La Porta Reale a Finalborgo

La Porta Reale a Finalborgo

La Porta Reale a Finalborgo.
Sebbene per entrare nell’antico e splendido borgo di Finalborgo vi siano diversi ingressi o porte, quella detta Reale è sicuramente la più bella e conosciuta.
Un po’ per gli affreschi in esterno, un po’ perché ci sono le vecchie mura ed un po’ perché si intravede, appena dietro alle mura, la chiesa ed il campanile di San Biagio.
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La Porta Reale a Finalborgo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

I took dozens of photos in the beautiful western town, click here to see them all:
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The town was developed in the Finalese hinterland, not directly on the sea to be more protected against possible Saracen landings on the coast, in an easily defensible place: the confluence of the Aquila torrent with the Pora torrent, whose riverbeds form a single natural moat, later reinforced by the city walls, which defended the town on the east-south-west sides, while the northern side of the town was naturally protected by the spur of the Becchignolo hill.
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