Some details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa When I have to go to Genoa for some errand, and I have to do it by car, I always try to park in the central Piazza della Vittoria. Dominating the entire square is this monument which over time has also become one of the symbols of the city. This time I had my telephoto lens with me and took a picture of some minor details of the Arch.
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The Arch of Victory, also known as the Monument to the Fallen or the Arch of the Fallen, is an imposing triumphal arch, built during the fascist regime, located in Piazza della Vittoria in Genoa. It is dedicated to the Genoese who fell during the First World War and was inaugurated on May 31, 1931. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Details of the Arch of Victory in Genoa – Détails de l’Arc de la Victoire à Gênes – Detalles del Arco de la Victoria en Génova – Detalhes do Arco da Vitória em Gênova – Details zum Siegesbogen in Genua – Thông tin chi tiết về Khải Hoàn Môn ở Genoa
Discovering the Obelisk of Minerva Rome, the Eternal City, is a treasure trove of history and culture that reveals itself at every corner. Among the wonders that fascinate visitors from all over the world, there is a little-known jewel that stands majestically near the famous Piazza della Minerva: the Obelisk of Minerva. The obelisk, which is over 5 meters tall, was originally carved in Ancient Egypt and placed in the Temple of Isis in Sais. However, its journey to Rome took place only in 1667, when Pope Alexander VII decided to place it in front of the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. The famous sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini was commissioned to create a decorative base to support the obelisk. The base of the obelisk is adorned with an elephant, a brilliant work by Bernini. This majestic animal supports the obelisk with its strong back, and every detail is made with extraordinary precision. The choice of the elephant as a support symbolizes strength and stability. The presence of the obelisk in front of the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is not accidental. Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and war, is represented inside the church, and the obelisk underlines the importance of this mythological figure. If you have the opportunity to visit Rome, do not miss the opportunity to admire this masterpiece. Stroll through the Piazza della Minerva, admire the extraordinary fusion between the ancient and the baroque, and discover the unique details that make this place so special. The Obelisk of Minerva is more than just a monument; it is a fascinating piece of Rome’s history. Next time you find yourself in the Eternal City, stop by and be enchanted by the beauty and history this extraordinary place has to offer.
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The Obelisk of Minerva is one of the nine Egyptian obelisks of Rome, located in the Piazza della Minerva (the square of the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva). The obelisk is positioned on the back of a marble elephant, sculpted by Ercole Ferrata based on a design by Bernini in 1667; the entire monumental complex is also popularly known as the Pulcin della Minerva: “pulcino” in the dialect of the time meant “porcino”, referring to the elephant “for its small size and round shape”. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Discovering the Minerva Obelisk: a hidden treasure in Rome – À la découverte de l’Obélisque de Minerve : un trésor caché à Rome – Descubriendo el Obelisco de Minerva: un tesoro escondido en Roma – Descobrindo o Obelisco de Minerva: um tesouro escondido em Roma – Entdecken Sie den Minerva-Obelisken: einen verborgenen Schatz in Rom – Khám phá Minerva Obelisk: kho báu ẩn giấu ở Rome – 发现密涅瓦方尖碑:罗马隐藏的宝藏 – ミネルヴァ オベリスクの発見: ローマの隠された宝物
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Il monumento a forma di vela di Giò Pomodoro a Sestri Levante. E’ una delle iconiche opere dell’artista italiano. Questo monumento, noto anche come “La Vela”, è situato vicino allla passeggiata a mare della città ligure in piazza Bo. Il monumento ha la forma di una vela stilizzata, un omaggio alla tradizione marittima e alla cultura nautica di Sestri Levante. Realizzato in bronzo e marmo, il monumento è caratterizzato da linee pulite e superfici levigate che riflettono la luce del mare e del sole. La scultura è imponente, con una struttura che si erge maestosamente verso il cielo, simboleggiando il movimento e la libertà del vento che gonfia una vela. La “Vela” di Giò Pomodoro rappresenta non solo un tributo al mare e alla navigazione, ma anche un simbolo di viaggio e scoperta. La forma della vela, infatti, evoca l’idea di avventura e di connessione tra l’uomo e la natura. Inoltre, la scultura è un esempio della maestria di Pomodoro nel creare opere che dialogano con l’ambiente circostante, integrandosi armoniosamente con il paesaggio marittimo di Sestri Levante.
Giò Pomodoro (1930-2002) è stato uno dei più importanti scultori italiani del XX secolo. La sua opera si caratterizza per l’uso di forme geometriche e simboliche, spesso ispirate dalla natura e dagli elementi. Le sue sculture sono presenti in numerose città italiane e all’estero, testimoniando il suo contributo significativo all’arte contemporanea. Il monumento a forma di vela a Sestri Levante è un esempio rappresentativo del suo lavoro, capace di evocare emozioni e di stimolare riflessioni attraverso la sua presenza imponente e la sua forma elegante.
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Giò Pomodoro, all’anagrafe Giorgio Pomodoro (Orciano di Pesaro, 17 novembre 1930 – Milano, 21 dicembre 2002), è stato uno scultore, orafo, incisore e scenografo italiano. Viene considerato uno fra i più importanti scultori astratti del panorama internazionale del XX secolo. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The sail-shaped monument of the artist Giò Pomodoro in Sestri Levante – Le monument en forme de voile de l’artiste Giò Pomodoro à Sestri Levante – El monumento en forma de vela del artista Giò Pomodoro en Sestri Levante – O monumento em forma de vela do artista Giò Pomodoro em Sestri Levante – Das segelförmige Denkmal des Künstlers Giò Pomodoro in Sestri Levante – Tượng đài hình cánh buồm của nghệ sĩ Giò Pomodoro ở Sestri Levante
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The Nile statue in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of the most famous works of the famous Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is located in the Piazza Navona in Rome and was commissioned by Pope Innocent X (born Giovanni Battista Pamphilj) in 1648. The fountain is located in the center of the square and is a masterpiece of Baroque art. The fountain takes its name from the four rivers represented in the four giant statues located at the base of the central tower. These four rivers are symbols of four of the then known continents: the Nile for Africa, the Ganges for Asia, the Danube for Europe and the Rio de la Plata for the Americas. The statues are made of marble and each is accompanied by an animal or symbol characteristic of the region it represents. At the center of the fountain is an Egyptian obelisk, an architectural element that was transferred from Ancient Rome to the square by order of Pope Innocent X. The obelisk is crowned by the dove of peace and topped by a gilded bronze globe. This element gives the fountain a remarkable height and grandeur. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is an impressive work that masterfully mixes art, architecture and symbolism, as often happens in Bernini's works. Its creation required a considerable effort of engineering, and the result is one of the most admired and iconic attractions in Rome.
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Bernini’s giants move in gestures full of life and with an irrepressible expressive exuberance. The Nile covers its face with a drapery, referring to the obscurity of its sources, which remained unknown until the end of the 19th century. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The statue of the Nile in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome – La statue du Nil dans la Fontaine des Quatre Fleuves à Rome – La estatua del Nilo en la Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos en Roma – A estátua do Nilo na Fonte dos Quatro Rios em Roma – Die Nilstatue im Vierströmebrunnen in Rom – Tượng sông Nile tại Đài phun nước Bốn con sông ở Rome – 罗马四河喷泉中的尼罗河雕像 – ローマの四大河の噴水にあるナイル川の像
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Cristo Rei, the statue in front of Lisbon. Cristo Rei of Lisbon is a statue of Jesus Christ that stands on the south bank of the Tagus River, in the city of Almada, in front of Lisbon. The Cristo Rei statue is approximately 110 meters tall, with the statue itself measuring approximately 28 meters. Its construction was inspired by the Cristo Redentor statue in Rio de Janeiro. The statue is located on Monte Cristo Rei, which offers spectacular panoramic views of the city of Lisbon, the Tagus River and the 25 de Abril Bridge. Construction of the statue began in 1950 and was completed in 1959. It was erected as a thank you for Portugal having managed to avoid participation in World War II. The Cristo Rei statue symbolizes gratitude for divine protection during the war and also serves as a symbol of peace. This statue has become an icon of Lisbon and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the region. In addition to offering a breathtaking view, the area around the statue also hosts places of worship and a sanctuary.
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Here is where the palace is located:
The National Sanctuary of Christ the King or simply Christ the King is a Portuguese sanctuary located in Pragal, a former friary of the city of Almada, which in turn is part of Greater Lisbon. It is famous because behind it is a colossal statue of Christ the King, inspired by the Christ of Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, designed by the architect António Lino, built by Francisco Franco de Sousa and inaugurated on May 17, 1959. The base of the statue is shaped like a door and is 75 meters high and above it is the 28-meter statue of Christ the King. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Cristo Rei, the symbolic statue of Lisbon – Le Cristo Rei, la statue symbolique de Lisbonne – El Cristo Rei, la estatua simbólica de Lisboa – O Cristo Rei, a estátua simbólica de Lisboa – Der Cristo Rei, die symbolische Statue von Lissabon – Cristo Rei, bức tượng biểu tượng của Lisbon – 基督像 (Cristo Rei),里斯本的象征雕像 – リスボンの象徴的な像、クリスト・レイ
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L’orologio Astronomico in piazza della Loggia a Brescia visto dal retro. L’orologio astronomico di Brescia è un orologio monumentale situato sulla Torre del Pegol, nel cuore del centro storico di Brescia, Italia. Questo orologio è uno dei più antichi d’Europa ed è famoso per le sue caratteristiche astronomiche e artistiche. Normalmente lo si fotografa dal davanti, dalla piazza della Loggia, ma in questi scatti ero sul retro della torre (il lato b). Storia: L’orologio risale al XVI secolo e fu realizzato da Gian Alberto Barigozzi, un orologiaio bresciano, nel 1540. Nel corso dei secoli, ha subito alcune modifiche e restauri. Posizione: L’orologio è collocato sulla Torre del Pegol, una torre medievale alta circa 30 metri, situata in Piazza Loggia, nel centro storico di Brescia. Caratteristiche astronomiche: Una delle caratteristiche più interessanti dell’orologio è la sua complicata quadrante astronomico. Esso mostra le fasi della luna, il movimento del sole e della luna nel cielo, le costellazioni zodiacali e altre informazioni astronomiche. Questo tipo di orologio era essenziale nel XVI secolo per le attività agricole e per determinare i tempi liturgici. Meccanismo: L’orologio è azionato da un meccanismo complesso di ingranaggi e pesi. Il movimento delle lancette è controllato da questo sistema meccanico che, nonostante la sua antichità, continua a funzionare. Restauri: Nel corso dei secoli, l’orologio ha subito diversi restauri e interventi di manutenzione per preservarne l’integrità e far sì che continuasse a funzionare. L’ultimo grande restauro è avvenuto nel 2001. Eventi pubblici: L’orologio astronomico di Brescia è spesso protagonista di eventi pubblici, specialmente durante le festività locali. Le sue lancette e i suoi rintocchi hanno un significato simbolico e tradizionale per la comunità locale. L’orologio astronomico di Brescia è un’importante attrazione turistica e un simbolo della storia e della tradizione della città. La sua complessità meccanica e la sua bellezza artistica lo rendono un elemento unico nel panorama degli orologi astronomici storici.
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Here's where the tower is located:
La Torre dell’Orologio venne eretta tra il 1540 ed il 1550 su progetto di Lodovico Beretta, architetto bresciano, tra gli autori dello stesso palazzo della Loggia. All’interno della torre è presente un complesso orologio astronomico meccanico, realizzato tra il 1544 e il 1546 [1] da Paolo Gennari da Rezzato in sostituzione di un orologio posto in un altro lato della piazza, risalente al secolo precedente e dismesso nel 1543. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Astronomical Clock in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia seen from the back – L’horloge astronomique de la Piazza della Loggia à Brescia vue de dos – El Reloj Astronómico en la Piazza della Loggia en Brescia visto desde atrás – O Relógio Astronômico na Piazza della Loggia em Brescia visto de trás – Die astronomische Uhr auf der Piazza della Loggia in Brescia von hinten gesehen – Đồng hồ thiên văn ở Piazza della Loggia ở Brescia nhìn từ phía sau – 从后面看布雷西亚德拉凉廊广场的天文钟 – ブレシアのロッジャ広場にある天文時計を裏側から見た
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The Roman Theatre of Brixia, today's Brescia In the heart of the picturesque city of Brescia, there is a monument that tells stories of thousands of years and preserves the essence of a distant era: the Roman Theatre. This extraordinary masterpiece of engineering and culture is a tangible testimony to the greatness of ancient Rome and its lasting influence on European civilization. The Roman Theatre of Brescia, dating back to the 1st century AD, is one of the most important archaeological sites in the region. Built at a time when Brixia, the ancient name of Brescia, was a thriving Roman colony, the theatre served as a cultural centre and a place of entertainment for the citizens. The Roman Theatre of Brescia is a superb example of Roman architecture. Built on the Cidneo hill, it enjoys a panoramic view overlooking the city, offering spectators a magnificent spectacle even before the lights on the stage are turned on. The cavea, the part intended for the public, is a masterpiece of engineering that can accommodate up to 15,000 people. The steps are divided into three sectors, reserved for different social classes, highlighting the rigorous organization of Roman society. The cavea is supported by an imposing structure of arches and pillars that still inspire the admiration of visitors today. The stage, or “pulpitum,” is the central part of the theater, reserved for theatrical and musical performances. The proscenium, decorated with columns and statues, was the center of artistic activities involving drama, comedy, and even gladiators in specially adapted shows. The Roman Theatre of Brescia was much more than a simple place of performances. It was a social and cultural centre, a meeting point where citizens of different social classes could share experiences and passions. The shows, in addition to entertaining, also served to educate and communicate the values of Roman society. As the centuries passed, the Roman Theatre of Brescia fell into ruin, buried by the dust of time. However, during the Renaissance, interest in classical antiquity was renewed, and the theatre once again became an object of study and appreciation. During the 19th century, major excavation and restoration works were undertaken, bringing to light the magnificent monument we admire today. Today, the Roman Theatre of Brescia is an archaeological site open to the public, a place that transports visitors back in time. Numerous cultural events and shows are organized in the theatre, allowing modern citizens of Brescia to connect with their historical roots.
The Roman Theatre of Brescia is more than just a stone structure; it is a portal that connects us to ancient Rome, tells us stories of glory and intrigue, and invites us to reflect on the enduring influence of Roman civilization on our daily lives. Through its imposing presence, the theatre continues to inspire and educate, a silent witness to an era that lives on in the hearts and minds of those who visit it.
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Ecco dove si trova il teatro:
The theatre was built in the Flavian era, like the nearby Capitolium[1] (to which it was connected by a portico), and remodelled during the principality of Septimius Severus, in the 3rd century. It was probably damaged by the same fire that, in the 4th century, caused the partial collapse of the temple building located in the immediate vicinity, and by an earthquake in the 5th century, which completely destroyed the stage and the wall overlooking the street. Despite this, it was used until 1173. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Roman Theater of Brixia, today’s Brescia – Le théâtre romain de Brixia, l’actuelle Brescia – El Teatro Romano de Brixia, la Brescia actual – O Teatro Romano de Brixia, hoje Brescia – Das römische Theater von Brixia, dem heutigen Brescia – Nhà hát La Mã Brixia, Brescia ngày nay – 布里西亚罗马剧场,即今天的布雷西亚 – ブリクシアのローマ劇場、現在のブレシア
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Il ponte del Bisbe, del Vescovo, a Barcellona. Passeggiando nel quartiere Gotico di Barcellona sono passato sotto a questo ponticello monumentale, che unisce due palazzi, che ho scoperto essere il Ponte del Vescovo.
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Here's where the bridge is located:
Il Ponte del Bisbe, Ponte del Vescovo, è uno dei luoghi più fotografati del Barrio Gotico ma anche dell’intera Barcellona, nonché una delle costruzioni “più misteriose” del capoluogo Catalano. Il Ponte del Bisbe è un’ opera neo gotica realizzata nel 1928 nel corso di un’imponente progetto di ristrutturazione del Barrio Gotico affidata ad un discepolo di Gaudì, Joan Rubiò i Bellver. Continue and learn more on
The Bisbe Bridge, of the Bishop, in Barcelona – Le pont Bisbe, de l’évêque, à Barcelone – El Puente Bisbe, del Obispo, en Barcelona – A Ponte Bisbe, do Bispo, em Barcelona – Die Bisbe-Brücke des Bischofs in Barcelona – Cầu Bisbe của Bishop ở Barcelona – 巴塞罗那主教的比斯贝桥 – バルセロナの司教のビスベ橋
The statue of the Ganges in the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of the most famous works of the famous Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is located in the Piazza Navona in Rome and was commissioned by Pope Innocent X (born Giovanni Battista Pamphilj) in 1648. The fountain is located in the center of the square and is a masterpiece of Baroque art. The fountain takes its name from the four rivers represented in the four giant statues located at the base of the central tower. These four rivers are symbols of four of the then known continents: the Nile for Africa, the Ganges for Asia, the Danube for Europe and the Rio de la Plata for the Americas. The statues are made of marble and each is accompanied by an animal or symbol characteristic of the region it represents. At the center of the fountain is an Egyptian obelisk, an architectural element that was transferred from Ancient Rome to the square by order of Pope Innocent X. The obelisk is crowned by the dove of peace and topped by a gilded bronze globe. This element gives the fountain a remarkable height and grandeur. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is an impressive work that masterfully mixes art, architecture and symbolism, as often happens in Bernini's works. Its creation required a considerable effort of engineering, and the result is one of the most admired and iconic attractions in Rome.
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Bernini’s giants move in gestures full of life and with an irrepressible expressive exuberance. The Ganges holds a long oar that suggests the navigability of the river. The sculptor seeks a more careful study of the movements and expressions, which the artist varies to the maximum. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The Ganges statue in the Fontana dei Fiumi in Rome – La statue du Gange dans la Fontana dei Fiumi à Rome – La estatua del Ganges en la Fontana dei Fiumi en Roma – A estátua do Ganges na Fontana dei Fiumi em Roma – Die Ganges-Statue in der Fontana dei Fiumi in Rom – Tượng sông Hằng ở Fontana dei Fiumi ở Rome – 罗马 Fontana dei Fiumi 的恒河雕像 – ローマのフォンタナ・デイ・フィウミにあるガンジス川の彫像
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Il monumento alle Scoperte sul lungomare di Lisbona. Partendo dal porto di Lisbona di naviga per un po’ lungo la foce del fiume Tago. Durante la navigazione si possono notare molti simboli della capitale portoghese come il Cristo Redentor, il Ponte 25 de Abril ed anche il monumento alle Scoperte (di cui vi posto oggi le foto). Dedicato ai molti che partirono per mare tra il XV ed il XVI secolo, anni della esplosione della marineria europea.
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Here is where the monument is located:
The Monument to the Discoveries (Padrão dos Descobrimentos in Portuguese), located in Belém on the banks of the Tagus River, was built in 1960, five hundred years after the death of Henry the Navigator, to celebrate the age of Portuguese discoveries made by navigators between the 15th and 16th centuries. The monument was begun under the Salazar regime and was intended to celebrate all the sailors who participated in the explorations. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The monument dedicated to the discoveries on the Lisbon waterfront – Le monument dédié aux découvertes sur le front de mer de Lisbonne – El monumento dedicado a los descubrimientos en el paseo marítimo de Lisboa – O monumento dedicado aos descobrimentos na zona ribeirinha de Lisboa – Das den Entdeckungen gewidmete Denkmal an der Küste von Lissabon – Tượng đài dành riêng cho những khám phá trên bờ sông Lisbon – 纪念里斯本海滨发现的纪念碑 – リスボンのウォーターフロントにある発見を記念した記念碑