The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

The Trevi Fountain: a masterpiece of Roman Baroque.
The Trevi Fountain is one of the most iconic monuments in Rome and one of the most famous fountains in the world. Located in the heart of the Eternal City, this majestic work of art attracts millions of visitors every year, fascinated by its beauty and history.
The fountain was designed by the architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Giuseppe Pannini in 1762¹. Its construction was commissioned by Pope Clement XII in 1732, with the aim of celebrating the restoration of the ancient aqueduct of the Acqua Vergine, which dates back to the time of Emperor Augustus². This aqueduct supplied pure water to the city of Rome and the fountain represents the terminal point of this water system.
The Trevi Fountain is a masterpiece of the late Baroque, characterized by a rich sculptural decoration representing the sea. At the center of the fountain stands the statue of Oceanus, the work of Pietro Bracci, who drives a shell-shaped chariot pulled by sea horses³. Around him, mythological figures and sea creatures complete the scene, creating an effect of movement and dynamism.
The fountain is set in the façade of Palazzo Poli, which serves as a monumental backdrop. The decorations include numerous plants and plant species sculpted in marble, which add a touch of realism and naturalness to the work³.

One of the most famous traditions associated with the Trevi Fountain is tossing a coin into the water. It is said that whoever throws a coin into the fountain, turning their back, will surely return to Rome⁴. Every year, around 1.5 million euros in coins are collected, which are donated to Caritas to help those in need⁴.
Over the years, the Trevi Fountain has undergone several restorations to preserve its beauty and integrity. The last major restoration was completed in 2015, thanks to the funding of the fashion house Fendi, which contributed 2.2 million euros¹.

The Trevi Fountain is not only one of the most visited tourist attractions in Rome, but also a symbol of the city's rich history and culture. With its magnificence and traditions, it continues to enchant and fascinate visitors from all over the world.

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La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

La fontana di Trevi: un capolavoro del Barocco romano

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is also a nice video of the fountain:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

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The Trevi Fountain is the largest and most famous fountain in Rome. Built on the facade of Palazzo Poli by Nicola Salvi, the competition announced by Pope Clement XII in 1731 was initially won by the French sculptor Lambert-Sigisbert Adam but the assignment was subsequently passed to Salvi.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The Trevi Fountain: A Masterpiece of Roman Baroque – La Fontaine de Trevi : un chef-d’œuvre du baroque romain – La Fontana de Trevi: una obra maestra del barroco romano – A Fonte de Trevi: uma obra-prima do barroco romano – Der Trevi-Brunnen: ein Meisterwerk des römischen Barocks – Đài phun nước Trevi: kiệt tác của thời La Mã Baroque

¹: [Viaggiamo – Fontana di Trevi: storia e descrizione](
²: [Arte in Breve – La fontana di Trevi](
³: [ArcheoRoma – Fontana di Trevi](
⁴: [Scopri Roma – Fontana di Trevi](

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The Magical Trevi Fountain in Rome

La magica Fontana di Trevi: una sorgente di bellezza e leggende

The Magical Trevi Fountain in Rome
The Trevi Fountain, located in the heart of Rome, is one of the world's most iconic architectural wonders. This baroque masterpiece is much more than just a fountain; it is a symbol of beauty, history and desire, surrounded by legends and traditions that fascinate visitors from all over the world.
The Trevi Fountain, designed by Niccolò Salvi and completed in 1762 by Giuseppe Pannini, is a triumph of Baroque art. Its elaborate facade and imposing sculptures make it a true visual spectacle. The statues represent the god Oceanus, accompanied by Tritons and seahorses, while Neptune, the god of the sea, emerges in the center.
This fountain is surrounded by a number of legends and traditions. The most famous involves throwing a coin over your left shoulder into the fountain. Popular belief is that whoever does this is destined to return to Rome. Throwing a second coin will ensure a new love, while a third coin will ensure a marriage. This tradition attracts thousands of visitors every day, and the collected coins are donated to charity.
The Trevi Fountain has left an indelible mark on popular culture. It has appeared in numerous films, including Federico Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita,” where Anita Ekberg dives into the water, creating an iconic cinematic scene. The fountain has also been celebrated in songs and works of art, confirming its status as an enduring symbol of art, beauty, and passion.
In 2014, the Trevi Fountain underwent a major restoration funded by the fashion house Fendi, which restored its original beauty. Today, the fountain continues to be one of the most visited places in Rome, and the constant flow of visitors helps to keep its beauty alive.

In conclusion, the Trevi Fountain is much more than a simple tourist attraction. It is a symbol of Rome and its eternal beauty, a place where history, art and tradition are fascinatingly intertwined. The prospect of making a wish and throwing a coin into this fountain continues to inspire dreams and hopes of visitors from all over the world.

Have you ever seen the famous fountain?
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La magica Fontana di Trevi: una sorgente di bellezza e leggende

La magica Fontana di Trevi: una sorgente di bellezza e leggende

La magica Fontana di Trevi: una sorgente di bellezza e leggende

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

Here is also a nice video of the fountain:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Click here to see all the photos of Rome:
foto gallery

The Trevi Fountain is the largest and most famous fountain in Rome. Built on the facade of Palazzo Poli by Nicola Salvi, the competition announced by Pope Clement XII in 1731 was initially won by the French sculptor Lambert-Sigisbert Adam but the assignment was subsequently passed to Salvi.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The magical Trevi Fountain: a source of beauty and legends – La magique fontaine de Trevi : source de beauté et de légendes – La mágica Fontana de Trevi: fuente de belleza y leyendas – A mágica Fonte de Trevi: fonte de beleza e lendas – Der magische Trevi-Brunnen: eine Quelle der Schönheit und Legenden – Đài phun nước Trevi kỳ diệu: nguồn gốc của vẻ đẹp và huyền thoại – 神奇的特莱维喷泉:美丽和传奇的源泉 – 魔法のトレビの泉: 美と伝説の源

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