An excellent michetta bread with mortadella

Una ottima michetta con la mortadella mangiata in nave

An excellent michetta with mortadella eaten on the ship.
Some time ago, on the ship, Chef Biagio decided to prepare fresh michetta and what could be better to fill them with than the equally excellent mortadella?

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

In much of Italy there is a bread that follows its shape (usually without the central cap and not without crumb, called rosetta); the "prestinai" who produce this type of bread are few because, in addition to requiring particular familiarity and commitment, the michetta weighs very little and therefore, based on the weight of the bread produced, its production requires a relatively high level of manpower: this results in a relatively high price compared to other forms of bread that, over time, have become more commonly consumed.
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An excellent michetta with mortadella eaten on the ship – Une excellente michetta à la mortadelle consommée à bord du navire – Una excelente michetta con mortadela que se come a bordo del barco. – Uma excelente michetta com mortadela comida a bordo do navio – Eine ausgezeichnete Michetta mit Mortadella, die an Bord des Schiffes gegessen wird – Món michetta tuyệt vời với mortadella được ăn trên tàu