Focaccia alla Genovese: a slice to start the meal.
It often happens that when you buy bread you also get a strip or a slice of focaccia alla Genovese.
How to avoid it? In all our bakeries it is always on display. Most of the time it doesn't even have time to get home because it is swept away as soon as you leave the shop.
But could you resist this spectacle?
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Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.
Since it is a typical Ligurian dish, there are already many posts about it and many photos. If you scroll down the page you will find tons of them.
In ancient times, the Phoenicians and Greeks used cereal flours such as barley and rye that were mixed with water and cooked over a fire. This allowed them to be preserved for long periods of time. The focaccia was considered by the Romans to be such a valuable food that it was offered to the gods during their celebrations.
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