Fresh Potato Gnocchi with Genovese Pesto

Gnocchi al pesto

Fresh potato gnocchi topped with Genoese pesto.
Making fresh potato gnocchi is not very difficult, but usually, even we Genoese, buy them already made at the pasta factory. This time, however, we had some excellent fresh potatoes at home and my dad rightly decided to prepare everything himself.
Gnocchi and Genoese pesto.

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gnocchi di patate

Gnocchi al pesto

Gnocchi al pesto

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Since it is one of my favorite dishes, you will find many other related posts. In one of these, my dad has already talked about pesto and so, even though I have already asked him, I don't know if he will write you the recipe to prepare them.

The first example was, in Roman times, the Moretum, described by Virgil. The first recipe for pesto dates back to the nineteenth century, although it certainly owes its origins to older pounded sauces such as the agliata (a Ligurian version of the classic agliata), made with garlic and walnuts, popular in Liguria during the maritime republic of Genoa, and the French pistou.
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Genoese-style fresh basil pesto – Pesto de basilic frais façon génoise – Pesto de albahaca fresca al estilo genovés – pesto de manjericão fresco ao estilo genovês – Pesto mit frischem Basilikum nach genuesischer Art – Húng quế tươi kiểu ngỗng – 热那亚式新鲜罗勒香蒜沙司 – ジェノバ風フレッシュバジルペスト

Tentacolo di polpo alla gallega mangiato ad Ibiza

tentacolo di polpo alla gallega

Tentacolo di polpo alla gallega mangiato ad Ibiza.
Questo è un bel tentacolo di polpo alla gallega mangiato qualche settimana fa ad Ibiza.
Non era forse quello più buono che abbia mai mangiato ma eravamo in un ristorante da sogno.
Il tavolo, infatti, era a 10 metri dal mare e solo la location valeva il prezzo (salato quasi come il piatto in oggetto) pagato alla fine.
Il piatto poi è quello tipico, e che vi ho già postato diverse volte, dove il polpo (bollito) viene adagiato su patate (anche loro bollite) e olio di oliva. Tutto con abbondante spolverata di paprika (a volte molto piccante).

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tentacolo di polpo alla gallega

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) or octopus is a cephalopod of the Octopodidae family, which should not be confused with the polyp which is instead, for example, the animal (belonging to the Cnidaria) that gives rise to coral.
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Galician octopus tentacle eaten in Ibiza – Tentacule de poulpe galicien mangé à Ibiza – Tentáculo de pulpo gallego devorado en Ibiza – Tentáculo de polvo galego comido em Ibiza – Auf Ibiza gegessener galicischer Oktopustentakel – Ăn xúc tu bạch tuộc kiểu Galicia ở Ibiza – 在伊维萨岛食用的加利西亚式章鱼触须 – イビサ島で食べられるガリシアのタコの触手

Octopus salad with potatoes, the recipe

insalata di polpo bollito

Boiled octopus salad with Ligurian potatoes, the recipe.
It's a simple boiled octopus salad.
This morning I found a couple of local octopuses and prepared them for my son Luca.
I boiled plenty of water to which I added salt and vinegar. Then I curled up the octopuses by holding them by the head and dipping them up and down in the boiling water. I left them to cook for half an hour and then left them to cool in their water.
Separately I boiled some excellent mountain potatoes from my friend Enrico Segarini and added them to the sliced ​​octopus.
I then seasoned it with some excellent local oil from my friend Paolino Muzio of San Bernardo (a town in the municipality of Sestri Levante known for the quality of its olives), lemon juice from my garden and a sprinkling of parsley.

insalata di polpo bollito

Photo taken with Samsung Galaxi.

This is the boiled octopus before being seasoned:

polpo bollito

Photo taken with Samsung Galaxi.

Octopus salad with potatoes, the recipe – Salade de poulpe aux pommes de terre, la recette – Ensalada de pulpo con patatas, la receta – Salada de polvo com batata, a receita – Oktopussalat mit Kartoffeln, das Rezept – Công thức salad bạch tuộc với khoai tây

Pane e focaccia

Pane e focaccia

Pane e focaccia.
Dalle nostre parti, la Riviera ligure, in quasi tutti i locali si serve, durante l’aperitivo, pane e focaccia.
Le bruschette da noi si fanno generalmente con la focaccia.
Se poi ci troviamo in un locale (Tapullo) che fa della promozione sui prodotti tipici della Riviera servendoli per gli aperitivi siamo al top.
Tranci di focaccia, focaccia rotonde, pane fresco e, sullo sfondo, del bel polpettone di verdure.

Pane e focaccia

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Slice of focaccia on a cutting board as a snack

Trancio di focaccia

Slice of focaccia on a cutting board as a snack.
A good slice of focaccia with Genoese oil is always a pleasure. It doesn't always have to be eaten at the bar, perhaps with a cappuccino.
It's also excellent as a snack.

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Trancio di focaccia

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

It can be eaten for breakfast, as a “fast breaker” in the morning or as an aperitif-appetizer. It is traditionally accompanied with a small glass of white wine (or gianchetto in Ligurian). It is customary (not typically Genoese) to dip the focaccia in cappuccino or milk for breakfast.
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A slice of focaccia on a cutting board as a snack – Une tranche de focaccia sur une planche à découper comme collation – Una rebanada de focaccia en una tabla de cortar como refrigerio – Uma fatia de focaccia em uma tábua de corte como lanche – Eine Scheibe Focaccia auf einem Schneidebrett als Snack – Một lát focaccia trên thớt như một món ăn nhẹ – 切菜板上的一片佛卡夏作为零食 – まな板の上のフォカッチャのスライスをおやつとして