Piazzetta Dina Bellotti senza palme

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti senza palme

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti senza palme.
Purtroppo il punteruolo rosso sta cambiano l’aspetto della nostra cittadina. Le palme, questa pianta usatissima nel mio territorio, stanno via via sparendo e questa, come da titolo la splendida piazzate (dedicata alla famosa pittrice), ora è senza le due palme in mezzo.
La prima foto è della piazza ora mentre la seconda è di un mesetto fa.

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti senza palme

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S10.

Dina Bellotti si fece conoscere come “la pittrice dei papi”. A partire della prima metà degli anni settanta, realizzò infatti alcuni ritratti di Paolo VI e, più tardi, di Giovanni Paolo II, conservati in Vaticano e utilizzati come immagini ufficiali dei pontefici.

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti.
La piazza del Municipio di Sestri Levante. Spicca l’effige, in pietra, con la Croce di San Giorgio.
Questo piccolo belvedere, che in realtà è solo un metro più alto della piazza, ha l’unico scopo, credo, di delimitarne la grandezza… non ne immagino altri.

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Fu rapito e assassinato da una squadra fascista capeggiata da Amerigo Dumini probabilmente per volontà esplicita di Benito Mussolini, a causa delle sue denunce dei brogli elettorali attuati dalla nascente dittatura nelle elezioni del 6 aprile 1924, e delle sue indagini sulla corruzione del governo, in particolare nella vicenda delle tangenti della concessione petrolifera alla Sinclair Oil.
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The square of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Genoa

Piazza della Abbazia di Santo Stefano a Genova

The square of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Genoa.
This church is in the heart of industrious Genoa; right in the center above via XX Settembre.
I'm copying and pasting a post from a few months ago because the photo was taken in mid-November.
It is enough, at the height of the Ponte Monumentale, to climb a few steps and you arrive on this terrace with the splendid church on one side and the beautiful noble buildings of via Venti on the other.

Do you know this Genoese church? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Piazza della Abbazia di Santo Stefano a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is where the church is located:

The church of Santo Stefano (or abbey of Santo Stefano) is one of the most famous Christian places of worship in Genoa, and its parish community is part of the Vicariate of Carignano – Foce of the archdiocese of Genoa. Situated on a hill overlooking the central Via XX Settembre, it was one of the most significant examples of Romanesque architecture in the Ligurian capital. Christopher Columbus was baptized in this church and it is believed that the young Balilla was also baptized.
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The square of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Genoa – La place de l’abbaye de Santo Stefano à Gênes – La plaza de la Abadía de Santo Stefano en Génova – A praça da Abadia de Santo Stefano em Génova – Der Platz der Abtei Santo Stefano in Genua – Quảng trường Tu viện Santo Stefano ở Genoa

Private Street Soviet Union in Sestri Levante

Via Privata Unione Sovietica a Sestri Levante

Private Street Soviet Union in Sestri Levante.
Urban exploration of my Sestri Levante. As I have already written, I like to photograph the houses and streets of my town.
This is a side street of Piazza Aldo Moro (better known as Piazza del Mercato). This is Via Privata Unione Sovietica (a special feature of this street is that it faces another street called Via Stati Uniti).
To the left you go into the alley; to the right you go towards the Nelson Mandela park.
The photo was taken at the beginning of September, a period in which this area of ​​Sestri is not very busy because all the parking lots are paid or for residents.

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Via Privata Unione Sovietica a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

The street called Private Soviet Union in Sestri Levante – La rue appelée Union soviétique privée à Sestri Levante – La calle llamada Unión Soviética Privada en Sestri Levante – A rua chamada União Soviética Privada em Sestri Levante – Die Straße namens Private Sowjetunion in Sestri Levante – Con phố mang tên Liên Xô tư nhân ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特的私人苏联街道 – セストリ・レバンテにある私立ソ連邦と呼ばれる通り

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti a Sestri

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti a Sestri

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti a Sestri.
Quasi tutti i turisti fotografano questa piazza senza saperne il nome ma solo per il pesce dipinto su uno dei palazzi.
E’ uno dei classici di Sestri Levante ovviamente dopo la Baia del Silenzio.

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Piazza Giacomo Matteotti a Sestri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Ma voi sapete chi era Giacomo Matteotti?

Giacomo Matteotti (Fratta Polesine, 22 maggio 1885 – Roma, 10 giugno 1924) è stato un politico, giornalista e antifascista italiano, segretario del Partito Socialista Unitario, formazione nata da una scissione del Partito Socialista Italiano. Fu rapito e assassinato da una squadra fascista capeggiata da…
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Here's where the square is located:

Giacomo Matteotti square in Sestri – Place Giacomo Matteotti à Sestri – Plaza Giacomo Matteotti en Sestri – Praça Giacomo Matteotti em Sestri – Platz Giacomo Matteotti in Sestri – Quảng trường Giacomo Matteotti ở Sestri – 塞斯特里的贾科莫·马泰奥蒂广场 – セストリーのジャコモ・マッテオッティ広場

La piazza San Domenico a Palermo in Sicilia

Piazza San Domenico a Palermo

La piazza San Domenico a Palermo in Sicilia.
Una splendida piazza della città siciliana. Da qui si entra nella Vucciria.
Oltre alla facciata della splendida chiesa anche la famosa Colonna dell’Immacolata.
Palermo ha veramente molti angoli e scorci favolosi, tutti da scoprire passeggiando nel centro.

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Piazza San Domenico a Palermo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Click here to see more beautiful images of the city:
foto gallery

Where is the square located:

La piazza era conosciuta in passato con il nome di Piano Imperiale; venne allargata e trasformata in piazza durante il rifacimento dell’omonima chiesa avvenuto a partire dal 1640 per dare più ampio respiro alla stessa in funzione delle nuove dimensioni e dell’alta facciata. Al centro della piazza venne posta, in occasione del rifacimento della facciata della chiesa, la colonna dell’Immacolata…
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The square called San Domenico in Palermo in Sicily – La place appelée San Domenico à Palerme en Sicile – La plaza llamada San Domenico en Palermo en Sicilia – A praça chamada San Domenico em Palermo, na Sicília – Der Platz namens San Domenico in Palermo auf Sizilien – Quảng trường có tên San Domenico ở Palermo ở Sicily – 西西里岛巴勒莫的圣多梅尼科广场 – シチリア島パレルモのサン・ドメニコ広場

The Cathedral Square in Milan

Piazza del Duomo a Milano

The Piazza del Duomo in Milan.
This is the most famous square in the city of Milan. A half day in the city.
Obviously, and to tell the truth I didn't even have one on the site, I photographed the most famous square with the cathedral in the background, the statue of Vittorio Emanuele II and the gallery (also dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele II) on the left.
Milan is always a great Milan!

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Piazza del Duomo a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took on the roof and inside the Duomo click here:

Here's where the town is located:

Founded around 590 BC, perhaps with the name of Medhelan, near a sanctuary by a Celtic tribe belonging to the Insubres group and belonging to the Golasecca culture, it was conquered by the ancient Romans in 222 BC and later renamed Mediolanum by them. Over the centuries it increased its importance until it became the capital of the Western Roman Empire, during which period the Edict of Milan was promulgated, which granted all citizens, therefore also Christians, the freedom to honor their own deities.
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The Piazza del Duomo in Milan – La Piazza del Duomo à Milan – La plaza del Duomo en Milán – A Piazza del Duomo em Milão – Die Piazza del Duomo in Mailand – Quảng trường Duomo ở Milan – 米兰大教堂广场 – ミラノのドゥオモ広場

Dina Bellotti Square in Sestri Levante

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti a Sestri Levante

Dina Bellotti square in Sestri Levante.
The small square that is located behind the Sestrese alley, between Vico del Bottone and Vico Macelli.
I decided to make a new post both because I took this beautiful wide-angle shot of the entire square and because I was recently looking online for where this square was and couldn't find it.
This open space was dedicated to the painter who loved spending her holidays in our town.
The square is, for those who have never seen it, splendid; the splendid Torre dei Doganieri, often home to exhibitions; a little further behind one of the vine houses; and even further behind the start of the path to Mandrella.

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Piazzetta Dina Bellotti a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Where is this square located:

Bernardina Bianca Bellotti known as Dina Bellotti (Alessandria, October 2, 1912 – Rome, August 29, 2003) was an Italian painter. In 1938 she exhibited her works for the first time at the Venice Biennale, an exhibition that she would attend twice more in 1940 and 1942. Her most recurring subjects were landscapes, figures and especially portraits of children. Already in those years the young painter used to spend the summer periods with her family in Sestri Levante.
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The square called Dina Bellotti in Sestri Levante – La place Dina Bellotti à Sestri Levante – La plaza llamada Dina Bellotti en Sestri Levante – A praça chamada Dina Bellotti em Sestri Levante – Der Platz namens Dina Bellotti in Sestri Levante – Quảng trường có tên Dina Bellotti ở Sestri Levante – Sestri Levante 的 Dina Bellotti 广场 – セストリ・レバンテのディーナ・ベッロッティ広場

Brigate Partigiane square in Riva Trigoso.

Piazza Brigate Partigiane a Riva Trigoso

Brigate Partigiane square in Riva Trigoso.
The main square of Riva di Levante, the most modern center of the Sestrese hamlet.
The bar, the tobacconist, the bank, the bakery, the school, the post office, the pharmacy… practically everything you need to make daily life work.

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Piazza Brigate Partigiane a Riva Trigoso

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where the square is located:

The square called Partisan Brigades in Riva Trigoso in Liguria – La place appelée Brigades partisanes à Riva Trigoso en Ligurie – La plaza llamada Brigadas Partisanas en Riva Trigoso en Liguria – A praça chamada Brigadas Partidárias em Riva Trigoso na Ligúria – Der Platz namens Partisanenbrigaden in Riva Trigoso in Ligurien – Quảng trường có tên Lữ đoàn đảng phái ở Riva Trigoso ở Liguria – 利古里亚里瓦特里戈索的游击旅广场 – リグーリア州リヴァ トリゴーゾのパルチザン旅団と呼ばれる広場

The beautiful Banchi square in the ancient heart of Genoa

piazza Banchi a Genova

The beautiful Piazza Banchi in the ancient heart of Genoa.
I am copying the text of another article because the photo is practically the same but taken with a different lens.
This is one of the most famous squares in the historic center of Genoa.
In the background the church of San Pietro in Banchi and on the left the Loggia delle Mercanzie. In the middle of the square the old dehors with used newspapers and books.

Do you know Genoa? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

piazza Banchi a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Where is the square located:

The Loggia della Mercanzia (also known as the Loggia di Banchi or Loggia dei Mercanti) is one of the most representative buildings in the historic center of Genoa. It is located in this square, on the corner with Via San Luca, in the ancient sestiere della Maddalena, not far from the church of San Pietro in Banchi, in the commercial heart of the old city.
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The beautiful square called Banchi in the ancient heart of Genoa – La belle place appelée Banchi dans le cœur antique de Gênes – La hermosa plaza llamada Banchi en el corazón antiguo de Génova – A bela praça chamada Banchi, no antigo coração de Génova – Der wunderschöne Platz namens Banchi im antiken Herzen von Genua – Quảng trường xinh đẹp mang tên Banchi giữa lòng Genoa cổ kính