The Faun of Pompeii, an exceptional statue

fauno di pompei

The Faun of Pompeii is probably one of the most famous bronze statues in the world.
It gives its name to the House of the same name (called precisely the House of the Faun) and represents a dancing satyr.

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fauno di pompei

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see other photos of the Pompeii excavations click here.
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This is the institutional website of the park:

The House of the Faun is a Roman house, buried during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 and rediscovered following the archaeological excavations of ancient Pompeii: it is one of the largest homes in the city and owes its name to a bronze statue, depicting a satyr, placed in the impluvium. It occupies almost entirely the Insula 12 of Regio VI.
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The Faun of Pompeii, an exceptional statue – Le Faune de Pompéi, une statue exceptionnelle – El Fauno de Pompeya, una estatua excepcional – O Fauno de Pompéia, uma estátua excepcional – Der Faun von Pompeji, eine außergewöhnliche Statue – Faun of Pompeii, một bức tượng đặc biệt – 庞贝的农牧神,一座非凡的雕像 – ポンペイの牧神、並外れた像