Cold canapés for a cocktail on a cruise

Canapè freddi per un cocktail in crociera

Cold canapés for a cocktail on a cruise.
Sometimes, when there is a special occasion or event (such as a cocktail party or a small party), canapés are prepared on the ship for an aperitif.
Passengers can purchase this service on board.
Over the years, they have also changed in appearance: I remember that once they were canapés or volován while now they are much more elaborate. Only the raw ham rolled on a breadstick remains.
I almost forgot: a Costa cruise, of course!

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Canapè freddi per un cocktail in crociera

Photo taken with Honor 20.

A canapé (from the French canapé and the medieval Latin canapeum, a corruption of the class conopēum, conopeo) is a small appetizer placed or spread on slices of crustless bread that are usually first spread with butter and also previously grilled. It is usually carefully prepared and very decorative in appearance, separated into slices and often eaten in a single bite.
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Cold canapés for a cocktail on a cruise – Canapés froids pour un cocktail en croisière – Canapés fríos para un cóctel en un crucero – Canapés frios para um cocktail num cruzeiro – Kalte Canapés für einen Cocktail auf einer Kreuzfahrt – Món canapé lạnh cho một ly cocktail trên du thuyền

The departure, at night, from the port of Savona

La partenza, in notturna, dal porto di Savona

The departure, at night, from the port of Savona.
Some time ago I was on board the ex Costa Firenze (of Costa Crociere) and one evening, we had a bit of a delay in leaving, we set sail later than usual from Savona.
I therefore had the opportunity to take some night photos of the area in front of the port and, in full view, of the Leon Pancaldo Tower.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's the spot, more or less, where I took the shot:

The departure, at night, from the port of Savona – Le départ, de nuit, du port de Savone – Salida, por la noche, desde el puerto de Savona. – A saída, à noite, do porto de Savona – Die Abfahrt, nachts, vom Hafen von Savona – Chuyến khởi hành vào ban đêm từ cảng Savona

The decorations of the magnificent buffet on board the ship

Le decorazioni del buffet magnifico a bordo nave

The decorations of the magnificent buffet on board the ship.
On some ships and on certain itineraries (usually on longer cruises) they try to recreate the Magnificent Buffet that was done many years ago on gala evenings.
When I was on board the former Costa Firenze, we went on 14-day cruises in the Western Mediterranean and that was what we did.
These were just some of the beautiful decorations that the kitchen prepared.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Costa Firenze is the fifth Vista-class cruise ship built at the Marghera shipyard. Originally designed for the Chinese market by Costa Asia, a subsidiary of the Italian shipping company Costa Crociere, following the COVID-19 pandemic it was subsequently deployed for the European market.
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The decorations of the magnificent buffet on board the ship – Les décorations du magnifique buffet à bord du navire – La decoración del magnífico buffet a bordo del barco – A decoração do magnífico buffet a bordo do navio – Die Dekoration des prächtigen Buffets an Bord des Schiffes – Trang trí tiệc buffet hoành tráng trên tàu

A beautiful cottage in Flam, Norway

Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

A beautiful little house in Flam, Norway.
When I'm in port with the ship and unfortunately, for one reason or another, I have to stay on board, I love using the telephoto lens to immortalize what you see from the higher decks.
They are often unusual perspectives.
This, for example, was a beautiful little house with a few rows of fruit trees in front.

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Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here's where the villa is located more or less:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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A beautiful cottage in Flam, Norway – Une belle maison à Flam, Norvège – Una hermosa casa en Flam, Noruega – Uma bela casa em Flam, Noruega – Ein wunderschönes Haus in Flam, Norwegen – Một ngôi nhà đẹp ở Flam, Na Uy

Sailing in the Geiranger Fjord in Norway

Navigando nel fiordo di Geiranger in Norvegia

Sailing in the Geiranger Fjord in Norway.
My job has taken me sailing in the Norwegian fjords aboard the Costa Crociere ships for two consecutive summers.
What a spectacle it is to cross the mountains on a ship!
These three shots are from two years ago while I was aboard the former Costa Firenze.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

To see all the other photos, click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the fjord is located:

The Geirangerfjord (Geirangerfjorden) is a fjord in the Norwegian region of Sunnmøre in the south of the county of Møre og Romsdal. It is a branch of the much larger Storfjorden and within it is the famous village of Geiranger. The fjord is one of the most visited natural sites in Norway and since 2005 it is included, together with the Nærøyfjord, in the List of World Heritage Sites drawn up by UNESCO. The presence of these two fjords in the list is however threatened by a plan to build some power lines through the fjord.
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Sailing in the Geiranger Fjord in Norway – Naviguer dans le fjord de Geiranger en Norvège – Navegando en el fiordo de Geiranger en Noruega – Navegando no Fiorde de Geiranger, na Noruega – Segeln im Geiranger Fjord in Norwegen – Đi thuyền ở vịnh hẹp Geiranger ở Na Uy

Passing by ship near Cristo Rei

Passando con la nave vicino al Cristo Rei di Lisbona

Passing by ship near the Cristo Rei in Lisbon.
When you leave Lisbon by ship and travel along the immense mouth of the Tagus River, you have to pass under the famous bridge called Ponte 25 de Abril which is located a short distance from perhaps the most famous monument in Lisbon: the Cristo Rei.
Here, on board the ex Costa Firenze a few years ago, I took some photos just as the ship passed under the bridge.

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Passando con la nave vicino al Cristo Rei di Lisbona

Passando con la nave vicino al Cristo Rei di Lisbona

Passando con la nave vicino al Cristo Rei di Lisbona

Passando con la nave vicino al Cristo Rei di Lisbona

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the departures, by ship, from Lisbon click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the bridge and the Christ are located:

The National Sanctuary of Christ the King or simply Christ the King is a Portuguese sanctuary located in Pragal, a former friary of the city of Almada, which in turn is part of Greater Lisbon. It is famous because behind it is a colossal statue of Christ the King, inspired by the Christ of Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, designed by the architect António Lino, built by Francisco Franco de Sousa and inaugurated on May 17, 1959. The base of the statue is shaped like a door and is 75 meters high and above it is the 28-meter statue of Christ the King.
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Passing by the ship near the Cristo Rei in Lisbon – Passage avec le bateau près du Cristo Rei à Lisbonne – Pasando con el barco cerca del Cristo Rei en Lisboa – Passagem com o navio perto do Cristo Rei em Lisboa – Vorbeifahrt mit dem Schiff in der Nähe des Cristo Rei in Lissabon – Đi ngang qua con tàu gần Cristo Rei ở Lisbon

The Costa Diadema ship in Geiranger, Norway

La Costa Diadema a Geiranger in Norvegia

The Costa Diadema in Geiranger, Norway.
Last summer, when I was on board the Costa Diadema, one of the splendid ships of Costa Crociere, my wife and I went several times for a walk on the paths around Geiranger.
Obviously, I couldn't miss a few shots of my beautiful ship.

Have you ever taken a Costa cruise to the fjords?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is Geiranger located:

Costa Diadema is a cruise ship of the Genoese company Costa Crociere. Upon completion, it was the largest ship ever built under the Italian flag. Laid down on 10 December 2012 in the construction dock of the shipyard, it entered service as scheduled on 30 October 2014.
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The Costa Diadema ship in Geiranger, Norway – Le navire Costa Diadema à Geiranger, Norvège – El barco Costa Diadema en Geiranger, Noruega – O navio Costa Diadema em Geiranger, Noruega – Das Schiff Costa Diadema in Geiranger, Norwegen – Tàu Costa Diadema ở Geiranger, Na Uy

The great model of the former Costa Firenze

Il grande modello della ex Costa Firenze

The large model of the former Costa Firenze.
Last year I was on board the beautiful, in my opinion, Costa Firenze which unfortunately passed to Carnival in February 2024.
This was the large model of the ship that was present on the main deck of the ship itself.
Now have they changed the name on the model too?

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Il grande modello della ex Costa Firenze

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Costa Firenze is the fifth Vista-class cruise ship built at the Marghera shipyard. Originally designed for the Chinese market by Costa Asia, a subsidiary of the Italian shipping company Costa Crociere, following the COVID-19 pandemic it was subsequently deployed for the European market.
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The great model of the former Costa Firenze – Le grand modèle de l’ancien Costa Firenze – El gran modelo del antiguo Costa Firenze – A grande modelo do ex-Costa Firenze – Das tolle Modell der ehemaligen Costa Firenze – Das tolle Modell der ehemaligen Costa Firenze

The former Costa Firenze in port in Las Palma de Gran Canaria

La Costa Firenze in porto a Las Palma de Gran Canaria

The former Costa Firenze in port in Las Palma de Gran Canaria.
When I was on board the Costa Firenze a couple of years ago I took many photos of the ship while it was in port.
In this case the beautiful ship was in the port of Las Palma de Gran Canaria, in Spain.

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La Costa Firenze in porto a Las Palma de Gran Canaria

La Costa Firenze in porto a Las Palma de Gran Canaria

La Costa Firenze in porto a Las Palma de Gran Canaria

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Costa Firenze is the fifth Vista-class cruise ship built at the Marghera shipyard. Originally designed for the Chinese market by Costa Asia, a subsidiary of the Italian shipping company Costa Crociere, following the COVID-19 pandemic it was subsequently deployed for the European market.
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The former Costa Firenze in port in Las Palma de Gran Canaria – L’ancien Costa Firenze au port de Las Palma de Gran Canaria – El antiguo Costa Firenze en el puerto de Las Palma de Gran Canaria – O antigo Costa Firenze no porto de Las Palma de Gran Canaria – Die ehemalige Costa Firenze im Hafen von Las Palma de Gran Canaria – Costa Firenze trước đây ở cảng Las Palma de Gran Canaria

The hall Piazza della Signoria on the former Costa Firenze

The Piazza della Signoria lounge on the former Costa Firenze.
Last year I was aboard the beautiful, in my opinion, Costa Firenze which unfortunately passed to Carnival in February 2024.
This was the main atrium, the one with the information office, excursion office and bar, in the center of which was this column surmounted by a majestic golden lion.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Costa Firenze is the fifth Vista-class cruise ship built at the Marghera shipyard. Originally designed for the Chinese market by Costa Asia, a subsidiary of the Italian shipping company Costa Crociere, following the COVID-19 pandemic it was subsequently deployed for the European market.
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The Piazza della Signoria hall on the former Costa Firenze – La salle Piazza della Signoria sur l’ancienne Costa Firenze – La sala Piazza della Signoria en la antigua Costa Firenze – O salão Piazza della Signoria na antiga Costa Firenze – Der Saal der Piazza della Signoria an der ehemaligen Costa Firenze – Hội trường Piazza della Signoria trên Costa Firenze trước đây – 旧コスタ フィレンツェのシニョリーア広場ホール