A lotus flower photographed in Vietnam

Fiore di loto in Vietnam

A lotus flower photographed in Vietnam.
One of nature's most mythical flowers with its lilac color and because it is always present in places of worship.
It is very often found in pagoda ponds because it is a sacred flower for Buddhists.
I photographed this flower in particular in a pagoda along the Mekong River Delta.

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Fiore di loto in Vietnam

Fiore di loto in Vietnam

Fiore di loto in Vietnam

Fiore di loto in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Nelumbo Adans is a genus of aquatic plants, the only genus in the Nelumbonaceae family, which appeared on Earth 80 million years ago. It includes only two species, native to America, Asia and Australia, with very decorative leaves and large white, pink, yellow and red flowers, known as lotus flowers.
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A lotus flower photographed in Vietnam – Une fleur de lotus photographiée au Vietnam – Una flor de loto fotografiada en Vietnam – Uma flor de lótus fotografada no Vietnã – Eine in Vietnam fotografierte Lotusblume – Chụp ảnh hoa sen ở Việt Nam

Orchidee rosa

Orchidee rosa

Orchidee rosa.
Ancora una foto di un bel fiore che ho scattato qualche settimana fa a Singapore, nell’immenso Flower Dome.
Le orchidee sono proprio uno dei fiori piu’ belli che esistano o almeno tra quelli che ho visto io nella mia vita.

Orchidee rosa

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Le Orchidacee (Orchidaceae Juss., 1789) sono una famiglia di piante monocotiledoni, appartenenti all’ordine delle Orchidales (o Asparagales secondo la classificazione APG). I loro fiori sono comunemente chiamati orchidee. Questa famiglia è costituita da piante erbacee perenni, alcune delle quali sono in grado di assorbire dall’acqua presente nell’ambiente le sostanze necessarie alla loro sopravvivenza tramite le radici aeree (autotrofia) e capaci anche di nutrirsi assimilando sostanze da organismi in decomposizione (sapròfite).
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Tutte le foto scattate al Flower Dome e alla Cloud Forest le potete trovare here:
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Azalea, an explosion of colors in a single plant


Azalea, an explosion of colors in a single plant.
The azalea is a spectacular flower, or rather a plant. A few days ago, walking with my dog, I found this beautiful plant, with hundreds of white and pink flowers... a spectacle!

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Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Azalea and rhododendron are plants belonging to the genus Rhododendron (L. 1753) of the Ericaceae family, native to Eurasia and America. The name derives from the Greek words ῥόδον (rhodon, rose) and δένδρον (dendron, tree). This genus includes over 500 species, infinite hybrids and varieties, of shrubby plants, ranging from 40 to 90 cm, with open, large, rough, oval or lanceolate crowns, glossy dark green on the upper side, lighter or rusty on the lower side, with a glabrous and revolute margin, simple or double flowers, with showy colours, bell-shaped, with sometimes wavy lobes, gathered in large bunches, at the ends of the branches. They bloom between spring and summer, depending on the species. The genus Rhododendron has been divided into 8 subgenera.
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Azalea, an explosion of colors in a single plant – Azalée, une explosion de couleurs dans une seule plante – Azalea, una explosión de colores en una sola planta – Azaléia, uma explosão de cores em uma única planta – Azalee, eine Explosion von Farben in einer einzigen Pflanze – Hoa đỗ quyên, sự bùng nổ màu sắc trong một loài cây