Venezia al tramonto. Non ho moltissimo da scrivere su questa foto anche perche’ recentemente della citta’ lagunare vi ho postato diverse foto. Sempre splendida la partenza con la nave al tramonto. I colori sono magnifici.
The beautiful city of Venice at sunset – La belle ville de Venise au coucher du soleil – La hermosa ciudad de Venecia al atardecer – A bela cidade de Veneza ao pôr do sol – Die schöne Stadt Venedig bei Sonnenuntergang – Thành phố Venice xinh đẹp lúc hoàng hôn – 日落时美丽的威尼斯市 – 日没時の美しいヴェネツィアの街
A delicious plate of pasta with lobster. Pasta with lobster, let's say with lobster sauce, is one of my favorite fish dishes (even if it's not really fish). This was made on board my last ship (while I'm at it I'll give my Costa Crociere a little advertising, which for a few years has offered, for a fee, various special dishes - all very good).
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It is medium-large in size with an average length of 20–40 cm and a maximum of 50 cm and a weight of up to 8 kg. The body is sub-cylindrical in shape, covered by an armor that changes several times during growth to recreate a new one. The carapace is divided into two parts - the cephalothorax (anterior part) and the abdomen (posterior part) - with a reddish-brown to purple-brown color and is covered with conical spines. The abdomen is made up of 6 mobile segments, and is equipped with a tiny stinger. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A delicious pasta dish with lobster – Un délicieux plat de pâtes au homard – Un delicioso plato de pasta con bogavante – Um delicioso prato de massa com lagosta – Ein leckeres Nudelgericht mit Hummer – Một món mì ngon với tôm hùm – 一道美味的意大利面配龙虾 – ロブスターのおいしいパスタ料理
Mussels and prawns: pan at the ship's buffet. A pan of mussels and prawns. It was the main dish at the Costa NeoRiviera buffet a few weeks ago and made many passengers happy, who in fact dusted it off in no time.
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Mussels and prawns: pan at the ship’s buffet – Moules et gambas : la poêle au buffet du navire – Mejillones y gambas: sartén en el buffet del barco – Mexilhões e camarões: panela no buffet do navio – Muscheln und Garnelen: Pfanne am Schiffsbuffet – Vẹm và tôm: áp chảo buffet trên tàu
The Costa NeoClassica in the caldera of Santorini. In the center of the caldera the Costa NeoClassica ship. Even if it will soon no longer be in our family, it is still a beautiful ship and also the first of the nineties. This is the splendid view that can be enjoyed in Santorini in the summer.
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Santorini (also Santorino in Italian; in Modern Greek Σαντορίνη, Santoríni, in Ancient Greek Θήρα, Thera) is the southernmost island of the Cyclades archipelago, in the Aegean Sea. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The NeoClassical Costa in the caldera of Santorini – La Costa néoclassique dans la caldeira de Santorin – La Costa Neoclásica en la caldera de Santorini – A costa neoclássica na caldeira de Santorini – Die neoklassizistische Costa in der Caldera von Santorini – Bờ biển Tân cổ điển ở miệng núi lửa Santorini – 圣托里尼火山口的新古典主义海岸 – サントリーニ島のカルデラにある新古典主義の海岸
The Costa Fascinosa in port in Ibiza. Some time ago I was on the Costa Fascinosa and, from the heights of the town of Ibiza, I took a couple of photos of it.
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Costa Fascinosa is a cruise ship of the Genoa-based Costa Crociere company. It was ordered in October 2007 and built at the Fincantieri shipyard in Marghera. It entered service on 5 May 2012. The names Costa Fascinosa and Costa Favolosa were selected through a competition. The choice of names was guided by approximately 40,000 travel agents in over 40 countries, who submitted more than 16,000 possible pairs of names for the two ships. In the end, twenty-five pairs of names were published on the World of Costa website, where visitors were invited to choose their favorite pairing, and after more than 42,000 preferences expressed, in the end the names “Favolosa” and “Fascinosa” were the winners. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Costa Fascinosa in port in Ibiza – La Costa Fascinosa au port d’Ibiza – La Costa Fascinosa en el puerto de Ibiza – A Costa Fascinosa no porto de Ibiza – Die Costa Fascinosa im Hafen von Ibiza – Costa Fascinosa tại cảng ở Ibiza
Per vedere tutte le foto della cittadina clicca here.
A beautiful sunset on the Greek island of Mykonos – Un beau coucher de soleil sur l’île grecque de Mykonos – Una hermosa puesta de sol en la isla griega de Mykonos – Um belo pôr do sol na ilha grega de Mykonos – Ein wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang auf der griechischen Insel Mykonos – Cảnh hoàng hôn tuyệt đẹp trên đảo Mykonos của Hy Lạp – 希腊米科诺斯岛上美丽的日落 – ギリシャのミコノス島の美しい夕日
Spille e bottoni da commissario. Se sei un marittimo e magari un commissario di bordo ti possono essere familiari questi tre oggettini fotografati in macro. I primi due sono due stelle, una di stoffa e l’altra in metallo, mentre il terzo è un bottone con l’ancora:
La stella dei commissari di bordo. Uno dei distintivi dei commissari di bordo è la stella dorata con bordo rosso. Sicuramente chi ha fatto una crociera le ha viste, applicate ai bordi dei baveri delle giacche della divisa. I commissari di bordo (gli ufficiali della sezione hotel) hanno le stelle, gli ufficiali di coperta le ancore mentre gli ufficiali di macchina le eliche.
Il modellino della nave creato tutto in cioccolato. Mi è piaciuto tantissimo questo modellino della nave preparato con cioccolata e pan di Spagna. È stato preparato dagli ottimi pasticcieri della Costa Deliziosa per la notte bianca. Bellissimo!
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The ship model created entirely in chocolate – La maquette du navire créée entièrement en chocolat – El modelo del barco creado íntegramente en chocolate. – A maqueta do navio criada inteiramente em chocolate – Das Modell des Schiffs ist komplett aus Schokolade gefertigt – Mô hình con tàu được làm hoàn toàn bằng sôcôla