A plate of marinated fish and seafood

Un piatto di pesce e frutti di mare marinati

A plate of marinated fish and seafood.
Marinated raw fish is a culinary experience that will delight even the most demanding palates. This dish, which combines the freshness of the sea with the art of marinating, is a true journey of taste.
To obtain an excellent plate of marinated raw fish, the choice of fish is essential. In this case, we used salmon, swordfish, prawns and scampi. These ingredients are known for their tender and tasty flesh, and must be very fresh, preferably caught that day, to ensure maximum quality and food safety (in this case, unfortunately, there was nothing fresh).
The marinade is the key element that gives raw fish its unique flavor. A classic marinade can include ingredients such as lemon or lime juice, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, black pepper and a touch of aromatic herbs such as parsley, coriander or dill. For an exotic touch, you can add fresh grated ginger, soy sauce and a pinch of chili pepper.
The fish must be carefully cleaned and cut into thin slices or cubes, depending on your preference.
Place the fish in a bowl and cover it with the prepared marinade. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, so that the flavors blend perfectly.
Arrange the marinated fish on a serving plate, garnishing with citrus slices, fresh mint leaves and a drizzle of olive oil.
Each bite of marinated raw fish is an explosion of flavors. The freshness of the salmon, swordfish, shrimp and scampi blends harmoniously with the acidity of the citrus and the delicacy of the aromatic herbs, creating a perfect balance. This dish is ideal as a refined appetizer or as a main course in a fish-based dinner.
Marinated raw fish is a dish that celebrates the simplicity and quality of the ingredients. Perfect for those who love authentic flavors and want to bring a touch of elegance and freshness to the table. Try preparing it by following these simple steps and let yourself be won over by its goodness.

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A plate of marinated fish and seafood – Un plat de poissons et fruits de mer marinés – Un plato de pescado y marisco marinados. – Um prato de peixe marinado e marisco – Ein Gericht aus mariniertem Fisch und Meeresfrüchten – Một món cá và hải sản ướp

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A dish of stewed clams enjoyed in Tenerife

Un piatto di vongole stufate gustate a Tenerife

A dish of stewed clams enjoyed in Tenerife.
Some time ago I went to the market of Our Lady of Africa in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and enjoyed this excellent dish of clams.
Don't they make your mouth water?

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Un piatto di vongole stufate gustate a Tenerife

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Here's where the market is located:

A dish of stewed clams enjoyed in Tenerife – Un plat de compote de palourdes apprécié à Tenerife – Un plato de almejas guisadas que se disfruta en Tenerife – Um prato de amêijoas cozidas apreciado em Tenerife – Ein Gericht aus geschmorten Muscheln, das man auf Teneriffa genießt – Món nghêu hầm được thưởng thức ở Tenerife

Paccheri with fresh tomato sauce

I paccheri con il sugo di pomodoro fresco

Paccheri with fresh tomato sauce.
If done well, a good tomato sauce is one of the best pasta sauces there is.
But simple dishes are not always the easiest to prepare.
In this case, on the ship, it was truly excellent!

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Paccheri are a type of pasta from Campania, originating from the Neapolitan tradition, shaped like giant macaroni, generally made with durum wheat semolina. The term derives from the ancient Greek (from πας, “all” and χειρ, “hand”) of the first founders of Parthènope and is still used in the Italian language as “pacca”, or a slap given with an open hand, without hostile intentions.
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Paccheri with fresh tomato sauce – Paccheri à la sauce tomate fraîche – Paccheri con salsa de tomate fresco – Paccheri com molho de tomate fresco – Paccheri mit frischer Tomatensauce – Paccheri sốt cà chua tươi – 帕切里配新鲜番茄酱 – パッケリ フレッシュトマトソース添え

Black tagliolini with squid and cherry tomatoes

Taglierini neri con calamaretti e pomodorini

Black tagliolini with squid, cherry tomatoes and olives.
Some time ago, after being at the stadium, my wife and I stopped to eat something in Genoa.
Our favorite place after the game is the restaurant pizzeria Piedigrotta (here is the review on TripAdvisor) which prepares excellent and large pizzas but also cooks excellent dishes.
That time, on the menu, there was a special dish that I decided to try: black tagliolini (with squid ink) with squid, cherry tomatoes and olives.
Very good I must say!

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Taglierini neri con calamaretti e pomodorini

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Black tagliatelle with squid and cherry tomatoes – Tagliatelles noires aux calamars et tomates cerises – Tagliatelle negro con calamares y tomates cherry – Tagliolini preto com lula e tomate cereja – Schwarze Tagliolini mit Calamari und Kirschtomaten – Tagliolini đen với mực và cà chua bi – 黑意大利面条配鱿鱼和樱桃番茄 – イカとチェリートマトの黒いタリオリーニ

A kebab on a plate eaten in Barcelona

Un kebab al piatto mangiato a Barcellona

A plate of kebab eaten in Barcelona.
Often, when I stop in Barcelona on the ship, instead of going out to enjoy some typical Spanish dish (and there would be only the embarrassment of choice) I head to a small Turkish restaurant to eat a plate of kebab.
Some people will be horrified but what can I do if I like it?

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This is where I go, on a side street of the Rambla:

The term kebab is essentially of Persian origin: Arab tradition holds that the dish was invented in the Middle Ages by Persian soldiers who used their swords to grill meat over an open fire. According to Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan traveler, in India kebab was not only served in royal palaces during the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD), but also common people used it for breakfast with naan, a leavened and baked bread. An older variant of kebab (in Greek: obeliskos) is attested in Greece from the 8th century BC in the writings of Homer and in the classical works of Aristophanes, Xenophon and Aristotle.
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A plated kebab eaten in Barcelona – Un kebab à l’assiette mangé à Barcelone – Un kebab emplatado que se come en Barcelona – Um kebab banhado comido em Barcelona – Ein in Barcelona gegessener Tellerspieß – Món kebab mạ được ăn ở Barcelona

Fresh pappardelle with meat sauce

Le pappardelle fresche al ragù di carne

Fresh pappardelle with meat sauce.
I think meat sauce is the sauce I love the most.
In this case the chef on board wanted to give us this dish by preparing fresh pappardelle seasoned with an excellent sauce (for the other diners he seasoned them with mushroom sauce, which I don't like, however).
They were truly excellent!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Pappardelle (from the Tuscan pappare or, less commonly, from the Provençal papard) are a type of egg pasta very similar to tagliatelle but much wider. They are considered a type of lasagne, in the generic sense of "wide strips of egg puff pastry". While tagliatelle are a type of pasta with a typically Emilian-Romagnola tradition, pappardelle, although influenced by Emilia, are typically Tuscan in tradition. Pappardelle originated in Maremma and from Maremma they took on the strong flavours of sauces with game (wild boar, hare) or with woods (mushrooms).
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Fresh pappardelle with meat sauce – Pappardelle fraîche avec sauce à la viande – Pappardelle fresco con salsa de carne – Pappardelle fresco com molho de carne – Frische Pappardelle mit Fleischsoße – Pappardelle tươi sốt thịt – 新鲜宽面配肉酱 – フレッシュパッパルデッレ ミートソース添え

An excellent lobster tasted in the restaurant La Ruota in Moneglia

Un ottimo astice gustato nel ristorante La Ruota a Moneglia

An excellent lobster enjoyed at the restaurant La Ruota in Moneglia.
Some time ago I was invited to eat at a nice restaurant in Moneglia, La Ruota.
The view of the village and the coast that could be enjoyed from the room was just the backdrop to the delicious food we enjoyed.
This was a nice dish with plenty of lobster!

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This is the restaurant's website: laruotamoneglia.it.

The lobster, also known as the European lobster and by the local names of Elephant Sea, Lupicante, Sea Wolf, is a decapod crustacean belonging to the Nephropidae family. Bluish in color, with yellow spots on the back and a light belly, it has two pairs of antennae, one long and one short, and 8 locomotory legs, in addition to 2 chelated, one larger and one smaller, to better perform different tasks.
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An excellent lobster enjoyed in the La Ruota restaurant in Moneglia – Un excellent homard dégusté au restaurant La Ruota à Moneglia – Una excelente langosta disfrutada en el restaurante La Ruota de Moneglia – Uma excelente lagosta saboreada no restaurante La Ruota em Moneglia – Ein ausgezeichneter Hummer, den man im Restaurant La Ruota in Moneglia genießt – Món tôm hùm hảo hạng được thưởng thức tại nhà hàng La Ruota ở Moneglia – 莫内利亚 La Ruota 餐厅供应的美味龙虾 – モネーリアのレストラン「ラ・ルオタ」で味わう絶品ロブスター

I ravioli di pesce dell’Osteria Da Sergio

Una fiammenghilla di ottimi ravioli di pesce dell'Osteria Da Sergio a Sestri Levante

Una fiammenghilla di ottimi ravioli di pesce dell’Osteria Da Sergio a Sestri Levante.
Quando sono a casa adoro mangiare i ravioli al ragù (tipico piatto della mia zona). Quando però i ravioli li voglio mangiare di pesce (e ne voglio mangiare una porzione abbondante) il mio ristorante preferito è sicuramente la Osteria Da Sergio a Sestri Levante.
Oltre ad essere a pochi passa da casa mia i ravioli sono proprio buonissimi (a perere mio ovviamente) e me ne faccio sempre una scorpacciata!

Sei mai stato in questa osteria? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

It doesn't have a website, I'll leave you with the reviews of TripAdvisor.

A tray of excellent fish ravioli from Osteria Da Sergio in Sestri Levante – Un plateau d’excellents raviolis au poisson de l’Osteria Da Sergio de Sestri Levante – Una bandeja de excelentes ravioles de pescado de la Osteria Da Sergio en Sestri Levante – Uma bandeja de excelentes raviólis de peixe da Osteria Da Sergio em Sestri Levante – Ein Tablett mit hervorragenden Fischravioli von der Osteria Da Sergio in Sestri Levante – Một khay ravioli cá tuyệt vời từ Osteria Da Sergio ở Sestri Levante – 一盘来自塞斯特里莱万特 (Sestri Levante) 的 Osteria Da Sergio 的优质鱼馄饨 – セスセストリ レバンテのオステリア ダ セルジオの素晴らしい魚のラビオリのトレイ

An excellent plate of trenette with clam sauce

Un ottimo piatto di trenette al sugo di vongole

An excellent plate of trenette with clam sauce.
Since it is my wife's favorite condiment, in almost all the restaurants we go to eat, we order a plate of pasta with clams.
In this case, not the classic spaghetti but some equally good trenette!

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Venerupis decussata, synonym of Ruditapes decussatus, known as the true clam, is a bivalve mollusc of the Veneridae family. It can be found in the Mediterranean Sea, from a few meters to over 20 meters deep, buried in shallow, muddy or slimy coastal or lagoon seabeds covered with vegetation.
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An excellent dish of trenette, a type of pasta, with clam sauce – Un excellent plat de trenette, un type de pâtes, avec une sauce aux palourdes – Un excelente plato de trenette, un tipo de pasta, con salsa de almejas – Um excelente prato de trenette, uma espécie de massa, com molho de amêijoas – Ein ausgezeichnetes Gericht aus Trenette, einer Nudelsorte, mit Muschelsauce – Một món ăn tuyệt vời của trenette, một loại mì ống, với nước sốt nghêu – 一道美味的意大利面食,配蛤蜊酱 – パスタの一種であるトレネットにアサリのソースを添えた絶品料理

Un piatto delizioso: arrostino di tonno in lardo di Colonnata

Un piatto delizioso: arrostino di tonno in lardo di Colonnata

Un piatto delizioso: arrostino di tonno in lardo di Colonnata.
Diversi mesi fa, ormai, c’è stato il mio patrimonio e probabilmente il piatto che più mi ha soddisfatto era stato questo: filetto di tonno avvolto da un paio di fettine di lardo di Colonnata con salsa di senape su patate e ratuille di verdure.
Un piatto gustosissimo preparato nel ristorante Olimpo del celebre Hotel Vis a Vis di Sestri Levante.

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Un piatto delizioso: arrostino di tonno in lardo di Colonnata

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Il lardo di Colonnata ha un aspetto umido, è di colore bianco leggermente rosato e presenta una consistenza omogenea e morbida. Ha un sapore delicato e fresco, quasi dolce, finemente sapido se proveniente dalla zona delle natiche, arricchito dalle erbe aromatiche e dalle spezie usate nella lavorazione e dal profumo fragrante.
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A delicious dish: tuna roast in Colonnata lard – Un plat délicieux : le thon rôti au saindoux de Colonnata – Un plato delicioso: asado de atún en manteca de Colonnata – Um prato delicioso: atum assado na banha Colonnata – Ein köstliches Gericht: Thunfischbraten in Colonnata-Schmalz – Món ngon: cá ngừ nướng mỡ lợn Colonnata – 一道美味佳肴:Colonnata 猪油烤金枪鱼 – おいしい料理: コロンナータ ラードのマグロのロースト