março em Baia del Silenzio – Ein Sonntagmorgen Anfang März in Baia del Silenzio – Một buổi sáng chủ nhật đầu tháng 3 ở Baia del Silenzio
Corso Colombo e la torre di Palazzo Fascie-Rossi a Sestri Levante. Una delle vie principali del centro della mia cittadina è Corso Colombo. Carrabile ma spesso chiusa al traffico. Al centro spicca in Palazzo Fascie-Rossi con la sua bella torre.
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The street called Corso Colombo and the tower of Palazzo Fascie-Rossi in Sestri Levante – La rue appelée Corso Colombo et la tour du Palazzo Fascie-Rossi à Sestri Levante – La calle llamada Corso Colombo y la torre del Palazzo Fascie-Rossi en Sestri Levante – A rua chamada Corso Colombo e a torre do Palazzo Fascie-Rossi em Sestri Levante – Die Straße namens Corso Colombo und der Turm des Palazzo Fascie-Rossi in Sestri Levante – Con phố mang tên Corso Colombo và tòa tháp Palazzo Fascie-Rossi ở Sestri Levante
The small port of Vernazza seen from below. The wonder of the seaside villages finds one of its greatest examples in Vernazza. The little square and the houses with unmistakable colors overlooking the sea.
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The small port of Vernazza seen from below – Le petit port de Vernazza vu d’en bas – El pequeño puerto de Vernazza visto desde abajo – O pequeno porto de Vernazza visto de baixo – Der kleine Hafen von Vernazza von unten gesehen – Cảng nhỏ Vernazza nhìn từ bên dưới
The Balin area of the seafront promenade of Sestri Levante. The palm trees, the cycle path and, in the background, the buildings overlooking the promenade. This is the area called Balin of Viale Rimembranza in my Sestri Levante.
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The Balin area of the Sestri Levante seaside promenade – Le quartier Balin de la promenade maritime de Sestri Levante – La zona de Balin del paseo marítimo de Sestri Levante – A área de Balin do passeio marítimo de Sestri Levante – Der Balin-Bereich der Strandpromenade von Sestri Levante – Khu vực Balin của lối đi dạo bên bờ biển Sestri Levante