The Lantern of Genoa seen from Castelletto

La Lanterna di Genova vista dalla spianata di Castelletto

La Lanterna di Genova vista dalla spianata di Castelletto.
La Lanterna di Genova, il maestoso faro che domina il porto della città ligure, non è solo una guida per i naviganti, ma anche un simbolo storico e culturale che racconta secoli di storia marittima e urbana. Con i suoi 77 metri di altezza, è il faro più alto d’Italia e il secondo d’Europa, un monumento che da oltre 900 anni veglia sulla città e sulle sue acque.
Le origini della Lanterna risalgono al XII secolo. La struttura attuale, però, è stata ricostruita nel 1543 dopo essere stata danneggiata in vari assedi e guerre. Il faro è stato da sempre un punto di riferimento cruciale per i marinai, guidandoli sicuri verso il porto di Genova. Originariamente, il faro funzionava con fuochi alimentati da legna o carbone, per poi passare all’olio e infine all’elettricità.
La Lanterna è composta due ordini di sezione quadrata e separati da una terrazza. Il basamento, in pietra locale, è di forma quadrata e le mura hanno uno spessore che varia dai 4 metri alla base ai 2,5 metri in cima. La struttura è decorata con il simbolo della città, la croce di San Giorgio, e si distingue per la sua sobria eleganza e robustezza.
La scala interna, con i suoi 365 gradini, conduce alla sommità dove si trova la lanterna vera e propria. La luce del faro, un tempo alimentata a olio, oggi è completamente automatizzata e ha una portata luminosa di circa 25 miglia nautiche.
Oltre alla sua funzione primaria di guida per le navi, la Lanterna ha assunto un ruolo importante come attrazione turistica e culturale. All’interno del complesso della Lanterna si trova un museo multimediale che racconta la storia del faro e del porto di Genova. Il percorso museale offre una panoramica sulla vita marittima, l’evoluzione delle tecnologie di navigazione e l’importanza del porto per l’economia della città.
La Lanterna è molto più di un semplice faro; è un emblema della città di Genova e della sua lunga tradizione marinara. È un luogo dove i genovesi possono riscoprire le loro radici e i turisti possono ammirare una vista mozzafiato sulla città e sul mare. La Lanterna è spesso rappresentata in opere d’arte, letteratura e manifestazioni culturali, incarnando lo spirito indomabile e l’orgoglio dei genovesi.

The Lanterna di Genova is a monument that embodies the history, culture and maritime tradition of one of the most important port cities in the Mediterranean. Every stone, every step of this structure tells a story of sailors, trade, wars and rebirths. It is a lighthouse not only for ships sailing the sea, but also for generations of Genoese who see in it a symbol of their identity and their thousand-year history.

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La Lanterna di Genova vista dalla spianata di Castelletto

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

There is also a nice official website:

Here's where I took the photo from:

The Lanterna of Genoa (or simply “Lanterna”, in Genoese a Lanterna de Zena or a Lanterna) is the port lighthouse of the capital of Liguria, the city once defined as the Superb or Dominant of the seas.
Per secoli strumento indispensabile alla navigazione notturna delle navi in entrata e uscita dal porto, la Lanterna è anche il monumento simbolo cittadino, quasi un totem alla genovesità, e come tale fa parte della storia della città.
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The Lantern of Genoa seen from the Castelletto esplanade – La Lanterne de Gênes vue de l’esplanade de Castelletto – La Linterna de Génova vista desde la explanada de Castelletto – A Lanterna de Gênova vista da esplanada de Castelletto – Die Laterne von Genua von der Castelletto-Promenade aus gesehen – Đèn lồng Genoa nhìn từ lối đi dạo Castelletto

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan

Il monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II in piazza del Duomo a Milano

The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in Piazza del Duomo in Milan.
This equestrian statue of Vittorio Emanuele II was placed dominating the enormous square of the Milanese cathedral.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Here's where the statue is located:

The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II is a sculptural group located in the center of Piazza del Duomo in Milan. It was solemnly inaugurated on June 24, 1896. The monument was commissioned to the Italian sculptor Ercole Rosa by King Umberto I upon the death of his father Vittorio Emanuele in 1878, but was placed in the center of the square only in 1896 as the sculptor died before completing it.
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The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in the cathedral square in Milan – Le monument à Vittorio Emanuele II sur la place de la cathédrale de Milan – El monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II en la plaza de la catedral de Milán – O monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II na praça da catedral de Milão – Das Denkmal für Vittorio Emanuele II. auf dem Domplatz in Mailand – Tượng đài Vittorio Emanuele II tại quảng trường nhà thờ ở Milan

Details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa

Particolari dell'Arco della Vittoria a Genova

Details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa.
Located in the heart of the beautiful port city of Genoa, the Arch of Victory is a tangible testimony to the glorious history and rich culture of the city. This majestic monument, erected to commemorate the Italian military victories during the First World War, stands as a symbol of resilience, determination and hope.
The Arch of Victory, also known as the “Arch of Triumph”, was designed by the architect Marcello Piacentini and inaugurated in 1931. Its construction was commissioned by the fascist regime of Mussolini to celebrate the Italian victories in the Great War and to honor the fallen.
This imposing monument, characterized by a neoclassical structure and allegorical decorations, represents a tribute to military strength and patriotic sacrifice. The inscriptions engraved on its facades commemorate the battles and heroes who defended the country’s honor and freedom.
The Arch of Victory is a superb example of monumental architecture, characterized by clean lines, harmonious proportions and intricate details. Its imposing shape and Corinthian columns evoke the ancient traditions of Roman architecture, while the allegorical sculptures and decorations add a touch of grandeur and symbolism.
At the top of the arch, a bronze quadriga drawn by four horses represents the triumphal victory, symbolizing the triumph of the Italian nation over enemy forces. This extraordinary work of art embodies the power and determination of the Italian people in pursuing victory and peace.
Today, the Arch of Victory remains not only a historical monument, but also an iconic landmark and a meeting place for the citizens of Genoa and visitors from around the world. It is a symbol of national unity and hope for a better future, a reminder that peace and prosperity can be achieved through cooperation and mutual respect.
Despite the historical controversies surrounding its construction and meaning, the Arch of Victory continues to inspire and provoke reflection on human nature and the consequences of war. It is a reminder that, even in the darkest of situations, the light of hope and dignity can still shine, guiding future generations towards a world of peace, tolerance and mutual understanding.
Ultimately, the Arch of Victory in Genoa is much more than just a monument; it is a monument to resilience, military glory and the perpetual pursuit of peace and justice in the world.

Genova, i figli morti per la Patria
combattendo in terra in mare in cielo
alla gloria dei secoli, superba consacra

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Particolari dell'Arco della Vittoria a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the monument located:

The Arch of Victory, also known as the Monument to the Fallen or the Arch of the Fallen, is an imposing triumphal arch, built during the fascist regime, located in Piazza della Vittoria in Genoa. It is dedicated to the Genoese who fell during the First World War and was inaugurated on May 31, 1931.
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Details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa – Détails de l’Arc de la Victoire à Gênes – Detalles del Arco de la Victoria en Génova – Detalhes do Arco da Vitória em Gênova – Details zum Siegesbogen in Genua – Thông tin chi tiết về Khải Hoàn Môn ở Genoa

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The Fountain of the Marine Genius in Piazza Colombo

La fontana del Genio Marino in piazza Colombo a Genova

The fountain of the Marine Genius in Piazza Colombo in Genoa.
In the very central Piazza Colombo there is this beautiful fountain (which was previously in front of the Royal Palace) restored quite recently.
The photo was taken coming from Via XX Settembre along Via Galata.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the fountain is located:

The fountain was moved from Ponte Reale to Piazza Colombo in 1861 to embellish the new nineteenth-century square commissioned by the architect Resasco. Not only beauty but also utility since the barchile served as a watering place for horses and mules coming from the countryside that passed through loaded with vegetables towards the eastern market.
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The fountain of the Marine Engineer in the square dedicated to Columbus in Genoa – La fontaine de l’Ingénieur de la Marine sur la place dédiée à Colomb à Gênes – La fuente del Ingeniero Marino en la plaza dedicada a Colón en Génova – Der Brunnen des Marineingenieurs auf dem Kolumbus gewidmeten Platz in Genua – Đài phun nước của Kỹ sư Hàng hải tại quảng trường dành riêng cho Columbus ở Genoa

The Monument dedicated to Chicharrero in Tenerife

Il Monumento dedicato ai pescatori a Tenerife

The Monument dedicated to the Chicharrero in Tenerife.
I was once in Tenerife at the Mercado Ntra. Señora de África, not far from the port, and while we were returning to the main street I photographed this monument depicting fishermen hoisting a boat.
Then searching online for more information I discovered that the monument is dedicated to the Chicharrero, that is, the typical inhabitants of Santa Cruz (later extended to all the inhabitants of Tenerife).
It derives from the name of a low-value fish, the chicharro, but I don't think it is used in a negative way.

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Il Monumento dedicato ai pescatori a Tenerife

Il Monumento dedicato ai pescatori a Tenerife

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is where the monument is located:

The monument dedicated to Chicharrero in Tenerife – Le monument dédié aux Chicharrero de Tenerife – El monumento dedicado a los Chicharrero en Tenerife – O monumento dedicado aos Chicharrero em Tenerife – Das den Chicharrero auf Teneriffa gewidmete Denkmal – Tượng đài dành riêng cho ngư dân ở Tenerife – 特内里费岛渔民纪念碑 – テネリフェ島の漁師に捧げられた記念碑

The Fountain of Neptune in Piazza Navona in Rome

La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

The Fountain of Neptune in Piazza Navona in Rome.
I still have some photos of some monuments of Rome from my last visit to the capital.
These three photos are of the beautiful fountain located in Piazza Navona.
Probably overshadowed by the larger and more famous Fountain of the Four Rivers, it is still worthy of a post of mine!

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La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

La Fontana del Nettuno in piazza Navona a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in Rome click here:
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Here's where the fountain is located:

The Fountain of Neptune is located at the northern end of Piazza Navona in Rome. Also known, once, as the Fountain of the Calderai, it owed this name to its proximity to the ancient Vicolo dei Calderai (or Calderari), a small street occupied by the shops of blacksmiths and sellers of pans, pots and metal dishes in general. The basin, by Giacomo della Porta, dates back to 1575-76, while the sculptures that decorate it were placed only in 1878, by the sculptors Antonio Della Bitta and Gregorio Zappalà.
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The Fountain of Neptune in the Navona square in Rome – La fontaine de Neptune sur la place Navone à Rome – La Fuente de Neptuno en la plaza Navona de Roma – A Fonte de Netuno na Praça Navona, em Roma – Der Neptunbrunnen auf dem Navona-Platz in Rom – Đài phun nước Neptune ở quảng trường Navona ở Rome – 罗马纳沃纳广场的海王星喷泉 – ローマのナヴォーナ広場にあるネプチューンの噴水

The monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz

Il monumento dedicato alla Costituzione del 1812 a Cadice

The Monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz.
The “Monumento a la Constitución de 1812” is located in Cadiz, Spain, and commemorates the promulgation of the Constitution of Cadiz of 1812. This constitution, also known as “La Pepa”, was a milestone in Spanish history, representing the principles of liberalism and civil rights.
The monument is located in the Plaza de San Juan de Dios, in the historic center of Cadiz. It was inaugurated on March 19, 1912 to celebrate the centenary of the promulgation of the Constitution. The date is significant, as it marks the beginning of constitutional legislation in Spain.
The monument features various allegorical figures and symbolism that represent the values ​​of the Constitution, such as freedom, equality and the sovereignty of the people. It may include statues of important figures of the time and architectural details that reflect the spirit of the period.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

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Here is where the monument is located:

The Spanish Constitution of 1812, also known as the Constitution of Cadiz or La Pepa, is the constitutional charter promulgated on March 19, 1812 by the Cortes, the Iberian parliament, in opposition to the Napoleonic occupation and the regime of Joseph Bonaparte. It established the constitutional monarchy with the limitation of the powers of the king, the separation of powers, universal male suffrage, and freedom of enterprise.
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The monument dedicated to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz – Le monument dédié à la Constitution de 1812 à Cadix – El monumento dedicado a la Constitución de 1812 en Cádiz – O monumento dedicado à Constituição de 1812 em Cádiz – Das der Verfassung von 1812 gewidmete Denkmal in Cádiz – Tượng đài dành riêng cho Hiến pháp năm 1812 ở Cadiz – 加的斯 1812 年宪法纪念碑 – カディスにある 1812 年憲法に捧げられた記念碑

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Some details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa

Alcuni dettagli dell'Arco della Vittoria di Genova

Some details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa
When I have to go to Genoa for some errand, and I have to do it by car, I always try to park in the central Piazza della Vittoria.
Dominating the entire square is this monument which over time has also become one of the symbols of the city.
This time I had my telephoto lens with me and took a picture of some minor details of the Arch.

Do you know this monument of Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the monument located:

The Arch of Victory, also known as the Monument to the Fallen or the Arch of the Fallen, is an imposing triumphal arch, built during the fascist regime, located in Piazza della Vittoria in Genoa. It is dedicated to the Genoese who fell during the First World War and was inaugurated on May 31, 1931.
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Details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa – Détails de l’Arc de la Victoire à Gênes – Detalles del Arco de la Victoria en Génova – Detalhes do Arco da Vitória em Gênova – Details zum Siegesbogen in Genua – Thông tin chi tiết về Khải Hoàn Môn ở Genoa

Discovering the Obelisk of Minerva

Alla Scoperta dell'Obelisco della Minerva: Un Tesoro Nascosto a Roma

Discovering the Obelisk of Minerva
Rome, the Eternal City, is a treasure trove of history and culture that reveals itself at every corner. Among the wonders that fascinate visitors from all over the world, there is a little-known jewel that stands majestically near the famous Piazza della Minerva: the Obelisk of Minerva.
The obelisk, which is over 5 meters tall, was originally carved in Ancient Egypt and placed in the Temple of Isis in Sais. However, its journey to Rome took place only in 1667, when Pope Alexander VII decided to place it in front of the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. The famous sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini was commissioned to create a decorative base to support the obelisk.
The base of the obelisk is adorned with an elephant, a brilliant work by Bernini. This majestic animal supports the obelisk with its strong back, and every detail is made with extraordinary precision. The choice of the elephant as a support symbolizes strength and stability.
The presence of the obelisk in front of the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is not accidental. Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and war, is represented inside the church, and the obelisk underlines the importance of this mythological figure.
If you have the opportunity to visit Rome, do not miss the opportunity to admire this masterpiece. Stroll through the Piazza della Minerva, admire the extraordinary fusion between the ancient and the baroque, and discover the unique details that make this place so special.
The Obelisk of Minerva is more than just a monument; it is a fascinating piece of Rome’s history. Next time you find yourself in the Eternal City, stop by and be enchanted by the beauty and history this extraordinary place has to offer.

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Alla Scoperta dell'Obelisco della Minerva: Un Tesoro Nascosto a Roma

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

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Where is the monument located:

The Obelisk of Minerva is one of the nine Egyptian obelisks of Rome, located in the Piazza della Minerva (the square of the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva). The obelisk is positioned on the back of a marble elephant, sculpted by Ercole Ferrata based on a design by Bernini in 1667; the entire monumental complex is also popularly known as the Pulcin della Minerva: “pulcino” in the dialect of the time meant “porcino”, referring to the elephant “for its small size and round shape”.
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Discovering the Minerva Obelisk: a hidden treasure in Rome – À la découverte de l’Obélisque de Minerve : un trésor caché à Rome – Descubriendo el Obelisco de Minerva: un tesoro escondido en Roma – Descobrindo o Obelisco de Minerva: um tesouro escondido em Roma – Entdecken Sie den Minerva-Obelisken: einen verborgenen Schatz in Rom – Khám phá Minerva Obelisk: kho báu ẩn giấu ở Rome – 发现密涅瓦方尖碑:罗马隐藏的宝藏 – ミネルヴァ オベリスクの発見: ローマの隠された宝物

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.