Spaghetti with clams from Buca di SAN. Matteo

Gli spaghettoni alle vongole della Buca di San Matteo a Genova

Spaghettoni with clams from Buca di San Matteo in Genoa.
My wife's favorite Italian dish is probably pasta, or rather spaghetti, with clams.
When we eat at a restaurant she almost always orders this dish.
Some time ago we were in the center of Genoa and we had lunch at this excellent restaurant, Buca di San Matteo, and she enjoyed this dish of spaghettoni (which if I remember correctly were Senatore Cappelli) with clams and bottarga. Really good!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

This is the restaurant's website:

Spaghetti with clams from the Buca di San Matteo restaurant in Genoa – Spaghetti aux palourdes du restaurant Buca di San Matteo à Gênes – Espaguetis con almejas del restaurante Buca di San Matteo en Génova – Esparguete com amêijoas do restaurante Buca di San Matteo em Génova – Spaghetti mit Muscheln vom Restaurant Buca di San Matteo in Genua – Spaghetti với nghêu từ nhà hàng Buca di San Matteo ở Genoa

Dei tagliolini freschi al tartufo gustati a Genova

Dei tagliolini fresci al tartufo gustati a Genova

Dei tagliolini freschi al tartufo gustati a Genova.
Sono diventato un amante del tartufo abbastanza recentemente ma ora, tutte le volte che lo trovo in un menú, lo ordino.
Qualche tempo fa ero con mia moglie nel centro storico di Genova e siamo andati a pranzare in questo famoso ristorante.
A parte l’atmosfera molto curata, sfruttando i locali molto antichi in cui sono i tavoli, devo dire che il menú era eccellente e questi tagliolini freschi al tartufo erano veramente buonissimi!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

This is the restaurant's website:

A truffle is the fruiting body of an underground Ascomycota fungus. Most truffles belong to the genus Tuber, but there are also other genera of fungi belonging to this category including Geopora, Peziza, Choiromyces, Leucangium and over a hundred others. Truffles belong to the class Pezizomycetes and, with a few exceptions, to the order Pezizales. Truffles are mycorrhizal fungi, and therefore grow close to the roots of trees. The dispersal of truffle spores occurs thanks to mycophages, animals that feed on mushrooms.
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Fresh tagliolini with truffles enjoyed in Genoa – Tagliolini frais aux truffes dégustés à Gênes – Tagliolini frescos con trufas disfrutados en Génova – Tagliolini fresco com trufas apreciado em Génova – Frische Tagliolini mit Trüffeln, genossen in Genua – Tagliolini tươi với nấm cục được thưởng thức ở Genoa

Commercial activities in the alleyway in Sestri Levante

Alcune attività commerciali in caruggio a Sestri Levante

Some commercial activities in the caruggio in Sestri Levante.
The part closest to the sea of ​​the Sestrese caruggio hosts a myriad of commercial activities aimed at satisfying tourists: restaurants, bars, ice cream parlors, all of which work very hard when visitors fill our town.

Do you know Sestri Levante and its alleyway?
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Alcune attività commerciali in caruggio a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Some commercial activities in the alleyway in Sestri Levante – Quelques activités commerciales dans la ruelle de Sestri Levante – Algunas actividades comerciales en el callejón de Sestri Levante – Algumas atividades comerciais no beco de Sestri Levante – Einige kommerzielle Aktivitäten in der Gasse in Sestri Levante – Một số hoạt động thương mại trong con hẻm ở Sestri Levante

Grilled sardines in a small restaurant in Funchal

Sardine alla griglia in un ristorantino di Funchal

Grilled sardines in a small restaurant in Funchal.
Some time ago, I was in Funchal by ship and since I was with my wife we ​​went out for a walk around the city and had lunch.
My wife enjoyed a small dish with very good grilled sardines!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

This species is of great importance for commercial fishing in the Mediterranean and southern Atlantic Europe. It is caught mainly with the surrounding net called ciànciolo in which the schools are attracted with the help of powerful lights. Sometimes drift nets (menaide) are used.
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Grilled sardines in a restaurant in Funchal – Grilled sardines in a restaurant in Funchal – Sardinas a la parrilla en un restaurante de Funchal – Sardinhas grelhadas num restaurante no Funchal – Gegrillte Sardinen in einem Restaurant in Funchal – Cá mòi nướng trong một nhà hàng ở Funchal – 丰沙尔一家餐厅的烤沙丁鱼 – フンシャルのレストランでイワシのグリル

A great tomahawk steak enjoyed on the ship

Una ottima bistecca tomahawk gustata in nave

An excellent tomahawk steak enjoyed on board.
For a few years now, on the Costa Crociere ships, you can find an excellent steakhouse with a truly exceptional quality and variety of meat.
Every now and then I also take advantage of this excellent restaurant!
This was a "huge" tomahawk steak that I ate on the (now) ex Costa Firenze!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

When we talk about tomahawk steak, we are talking about a large cut of beef. It is a rib eye steak, with the cut that goes from the loin towards the front of the animal, including the meat that is found from the fifth to the first dorsal vertebra.
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A great tomahawk steak enjoyed on the ship – Un excellent steak tomahawk dégusté à bord – Un excelente filete tomahawk que se disfruta a bordo – Um excelente bife tomahawk apreciado a bordo – An Bord genießen Sie ein ausgezeichnetes Tomahawk-Steak – Món bít tết tomahawk tuyệt vời được thưởng thức trên tàu

Gli spaghetti con le vongole del Ristorante 5 Maggio

Gli spaghetti con le vongole del Ristorante 5 Maggio a Genova

Gli spaghetti con le vongole del Ristorante 5 Maggio a Genova.
Qualche tempo fa, assieme a mia moglie, sono stato a pranzo nel ristorante pizzeria 5 Maggio, vicino a Quarto dei Mille.
Mia moglie, come di consueto ha ordinato un piatto di pasta con le vongole (e pomodorini) e non era stato affatto male (sia come qualità sia come quantità).
Vedere per credere!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Eccovi la recensione su

Spaghetti with clams from the 5 Maggio Restaurant in Genoa – Spaghetti aux palourdes du restaurant 5 Maggio de Gênes – Espaguetis con almejas del Restaurante 5 Maggio de Génova – Espaguete com amêijoas do restaurante 5 Maggio de Gênova – Spaghetti mit Muscheln vom 5 Maggio Restaurant in Genua – Spaghetti với nghêu từ nhà hàng 5 Maggio ở Genoa

L’insegna dell’hotel San Pietro a Sestri Levante

L'insegna dell'hotel San Pietro a Sestri Levante

L’insegna dell’hotel San Pietro a Sestri Levante.
Da più di sessant’anni, a pochi metri dalla Baia delle Favole, si trova questo piccolo albergo ristorante.
Passando, mi è venuta l’ispirazione per fotografarne l’insegna.
Il nome prende ispirazione dalla chiesa che vi sta proprio alle spalle: San Pietro in Vincoli.

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L'insegna dell'hotel San Pietro a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here is the official website:

Here is where the palace is located:

The sign of the San Pietro hotel in Sestri Levante – L’enseigne de l’hôtel San Pietro à Sestri Levante – El cartel del hotel San Pietro en Sestri Levante – A placa do hotel San Pietro em Sestri Levante – Das Schild des Hotels San Pietro in Sestri Levante – Biển hiệu của khách sạn San Pietro ở Sestri Levante – 塞斯特里莱万特圣彼得罗酒店的标志 – セストリ レバンテのサン ピエトロ ホテルの看板

An excellent lobster tasted in the restaurant La Ruota in Moneglia

Un ottimo astice gustato nel ristorante La Ruota a Moneglia

An excellent lobster enjoyed at the restaurant La Ruota in Moneglia.
Some time ago I was invited to eat at a nice restaurant in Moneglia, La Ruota.
The view of the village and the coast that could be enjoyed from the room was just the backdrop to the delicious food we enjoyed.
This was a nice dish with plenty of lobster!

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

This is the restaurant's website:

The lobster, also known as the European lobster and by the local names of Elephant Sea, Lupicante, Sea Wolf, is a decapod crustacean belonging to the Nephropidae family. Bluish in color, with yellow spots on the back and a light belly, it has two pairs of antennae, one long and one short, and 8 locomotory legs, in addition to 2 chelated, one larger and one smaller, to better perform different tasks.
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An excellent lobster enjoyed in the La Ruota restaurant in Moneglia – Un excellent homard dégusté au restaurant La Ruota à Moneglia – Una excelente langosta disfrutada en el restaurante La Ruota de Moneglia – Uma excelente lagosta saboreada no restaurante La Ruota em Moneglia – Ein ausgezeichneter Hummer, den man im Restaurant La Ruota in Moneglia genießt – Món tôm hùm hảo hạng được thưởng thức tại nhà hàng La Ruota ở Moneglia – 莫内利亚 La Ruota 餐厅供应的美味龙虾 – モネーリアのレストラン「ラ・ルオタ」で味わう絶品ロブスター

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Guard in Velva

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora della Guardia a Velva nell'entroterra di Sestri Levante

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Guard in Velva in the hinterland of Sestri Levante.
Commonly called the Sanctuary of Velva, this church is also very well known in my area for the famous restaurant attached to the sanctuary.
In the photo, in the foreground is the restaurant whose specialties are mushroom sauce and ravioli in abundance!
Very often events are celebrated in the church which then continue in the restaurant!

Do you know this place? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora della Guardia a Velva nell'entroterra di Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The construction of a chapel was desired by the population of the hamlet of Velva and expressed their intention to the rector of the parish of San Torpete in Genoa, Monsignor Luigi Persoglio, who stayed in Velva during the summer. The latter suggested the idea of ​​building a sanctuary. The works for the construction of the new place of worship in Velva were entrusted to the architect Maurizio Dufour during the 19th century, who had already created several architectural works in Genoa and Liguria. During the construction, a first wooden group of the Madonna della Guardia by the sculptor Antonio Canepa was made in 1892.
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Here is where the Sanctuary is located:

The Shrine of Our Lady of the Guard in Velva in the hinterland of Sestri Levante – Le Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de la Garde à Velva dans l’arrière-pays de Sestri Levante – El Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Guardia en Velva, en el interior de Sestri Levante – O Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Guarda em Velva, no interior de Sestri Levante – Das Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau von der Garde in Velva im Hinterland von Sestri Levante – Đền thờ Đức Mẹ Vệ binh ở Velva ở vùng nội địa Sestri Levante – 位于塞斯特里莱万特腹地韦尔瓦的圣母卫兵圣地 – セストリ・レバンテの内陸地、ヴェルヴァにある衛兵の聖母の聖堂

I ravioli di pesce del ristorante 5 Maggio a Genova

Un bel piatto di ravioli di pesce del ristorante 5 Maggio a Genova

Un bel piatto di ravioli di pesce del ristorante 5 Maggio a Genova.
Qualche tempo fa sono stato a mangiare a pranzo a Genova in uno dei ristoranti sul mare a Quarto dei Mille.
Il ristorante era il 5 Maggio e devo dire che questo piatto mi ha veramente soddisfatto!

Ti piace la pasta al sugo di pesce? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

A nice plate of fish ravioli from the 5 Maggio restaurant in Genoa – Une belle assiette de raviolis de poisson du restaurant 5 Maggio à Gênes – Un buen plato de ravioles de pescado del restaurante 5 Maggio en Génova – Um belo prato de ravióli de peixe do restaurante 5 Maggio em Gênova – Ein schöner Teller Fischravioli aus dem Restaurant 5 Maggio in Genua – Một đĩa ravioli cá ngon từ nhà hàng 5 Maggio ở Genoa – 来自热那亚 5 Maggio 餐厅的一盘美味的鱼馄饨 – ジェノヴァのレストラン「5 Maggio」の魚のラビオリの素晴らしいプレート