I casoncelli alla bergamasca piatto tipico di Bergamo

I casoncelli alla bergamasca piatto tipico di Bergamo

I casoncelli alla bergamasca piatto tipico di Bergamo.
I casoncelli alla bergamasca sono un piatto tipico della tradizione culinaria di Bergamo, una città situata nella regione della Lombardia, nel nord Italia. Si tratta di ravioli ripieni caratteristici di questa zona. La loro forma è generalmente quadrata o rettangolare e il ripieno può variare leggermente a seconda delle ricette tradizionali delle famiglie bergamasche.
Il ripieno dei casoncelli alla bergamasca di solito include una combinazione di carne di manzo, pane grattugiato, formaggio, uova, aromi come noce moscata e, talvolta, altri ingredienti come amaretti sbriciolati o mostarda (un condimento a base di frutta e senape). Questa miscela di ingredienti crea un ripieno saporito e ricco di sfumature di gusto.
La preparazione dei casoncelli è un processo artigianale che richiede attenzione e cura. Dopo aver preparato l’impasto per la pasta, si stende sottilmente e si taglia in quadrati. Ogni quadrato viene poi riempito con una piccola quantità di ripieno, e la pasta viene piegata e sigillata per creare la forma caratteristica dei casoncelli.
Il condimento tradizionale per i casoncelli alla bergamasca è il burro fuso aromatizzato con foglie di salvia. A volte, i casoncelli vengono anche serviti con una spolverata di formaggio grattugiato.
Questo piatto è spesso associato a occasioni speciali e festività locali. La ricetta esatta può variare da famiglia a famiglia, e ogni cuoco potrebbe apportare piccole modifiche per rendere il piatto unico. I casoncelli alla bergamasca sono un’importante espressione della cultura culinaria della regione di Bergamo.

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I casoncelli alla bergamasca piatto tipico di Bergamo

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Gustati nel ristorante di Bergamo Alta dafrancobergamo.it.

Ecco dove si trova il ristorante in cui li ho assaggiati:

Il ripieno conferisce ai casoncelli un sapore lievemente dolciastro, caratteristica tipica del panorama culinario medioevale e rinascimentale nel quale hanno origine; una documentazione certa attesta la loro esistenza già nel 1386. Sotto il dominio veneziano il ripieno si arricchí con spezie, amaretti e ingredienti di origine lontana. La ricetta attuale è il consolidamento della versione ottocentesca. In dialetto vengono chiamati casonséi.
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The casoncelli alla bergamasca is a typical dish from Bergamo – Les casoncelli alla bergamasca sont un plat typique de Bergame – El casoncelli alla bergamasca es un plato típico de Bérgamo – O casoncelli alla bergamasca é um prato típico de Bérgamo – Die Casoncelli alla Bergamasca sind ein typisches Gericht aus Bergamo – Casoncelli alla bergamasca là món ăn đặc trưng của Bergamo – casoncelli alla bergamasca 是贝加莫的一道典型菜肴 – カソンチェッリ・アッラ・ベルガマスカはベルガモの代表的な料理です

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Le pappardelle fresche al ragù di carne

Le pappardelle fresche al ragù di carne

Le pappardelle fresche al ragù di carne.
Il ragù di carne penso che sia il sugo che io amo di più.
In questo caso lo chef di bordo ci ha voluto regalare questo piatto preparando delle pappardelle fresche conditecon un ottimo sugo (agli altri commensali le ha condite con il sugo di funghi che però a me non piace).
Erano veramente ottime!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Le pappardelle (dal toscano pappare oppure, ma meno attestato, dal provenzale papard) sono un formato di pasta all’uovo del tutto simili alle tagliatelle ma di larghezza decisamente superiore. Sono considerate un tipo di lasagne, nel senso generico di “strisce larghe di pasta sfoglia all’uovo”. Mentre le tagliatelle sono una forma di pasta di tradizione prettamente emiliano-romagnola, le pappardelle, sebbene risentano dell’influsso emiliano, sono di tipica tradizione toscana
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Fresh pappardelle with meat sauce – Pappardelle fraîche avec sauce à la viande – Pappardelle fresco con salsa de carne – Pappardelle fresco com molho de carne – Frische Pappardelle mit Fleischsoße – Pappardelle tươi sốt thịt – 新鲜宽面配肉酱 – フレッシュパッパルデッレ ミートソース添え

A classic pasta and beans, the recipe

Una classica pasta e fagioli, la ricetta

A classic pasta and beans, the recipe

Every now and then, when I'm on a ship, someone asks the chef to prepare a proper pasta e fagioli. We are almost always satisfied. So I decided to write down the recipe (with a little help). The photo is of a finished dish enjoyed on the ship.


– 250 g pasta (usually short pasta, such as ditalini or tubetti, or even long broken pasta);
– 400 g cannellini beans (you can use canned or dried ones, previously soaked and cooked);
– 1 onion, finely chopped;
– 2 cloves garlic, minced;
– 2 carrots, diced;
– 2 celery stalks, diced;
– 400 g peeled tomatoes, chopped;
– 1 litre vegetable or meat broth;
– 2 bay leaves;
– 1 sprig rosemary;
– Extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt and black pepper to taste;
– Grated Parmesan cheese (optional, for serving);


In a large saucepan, heat a little olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, carrots and celery. Sauté until the vegetables are tender.
Add the chopped peeled tomatoes and cook for a few minutes until the mixture thickens.
Add the cannellini beans and mix well with the vegetables and tomatoes.
Pour the stock into the saucepan and add the bay leaves and sprig of rosemary. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 20-30 minutes.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta in salted water according to the package instructions, but leave it al dente.
Drain the pasta and add it to the saucepan with the bean soup. Mix well.
Taste the soup and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Remove the bay leaves and the sprig of rosemary.
Serve the pasta e fagioli hot, garnished with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and, if desired, a sprinkling of grated parmesan.
This recipe is just a basic guide, and you can adapt it according to your personal tastes. Enjoy!

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Una classica pasta e fagioli, la ricetta

Photo taken with Honor 10.

Pasta e fagioli is a typical Italian dish of which there are several regional variations. In Neapolitan cuisine, pasta is cooked directly together with legumes. Thanks to this particular cooking system, the starch present in the pasta is preserved. This gives the preparation a particularly creamy appearance that in Neapolitan is called (“azzeccosa”).
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A classic pasta and beans, the recipe – Un classique des pâtes et des haricots, la recette – Un clásico de pasta y frijoles, la receta – Um clássico macarrão com feijão, a receita – Ein Klassiker aus Pasta und Bohnen, das Rezept – Một công thức mì ống và đậu cổ điển – 经典的面食和豆类,食谱 – 定番のパスタと豆のレシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Spaghetti with lobster sauce, the recipe

Gli spaghetti al sugo di astice, la ricetta

Spaghetti with lobster sauce, the recipe.
Every now and then, on the ship, I am lucky enough to enjoy a plate of pasta seasoned with lobster sauce (or crawfish, depending on what's on the menu).
Making the sauce at home is not particularly difficult either, but as with everything, it also takes a little talent.
Here I propose a simple recipe that ChatGPT helped me write.


– 400 g spaghetti;
– 1 whole lobster (or already cleaned and halved);
– a few fresh cherry tomatoes;
– 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped;
– Red chilli pepper (to taste, for a spicy touch);
– Fresh parsley, chopped;
– Extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt and black pepper to taste.


Lobster preparation:
If you are using a whole lobster, cook it in a pot of boiling salted water for about 8-10 minutes until it turns red. Drain the lobster and let it cool slightly. Then crack the shell and scoop out the meat. Cut the lobster meat into smaller pieces, leaving a few larger pieces for decoration at the end.
Sauce preparation:
In a large frying pan, heat a little olive oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and chili pepper (if desired) and fry until the garlic turns golden.
Add the halved fresh cherry tomatoes. Cook over medium-low heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the previously prepared lobster meat and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce seems too thick, you can add a little of the pasta cooking water to thin it out.

Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted water according to the package instructions. Drain the pasta al dente and reserve a cup of the cooking water.
Add the spaghetti to the lobster sauce in the pan, mix well and sauté for a minute, adding a little cooking water if necessary to combine everything.
Add the chopped fresh parsley and mix.

Serve the spaghetti with lobster sauce garnished with larger pieces of lobster and a drizzle of fresh olive oil.
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Contrary to popular belief, the lobster and the crawfish are only loosely related, belonging to two distinct infraorders of the same suborder. By comparison, these two species are as closely related as humans are to tarsiers.
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Spaghetti with lobster sauce, the recipe – Spaghetti à la sauce au homard, la recette – Espaguetis con salsa de bogavante, la receta – Espaguete com molho de lagosta, a receita – Spaghetti mit Hummersauce, das Rezept – Công thức mì spaghetti sốt tôm hùm – 龙虾酱意大利面,食谱 – ロブスターソースのスパゲッティ、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

An excellent maritozzo with whipped cream eaten in Rome

Un ottimo maritozzo con la panna mangiato a Roma

An excellent maritozzo with whipped cream eaten in Rome
One of the symbols of the capital is certainly the maritozzo with whipped cream.
The last time I was in Rome I devoured one, in a well-known ice cream shop in the center.
Truly spectacular!

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Un ottimo maritozzo con la panna mangiato a Roma

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here is the website of the ice cream shop/pastry shop in Rome where I tasted it: don-nino.it.

The maritozzo is a Roman dessert consisting of a small loaf of bread kneaded with flour, eggs, honey, butter and salt which, cut in two, is traditionally filled with plenty of whipped cream and possibly enriched with pine nuts, grapes and candied orange peel. This recipe is typical of Lazio, Marche and Abruzzo, while in Puglia and Sicily the name maritozzo indicates a braid-shaped dessert without pine nuts and raisins in the dough.
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An excellent Maritozzo with cream eaten in Rome – Un excellent Maritozzo à la crème mangé à Rome – Un excelente Maritozzo con crema que se come en Roma – Um excelente Maritozzo com creme comido em Roma – Ein ausgezeichneter Maritozzo mit Sahne, der in Rom gegessen wird – Món Maritozzo tuyệt vời với kem được ăn ở Rome – 在罗马吃过的美味马里托佐奶油 – ローマで食べる絶品クリーム入りマリトッツォ

Penne with curry and rocket, the recipe

Penne al curry e rucola, la ricetta

Penne with curry and rocket, the recipe.
Some time ago, the chef on board prepared us an Indian dish with strong flavors: penne seasoned with curry and rocket. Obviously a dish of Indian origin.


  • 350 g of penne;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 onion, finely chopped;
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced;
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder;
  • 200 ml cooking cream;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 100 g of fresh rocket;
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (optional).


Cook the penne: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook the penne according to the package instructions. Drain when al dente.
Make the curry sauce: In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic and sauté until translucent.
Add the curry: Add the curry powder to the onion and stir well to combine.
Pour in the cream: Pour the cream into the skillet and stir well. Cook over medium-low heat for about 5-7 minutes or until the sauce thickens slightly. Be sure to stir occasionally.
Season with salt and pepper: Add salt and pepper to taste to adjust the flavor of the sauce.
Combine the penne and arugula: Add the cooked penne to the skillet with the curry sauce. Also add the fresh arugula and mix well until the arugula is slightly wilted.
Serve: Divide the curry and arugula penne among the plates. If desired, sprinkle with grated parmesan.
Garnish and serve: You can garnish with a little freshly ground black pepper or other cheese to your liking. Serve hot and enjoy your delicious curry and arugula pasta!
This recipe is quite flexible, so feel free to adapt it to your personal tastes. Enjoy!

Do you like curry? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Pasta seasoned with curry and rocket, the recipe – Pâtes assaisonnées au curry et roquette, la recette – Pasta aliñada con curry y rúcula, la receta – Macarrão temperado com curry e rúcula, a receita – Mit Curry und Rucola gewürzte Pasta, das Rezept – Công thức mì ống với cà ri và tên lửa – 用咖喱和火箭调味的意大利面,食谱 – カレーとルッコラのパスタ、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Lasagna made with carasau bread, the recipe

Le lasagne fatte con il pane carasau, la ricetta

Lasagna made with carasau bread, the recipe.
Some time ago I had the pleasure of tasting this dish on board, prepared by the great MaitreD Giovanni.
Lasagna made with carasau bread is a variation of the classic Italian lasagna, in which carasau bread replaces the pasta. Carasau bread is a type of thin and crunchy bread originally from Sardinia. Here's how to prepare lasagna with carasau bread


– Carasau bread;
– Bolognese sauce or another meat sauce;
– Bechamel;
– Grated cheese (usually pecorino or parmesan);
– Butter (optional).


Prepare the Bolognese sauce or another meat sauce of your choice. Make sure it is well seasoned and tasty.
Make the béchamel: melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat, add the flour and stir until you get a roux (a smooth paste). Add the milk a little at a time, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Cook until the béchamel thickens. Add a little salt and nutmeg to taste.
Prepare a baking tray and start assembling the lasagna. Place a layer of carasau bread on the bottom of the tray.
Add a layer of ragù on the base of carasau bread. Make sure to cover the bread well.
Pour a layer of béchamel over the ragù.
Sprinkle with plenty of grated cheese.
Repeat the process creating alternating layers of carasau bread, ragù, béchamel and cheese. Make sure to finish with a layer of béchamel and cheese on top.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 30-40 minutes or until the surface is golden and crispy.
Allow to cool slightly before serving. Lasagna with carasau bread is delicious served hot.
This variation of lasagna is a one-dish meal that combines the crunchiness of carasau bread with the rich flavors of ragù and béchamel. You can customize the recipe by adding other ingredients such as mushrooms, spinach or cooked ham if you like.

And have you ever tasted these lasagnas? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Pane carasau (also known as pane carasatu, pane carasadu, pistoccu, pane fine, pane ‘e fresa or pane fatu in fresa) is a typical Sardinian bread spread throughout Sardinia, in the shape of a very thin and crunchy disk, suitable for being preserved for a long time. The term Sardinian comes from the Sardinian verb carasare, which means to toast. During the carasadura the bread is put back in the oven for the final cooking; this cooking makes it crunchy.
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Lasagna made with carasau bread, the recipe – Lasaña hecha con pan carasau, la receta – Lasanha feita com pão carasau, a receita – Lasagne mit Carasau-Brot, das Rezept – Công thức món Lasagna làm từ bánh mì carasau – 用卡拉索面包做的烤宽面条,食谱 – カラソーパンで作るラザニア、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

I ravioli al ragù dell’Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana

I ravioli al ragù dell'Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana

I ravioli al ragù dell’Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana.
Diversi mesi fa, ormai, sono stato a mangiare una domenica a pranzo alla Antica Locanda Luigina (trattoria, ristorante, albergo) consigliatami da qualche amico.
Ovviamente il mio scopo era assaggiare i ravioli al ragù, il miopiatto preferito!
Devo dire che i ravioli erano buoni (come del resto anche tutti gli altri piatti) e saporiti. Entrano nella mia classifica ma non sul podio.

Vai a vedere il mio articolo con la mia personale classifica dei ristoranti dove ho mangiato i migliori ravioli al ragù della Provincia di Genova di Levante.

Sei mai stato a mangiare i ravioli qui? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

La cucina ligure è costituita dai piatti della tradizione culinaria della Liguria, regione fa uso di ingredienti legati sia alla produzione locale (come il preboggion, miscuglio di erbe selvatiche), sia alle importazioni provenienti da zone con cui nei secoli, i liguri hanno avuto frequenti contatti (come il pecorino sardo, uno degli ingredienti del pesto).
Una cucina povera, propria delle genti di campagna, dei montanari e dei naviganti, fatta di alimenti semplici, comuni ed economici, che è tuttavia diventata costosa, ricercata e piena dei fasti antichi.
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Ecco dove si trova la locanda:

The ravioli with ragù from the Antica Locanda Luigina in Mattarana – Les raviolis au ragù de l’Antica Locanda Luigina à Mattarana – Los ravioles con ragú de la Antica Locanda Luigina de Mattarana – O ravióli com ragù da Antica Locanda Luigina em Mattarana – Die Ravioli mit Ragù von der Antica Locanda Luigina in Mattarana – Món ravioli với ragù từ Antica Locanda Luigina ở Mattarana – 马塔拉纳 Antica Locanda Luigina 的馄饨配肉酱 – マッタラナのアンティカ ロカンダ ルイジーナのラグー入りラビオリ

Tonnarelli pasta with cheese and pepper, the recipe

Un bel piatto di tonnarelli con cacio e pepe, la ricetta

Tonnarelli pasta with cheese and pepper, the recipe
Unfortunately, it hasn’t been that long since I became a fan of cacio e pepe pasta.
I tried to prepare it at home and, after a couple of unsuccessful attempts, I managed to make it very good.
This is the recipe for you.


– 350 grams of tonnarelli (or spaghetti, if you prefer, but with fresh pasta the dish is definitely more complete);
– 150 grams of grated pecorino romano;
– 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper;
– Salt (for the pasta);
– Water (for the pasta);


Start by bringing a pot of salted water to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the tonnarelli and cook until al dente. This usually takes about 8-10 minutes.
While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce. In a bowl, mix the grated pecorino romano with a little of the cooking water. Make sure to use a good, high-quality pecorino romano for the best flavor; mix vigorously until you get a fairly thick cream.

In una padella metti il pepe macinato a scaldare. Quando il pepe inizia a cuocere, e te ne accorgerai dal fatto che gli occhi inizieranno a pizzicare, aggiungi un poco d’acqua di cottura e spegni il fuoco.

A couple of minutes before the pasta is ready, drain it (be careful not to throw away the cooking water because we will need it for a successful outcome) and finish cooking it in the pan with the pepper.
In a couple of minutes the pasta will be ready and will also have made a little creamy sauce.
At this point, turn off the heat and wait a couple of minutes for the pasta to cool. In fact, if you add the pecorino cream to the pan now, the excessive heat will make the cheese string instead of remaining creamy (at 65 °C the fat begins to separate and the proteins coagulate into lumps).

Transfer the tonnarelli to the bowl with the pecorino and pepper. Add a couple tablespoons of the reserved cooking water. This cooking water is important, as it will help create a cream with the pecorino and pepper. Stir quickly and vigorously to make a creamy sauce. Continue adding the cooking water, a tablespoon at a time, until you reach the desired consistency. The sauce should be creamy but not too thick. You may need to add 1/2 to 1 cup of cooking water, depending on the pecorino and pasta you are using. Taste the pasta and adjust the salt, if necessary. Pecorino is naturally salty, so you may not need to add additional salt.

Serve the tonnarelli cacio e pepe immediately, garnishing with a little freshly ground black pepper and extra pecorino, if desired.

Do you like cacio e pepe? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Un bel piatto di tonnarelli con cacio e pepe, la ricetta

Photo taken with Honor 20.

A nice dish of tonnarelli with cheese and pepper, the recipe – Un bon plat de tonnarelli au fromage et au poivre, la recette – Un buen plato de tonnarelli con queso y pimienta, la receta – Um belo prato de tonnarelli com queijo e pimenta, a receita – Ein schönes Gericht aus Tonnarelli mit Käse und Pfeffer, das Rezept – Công thức làm món tonnarelli ngon tuyệt với phô mai và hạt tiêu – 一道美味的通纳雷利奶酪和胡椒菜,食谱 – チーズとコショウを添えたトンナレッリの素敵な料理、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Cuttlefish ink ravioli stuffed with sea bream, the recipe

Ravioli di pesce fatti in casa

Cuttlefish ink ravioli stuffed with sea bream, the recipe

This is the first time I've made ravioli, one of my favorite Italian foods.
I like eating fish more than meat and so I decided to make fish ravioli (sea bream in this case).

Click vào đây để đọc bằng tiếng việt!
If you are curious about this recipe of mine or Vietnamese food in general, write me a message. comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


Ingredient for ravioli:
Flour: 500 gr;
5 eggs;
Sea bream fillet (sea bream fish): 600 gr;
Ricotta: 250 gr;
Olive oil, garlic, onion, salt, seasonings, black pepper, cuttlefish ink liquid.

Ingredient for the sauce:
Calamari (all seafood cut into small pieces);


To prepare sea bream ravioli, the first thing to do is prepare the fresh pasta.

Put the flour in a bowl, slowly add the eggs and 1 teaspoon of squid ink liquid, then mix everything together.
Transfer the mixture to the work surface and knead with your hands. When the mixture is well mixed, form a ball, roll the dough in cling film and leave it to rest in the fridge for about half an hour.

Now I will prepare the filling. First I add the oil with a little onion and garlic and fry until fragrant, I put it aside, then I use that pan and add the fish, add a little salt and pepper, about 7-10 minutes and the fish is cooked.
Then remove the fish and remove the skin, check carefully if they still have bones and remove everything. Then crumble the fillet well and add it to the ricotta, check the flavor again, if necessary add a little salt or pepper. Then the dough is ready to put inside the ravioli.

At this point, remove the fresh pasta from the fridge, divide it into portions and then, with the help of the pasta rolling machine, roll it out and cut it into strips. On half of the strip, arrange portions of the previously prepared or stuffed dough with a teaspoon, well spaced apart. Then, using another half of the strip, cover the stuffed strip and with the help of the wheel cut a piece of ravioli. When sealing the ravioli, it is very important to try to get all the air out to prevent them from opening during cooking. The ravioli are ready.

With the sauce I do it simply: first I add the oil with a little garlic and fry it until it becomes fragrant, then I add the chopped tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of pasta cooking water. Then I fry the fish, calamari and clams together, I add a little fish sauce, then I add the boiled pasta, last step I add some chopped parsley leaves and mix everything then serve on the plate and put a little black pepper on top.

It was the first time I made this dish, I'm really happy, because the taste is so good for me, I hope you can do the same and enjoy one of the tastiest dishes in Italy.

Photos of the preparation:

Photos of the finished dish:

Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi làm ravioli, một trong những món ăn Ý yêu thích của tôi. Tôi thích ăn hải sản hơn thịt. Vì vậy tôi quyết định làm món ravioli al pesce (orata)

Nguyên liệu làm ravioli:

Bột mì: 500g
Trứng: 5 quả
Phi lê Orata (cá tráp): 600g
Ricotta: 250g
Dầu olive, tỏi, hành tím củ nhỏ, muối, hạt nêm, tiêu đen, nước mực đen.

Nguyên liệu làm nước sốt:
Mực, nghêu, một ít cá chày, cà chua, rau mùi tây, sốt cà chua. (Tất cả hải sản cắt miếng nhỏ)

Cách làm ravioli:

Để chuẩn bị orata ravioli, điều đầu tiên cần làm là chuẩn bị mì ống tươi.

Cho bột mì vào tô, từ từ thêm trứng và 1 thìa cà phê nước mực đen vào rồi trộn đều.

Chuyển hỗn hợp lên bề mặt gỗ và nhào bằng tay. Khi hỗn hợp đã trộn đều, tạo thành khối tròn, sau đó bọc bột trong màng bọc thực phẩm rồi cho vào tủ lạnh khoảng nửa giờ.

Bây giờ tôi sẽ chuẩn bị nhân. Đầu tiên, cho dầu với một ít hành tỏi vào phi cho thơm, rồi đặt sang một bên hỗn hợp này, sau đó dùng chảo đó cho cá vào, thêm chút muối, hạt nêm và tiêu, rim lại khoảng 7-10 phút là cá được nấu chín.

Sau đó, vớt cá ra, bỏ da, kiểm tra kỹ xem còn xương hay không thì bỏ hết. Sau đó nghiền nát cá rồi trộn cùng với ricotta, kiểm tra lại gia vị nếu cần cho thêm chút muối hoặc tiêu. Sau đó hỗn hợp đã sẵn sàng để cho vào nhân bên trong ravioli.

Lúc này, lấy mì tươi ra khỏi tủ lạnh, chia thành từng phần rồi dùng máy cán mì, cuộn mì ra và cắt thành từng dải. Trên một nửa dải, đặt các phần hỗn hợp nhân orata đã chuẩn bị trước đó bằng thìa cà phê, cách đều nhau giữa chúng. Sau đó, dùng nửa dải còn lại phủ lên dải nhồi và dùng dao cắt có bánh xe để cắt thành một miếng bánh ravioli nhỏ. Khi gói bánh ravioli, điều quan trọng là phải cố gắng đẩy hết không khí ra ngoài để chúng không bị bung ra trong khi nấu. Bánh ravioli đã sẵn sàng.

Với nước sốt, tôi làm theo cách đơn giản: đầu tiên tôi cho dầu với một ít tỏi vào xào cho đến khi có mùi thơm, sau đó tôi thêm cà chua xắt nhỏ, một ít sốt cà chua, 2 thìa nước luộc mì ống. Sau đó xào cá, mực, nghêu với nhau, thêm chút nước mắm hoặc hạt nêm rồi cho mì đã luộc vào, bước cuối cùng thêm chút lá mùi tây thái nhỏ vào trộn đều rồi bày ra đĩa, rắc chút tiêu đen lên trên.
Lần đầu tiên tôi làm món ravioli này, tôi thực sự rất vui và hương vị cũng rất ngon đối với tôi, tôi hy vọng bạn cũng có thể làm như vậy và thưởng thức một trong những món ăn ngon và nổi tiếng nhất ở Ý.