Orchidee rosa.
Ancora una foto di un bel fiore che ho scattato qualche settimana fa a Singapore, nell’immenso Flower Dome.
Le orchidee sono proprio uno dei fiori piu’ belli che esistano o almeno tra quelli che ho visto io nella mia vita.
Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.
Orchidaceae (Orchidaceae Juss., 1789) are a family of monocotyledonous plants, belonging to the order Orchidales (or Asparagales according to the APG classification). Their flowers are commonly called orchids. This family is made up of perennial herbaceous plants, some of which are able to absorb the substances necessary for their survival from the water present in the environment through aerial roots (autotrophy) and are also capable of nourishing themselves by assimilating substances from decomposing organisms (sapròphytes).
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You can find all the photos taken at the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest here: