Una ottima frittura di pesce a Riva Trigoso

Una ottima frittura di pesce a Riva Trigoso

Una ottima frittura di pesce gustato a Riva Trigoso.
Un classico di quasi tutti i ristoranti della mia zona è la frittura di pesce (e di paranza) ed è uno dei piatti preferiti di mia moglie.
Quando sono a casa spesso la domenica vado con la famiglia al ristorante e scatto sempre foto dei piatti.

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Una ottima frittura di pesce a Riva Trigoso

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Questo piatto era del ristorante Le Gardenie a Riva.

An excellent fried fish tasted in Riva Trigoso – Un excellent poisson frit apprécié à Riva Trigoso – Un excelente pescado frito que se disfruta en Riva Trigoso – Um excelente peixe frito apreciado em Riva Trigoso – Ein ausgezeichneter gebratener Fisch, den man in Riva Trigoso genießt – Món cá chiên ngon được thưởng thức ở Riva Trigoso

Risotto with prawns and cuttlefish, the recipe

Il risotto con gamberi e seppie, la ricetta

Risotto with prawns and cuttlefish, the recipe.
Some time ago I had lunch with my family at the good restaurant Le Gardenie in Riva Trigoso and I enjoyed an excellent risotto with prawns and cuttlefish.
From the photos I took that day I decided to write you the similar recipe to try to make it at home.
I do not guarantee that the result will be at the same level as what I ate that day!

Here is the recipe for a delicious risotto with prawns and cuttlefish:


– 320 g Carnaroli or Arborio rice;
– 200 g prawns (cleaned and shelled);
– 200 g cuttlefish (cleaned and cut into strips);
– 1 onion;
– 2 cloves garlic;
– 1 litre fish stock;
– 1 glass dry white wine;
– 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil;
– 1 knob butter;
– Chopped parsley to taste;
– Salt and pepper to taste;
– Grated lemon zest (optional).


First, let's prepare the ingredients: we need to clean the prawns and cuttlefish, cutting the latter into strips and then finely chop the onion and garlic cloves.
Then we need to make the soffritto: in a large pot, heat the extra virgin olive oil and add the chopped onion and garlic cloves. Fry over medium heat until the onion becomes transparent.
At this point, add the cuttlefish to the pot and cook for a few minutes until they become tender and pour in the white wine and let it evaporate.
Add the rice to the pot and toast it for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.
Now start adding the fish stock, a ladle at a time, stirring continuously and waiting for the stock to be absorbed before adding more. Continue like this for about 15-18 minutes, until the rice is al dente.
About 5 minutes before the end of cooking the rice, add the prawns. Continue stirring and adding the broth until the risotto is cooked to perfection.
Now we finish with the creaming: remove the risotto from the heat, add the knob of butter and mix well to cream the risotto.
Season with salt and pepper.

Now you can plate the risotto, sprinkle with chopped parsley and, if desired, add a little grated lemon zest for a touch of freshness.

Enjoy your meal! Do you like this dish? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Risotto with prawns and cuttlefish, the recipe – Riz aux crevettes et seiche, la recette – Arroz con gambas y sepia, la receta – Arroz com camarão e choco, a receita – Reis mit Garnelen und Tintenfisch, das Rezept – Cơm với tôm và mực, công thức

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.