A fresh beef tartare

Tartare di manzo

A fresh beef tartare.
I am a fanatic of raw meat. My favorite is carpaccio but I don't mind beef tartare (or battuta) at all.
This was the appetizer offered at the dinner at Estoril in Genoa (I'll also leave you the review on Tripadvisor), a short time ago.
I have to say that I liked it and also the presentation of the dish was satisfactory!

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Tartare di manzo

Photo taken with Honor 10.

The name comes from the legend according to which the nomadic Tartar people, originally from Central Asia, not having time to cook, placed dried meat under the saddles of their horses to find it softened at mealtime. In Piedmontese cuisine we also find a dish made with knife-beaten meat (this preparation has the advantage of not “squeezing” the meat, as happens with normal machine mincing) and diced garlic, the so-called carn crua (“raw meat”) or salada ‘d carn crua (“raw meat salad”), seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon juice.
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Beef tartare, the raw meat par excellence – Le tartare de bœuf, la viande crue par excellence – Tartar de ternera, la carne cruda por excelencia – Tártaro de carne, a carne crua por excelência – Beef Tartare, das Rohfleisch schlechthin – Thịt bò tartare, món thịt sống xuất sắc – 鞑靼牛肉,出类拔萃的生肉 – 生肉の極み、牛肉のタルタル