The rose window of the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi

Il rosone della facciata della Basilica di San Francesco ad Assisi

The rose window of the facade of the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi.
A few months ago I was, together with my wife, on holiday for a few days in Umbria. One of the stops of the holiday was Assisi and obviously we could not miss a visit to the famous Basilica of which I describe a detail in this post.

The rose window of the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi is one of the most distinctive architectural features of this important place of worship. Located in the city of Assisi, in Umbria, the basilica is famous for being the main church dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order.
The rose window is located on the upper facade of the basilica, above the main portal. It is a decorative element of great artistic and symbolic value. Rose windows are typically round or polygonal and are characterized by an interweaving of colored glass that create geometric or figurative patterns.

In addition to the upper basilica, the lower basilica is also a significant site, containing the crypts where St. Francis is buried. Both parts of the basilica are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and attract visitors from all over the world for their artistic beauty and spiritual significance.

Do you know Assisi? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il rosone della facciata della Basilica di San Francesco ad Assisi

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos of Assisi click here:

Here is where the basilica is located:

The upper church has a simple “hut” façade. The upper part is decorated with a central rose window, with the symbols of the Evangelists in relief on the sides. The lower part is enriched by the majestic splayed portal. On the left side of the façade, in the seventeenth century, the Loggia delle benedizioni was placed, from which, in the past, the Holy Veil of the Madonna was displayed. On the same side, shortly after the construction of the upper church, the bell tower, once spire-shaped, was raised.
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The rose window of the facade of the church dedicated to Saint Francis in Assisi – La rosace de la façade de l’église dédiée à Saint François d’Assise – El rosetón de la fachada de la iglesia dedicada a San Francisco en Asís – A rosácea na fachada da igreja dedicada a São Francisco em Assis – Das Rosettenfenster an der Fassade der dem Heiligen Franziskus geweihten Kirche in Assisi – Cửa sổ hoa hồng trên mặt tiền nhà thờ kính Thánh Phanxicô ở Assisi

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The rose window of the church of San Jaume in Barcelona

Il rosone della chiesa gotica di San Jaume a Barcellona

The rose window of the Gothic church of San Jaume in Barcelona.
It is certainly not the church that you remember visiting in Barcelona (for that there is the Sagrada Familia and the cathedral) but I also love photographing the details (in addition of course to the famous and touristy things that the site is full of).
This is the beautiful rose window of a small Gothic church near the Rambla.
And the inscription: “Rosa d’abril, Morena de la serra” which celebrates the Virgin of Montserrat, a dark-skinned Madonna, protector of Catalonia.

Do you know Barcelona?
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Il rosone della chiesa gotica di San Jaume a Barcellona

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos taken in the city click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the church is located:

According to legend, the first image of the Virgin (in Catalan La Mare de Déu de Montserrat) was found by some children who were tending a flock in a cave in 880, after seeing a light on the mountain. When the bishop learned of the discovery, he tried to have the small statue transported to Manresa, but it was not possible because the statue became too heavy. Therefore, the bishop interpreted this signal as the Virgin's desire to remain near the place where it was found and therefore ordered the construction of the sanctuary.
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The rose window of the Gothic church of San Jaume in Barcelona – La rosace de l’église gothique de San Jaume à Barcelone – El rosetón de la iglesia gótica de San Jaume de Barcelona – A rosácea da igreja gótica de San Jaume em Barcelona – Das Rosettenfenster der gotischen Kirche San Jaume in Barcelona – Cửa sổ hoa hồng của nhà thờ Gothic San Jaume ở Barcelona – 巴塞罗那圣海梅哥特式教堂的玫瑰窗 – バルセロナのサン・ジャウメのゴシック様式教会のバラ窓

One of the majestic stained glass windows of the Milan Cathedral

Una delle maestose vetrate del Duomo di Milano

One of the majestic stained glass windows of the Milan Cathedral.
The majestic Cathedral of the Milanese city obviously also has an impressive series of stained glass windows

Have you ever visited the Milan Cathedral?
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Una delle maestose vetrate del Duomo di Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website:

To see all the photos I took on the roof and inside the Duomo click here:

The central stained glass window, dedicated to the Vision of the Apocalypse, maintains in the upper part about fifty pieces from the 15th and 16th centuries[10]. It was originally commissioned in 1416 to Franceschino Zavattari, Maffiolo da Cremona and Stefano da Pandino.
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One of the majestic stained glass windows of the Milan Cathedral – L’un des majestueux vitraux de la cathédrale de Milan – Una de las majestuosas vidrieras de la Catedral de Milán – Um dos majestosos vitrais da Catedral de Milão – Eines der majestätischen Buntglasfenster des Mailänder Doms – Một trong những cửa sổ kính màu tráng lệ của Nhà thờ Milan – 米兰大教堂雄伟的彩色玻璃窗之一 – ミラノ大聖堂の壮大なステンド グラスの窓の 1 つ

Il rosone della Cattedrale di Brugnato

Il rosone della Cattedrale di Brugnato in provincia di La Spezia

Il rosone della Cattedrale di Brugnato in provincia di La Spezia.
La bella e piccola chiesa di Brugnato, che ha raggiunto il rango di concattedrale, ha anche uno splendido rosone vitreo che ho deciso di evidenziare in questo post.
Mi piacciono molto questo genere di opere artistiche.

Hai mai visitato questa chiesa di Brugnato? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il rosone della Cattedrale di Brugnato in provincia di La Spezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

La concattedrale dei Santi Pietro, Lorenzo e Colombano è un luogo di culto cattolico situato nel comune di Brugnato, in provincia della Spezia. La chiesa è sede della parrocchia omonima del vicariato di Brugnato della diocesi della Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato.
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The rose window of the Cathedral of Brugnato in the province of La Spezia – La rosace de la cathédrale de Brugnato dans la province de La Spezia – El rosetón de la Catedral de Brugnato en la provincia de La Spezia – A rosácea da Catedral de Brugnato, na província de La Spezia – Die Rosette der Kathedrale von Brugnato in der Provinz La Spezia – Cửa sổ hoa hồng của Nhà thờ Brugnato ở tỉnh La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚省布鲁尼亚托大教堂的玫瑰窗 – ラ・スペツィア県のブルニャート大聖堂のバラ窓

Il timpano della chiesa di San Michele in Foro

Il timpano del portone della chiesa di San Michele in Foro a Lucca

Il timpano del portone della chiesa di San Michele in Foro a Lucca.
Al centro della piazza più centrale della città di Lucca c’è la chiesa di San Michele e questo è un particolare del timpano marmoreo che si trova sopra al portone centrale di ingresso.
Nella scultura animali reali e fantastici con al centro San Michele con la sua lancia.

Sei mai stato a Lucca e hai mai visitato questa chiesa? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il timpano del portone della chiesa di San Michele in Foro a Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Click here to see all the photos of the Tuscan city of Lucca.
foto gallery

Questo invece è il sito della comunita’ parrocchiale del centro di Lucca:

Portale della Chiesa di San Michele in Foro a Lucca. Prima metà XII secolo. Architrave del portale centrale. Vi si nota nel frontone una ricca decorazione con grifi alati, sirene bicaudate con code terminanti in teste mostruose, uomini con corpo d’animali, bestie bicefale e bestie che ne azzannano altre (chiaro riferimento al peccato, che può sorprendere anche gli uomini più pacifici in qualunque momento).
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Here is where the church is located:

The tympanum of the door of the church of San Michele in Foro in Lucca – Le tympan de la porte de l’église de San Michele in Foro à Lucca – El tímpano de la puerta de la iglesia de San Michele in Foro en Lucca – O tímpano da porta da igreja de San Michele in Foro em Lucca – Das Tympanon der Tür der Kirche San Michele in Foro in Lucca – Bệ cửa của nhà thờ San Michele ở Foro ở Lucca – 卢卡福罗圣米歇尔教堂门的鼓室 – ルッカのフォロにあるサンミケーレ教会の扉の鼓膜

The stained glass window of the church of Sant’Antonio in Sestri Levante

La vetrata delle chiesa di Sant'Antonio a Sestri Levante

The stained glass window of the church of Sant’Antonio in Sestri Levante.
The modern stained glass window of the church of Sant’Antonio in Sestri Levante takes up almost the entire main facade.
I can’t even figure out if it represents something or if it’s just a set of random geometric figures.

Do you know this church in Sestri Levante?
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La vetrata delle chiesa di Sant'Antonio a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

I found various information about the church's works on the website:

The present structure dates back to the 1960s, designed by the architect Ceschi, but on the site of today's temple several religious buildings had already been built in the past. There was an ancient oratory of Saints John the Evangelist and Anthony here and the Conventual Friars Minor…
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La vetrata delle chiesa di Sant’Antonio a Sestri Levante – Le vitrail de l’église de Sant’Antonio à Sestri Levante – La vidriera de la iglesia de Sant’Antonio en Sestri Levante – Das Glasfenster der Kirche Sant’Antonio in Sestri Levante – Cửa sổ kính màu của nhà thờ Sant’Antonio ở Sestri Levante

The rose window of the church of the Santuario della Guardia

Il rosone della chiesa del Santuario della Guardia

The rose window of the church of the Santuario della Guardia.
I like the rose windows of the churches to photograph. This is the central rose window of the church of the Santissima Madonna della Guardia, the sanctuary most loved by the Genoese.

And you, have you ever been to the Sanctuary of the Guard? Do you have any stories or want to add some information about it?
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Il rosone della chiesa del Santuario della Guardia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took at the Sanctuary, click here:

The sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Guardia – more simply known as the sanctuary of the Guardia or la Guardia – is the most important Marian sanctuary in Liguria and one of the most important in Italy.
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The rose window of the church of the Sanctuary of the Guard – La rosace de l’église du Sanctuaire de la Garde – El rosetón de la iglesia del Santuario de la Guardia – A rosácea da igreja do Santuário da Guarda – Die Rosette der Kirche des Heiligtums der Garde – Cửa sổ hoa hồng của nhà thờ Thánh địa Vệ binh – 卫兵圣所教堂的玫瑰窗 – 守護聖域教会のバラ窓

The rose window of the Basilica dei Fieschi in Cogorno

Rosone della Basilica dei Fieschi

The rose window of the Basilica dei Fieschi in Cogorno.
Some time ago I went to visit and photograph the Basilica dei Fieschi, not far from my house.
In addition to the severe appearance of the interior, the rose window of the facade is beautifully displayed, representing a lamb (agnus in Latin) which has always been one of the symbols of Christianity.
The photo seems to have come out very well, for this reason I proposed it to you in a single post.

And you, have you ever been to the Fieschi Basilica? Do you have any stories or would you like to add some information about it? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Rosone della Basilica dei Fieschi

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here all the photos taken outside and inside the Basilica:
foto gallery

Where is the Basilica located:

Here is also a nice video that I recorded inside the Basilica:

The rose window of the Basilica dei Fieschi in Cogorno – La rosace de la Basilica dei Fieschi à Cogorno – El rosetón de la Basílica dei Fieschi en Cogorno – A rosácea da Basílica dei Fieschi em Cogorno – Die Rosette der Basilica dei Fieschi in Cogorno – Cửa sổ hoa hồng của Vương cung thánh đường Fieschi ở Cogorno – 科戈尔诺 Basilica dei Fieschi 的玫瑰窗 – コゴルノのバシリカ デイ フィエスキのバラ窓