The beautiful Vernazza in the Cinque Terre seen from above

La bella Vernazza alle Cinque Terre vista dall'alto

The beautiful Vernazza in the Cinque Terre seen from above.
A few months ago I walked the beautiful path that goes from Monterosso to Vernazza passing from above.
Very beautiful path, slightly difficult, but when you are about to arrive at the beautiful village of Vernazza it offers an unparalleled view.

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La bella Vernazza alle Cinque Terre vista dall'alto

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of the trail, click here:
foto gallery

The village, which grew along the Vernazzola stream (now covered) which constitutes its central artery, has an exceptionally intact urban fabric, divided into a series of alleys and steep stairways. Above the town of Vernazza, at an altitude of 325 meters above sea level, is the sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Reggio.
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The small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre seen from above – Le petit port de Vernazza aux Cinque Terre vu d’en haut – El pequeño puerto de Vernazza en Cinque Terre visto desde arriba – O pequeno porto de Vernazza em Cinque Terre visto de cima – Der kleine Hafen von Vernazza in den Cinque Terre von oben gesehen – Cảng nhỏ Vernazza ở Cinque Terre nhìn từ trên cao – 从上面看五渔村韦尔纳扎的小港口 – 上から見たチンクエテッレのヴェルナッツァの小さな港

The Sestri Peninsula seen from Ciappa du Lu

La Penisola di Sestri vista dalla Ciappa du Lu

The houses on the Sestri Peninsula seen from Ciappa du Lu.
Some time ago now, I went to the famous rock called Ciappa du Lu (reachable from the path that starts from Sestri to go to Punta Manara).
From there, with my telephoto lens, I took several photos of the Sestri Peninsula from an unusual (for me) perspective.

Don't you also think the view from this rock is splendid?
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La Penisola di Sestri vista dalla Ciappa du Lu

La Penisola di Sestri vista dalla Ciappa du Lu

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where I shot it from:

The houses on the Sestri peninsula seen from Ciappa du Lu – Les maisons de la péninsule de Sestri vues de Ciappa du Lu – Las casas de la península de Sestri vistas desde Ciappa du Lu – As casas da península de Sestri vistas de Ciappa du Lu – Die Häuser auf der Halbinsel Sestri vom Ciappa du Lu aus gesehen – Những ngôi nhà trên bán đảo Sestri nhìn từ Ciappa du Lu

The path from Monterosso to Vernazza

Il sentiero che da Monterosso va a Vernazza passando dai monti

The path that goes from Monterosso to Vernazza passing through the mountains.
Last year I thought about taking a trip to the Cinque Terre to walk a couple of paths. Unfortunately one of my favorites was closed (the one that goes from Monterosso to Vernazza passing by the sea) and I only discovered it when I got there.
I only discovered later that on the park website there is a very up-to-date section (here) that tells you in real time if a path is not passable.
We therefore opted for a path, perhaps a little more challenging but equally spectacular: Monterosso, Madonna di Soviore, Santuario di Reggio, Vernazza.
The photos that I am publishing in this post are of the last stretch, downhill and very beautiful, that goes down to Vernazza.

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Il sentiero che da Monterosso va a Vernazza passando dai monti

Il sentiero che da Monterosso va a Vernazza passando dai monti

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took along the trail click here:
foto gallery

The path that goes from Monterosso to Vernazza passing through the mountains – Le chemin qui va de Monterosso à Vernazza en passant par les montagnes – El camino que va de Monterosso a Vernazza pasando por las montañas – O caminho que vai de Monterosso a Vernazza passando pelas montanhas – Der Weg, der von Monterosso nach Vernazza führt und durch die Berge führt – Con đường đi từ Monterosso đến Vernazza xuyên qua những ngọn núi

From inside the beech forest of Monte Zatta

Dall'interno della faggeta del Monte Zatta

From inside the beech forest of Monte Zatta.
Some time ago I walked the beautiful path that leads from Passo del Bocco to the top of Monte Zatta. Well before reaching the top you cross the splendid beech forest (one of the largest in Liguria) inside which I took this beautiful wide-angle photo.

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Dall'interno della faggeta del Monte Zatta

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

I took several photos along the Monte Zatta path and if you want to see them go to this page:

To see in detail the path I took I invite you to go to

The summit of the Zatta mountain massif consists of a long wavy ridge, crossed by an easy ridge path. On the outer edges of this ridge are the Zatta di Ponente mountain (1355 m) and the Prato Pinello mountain (1390 m). Between the two ends rises the main peak, the Zatta di Levante mountain (1404 m). The southern slope is steep and stony, while the northern slope, towards the Bocco pass, has a gentler slope and is covered by a large beech forest.
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The beech trees of Monte Zatta in Liguria – Les hêtres du Monte Zatta en Ligurie – Las hayas del Monte Zatta en Liguria – As faias do Monte Zatta na Ligúria – Die Buchen des Monte Zatta in Ligurien – Những cây sồi ở Monte Zatta ở Liguria – 利古里亚蒙特扎塔山毛榉树 – リグリアのモンテザッタのブナの木

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora di Soviore sulle alture di Monterosso

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore on the heights of Monterosso.
Some time ago I visited this place of worship located in the Liguria region, precisely near Monterosso al Mare, within the Cinque Terre National Park, in Italy. This sanctuary is one of the oldest and most important in the area and represents a spiritual and historical reference point for the local community and for visitors.
The sanctuary is dedicated to the Madonna of Soviore, venerated by the faithful as the protector of sailors and travellers. Its history dates back to at least the 10th century, although some sources suggest that it may have been founded as early as the 7th century. Over the centuries, the sanctuary has undergone numerous expansions and restorations, but has retained its evocative atmosphere and ancient charm.
The sanctuary building features an architectural style typical of the Romanesque period, with Gothic and Baroque elements added in later periods. The façade is decorated with frescoes and sculptures, while the interior is rich in sacred art works, including paintings, statues and altars.
One of the most striking features of the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Soviore is its panoramic position, which offers spectacular views of the Ligurian Sea and the cliffs of the Cinque Terre. Many people go to the sanctuary not only for religious purposes, but also to admire the surrounding landscape and to enjoy moments of peace and contemplation.
The sanctuary can be reached via a panoramic path that starts from Monterosso al Mare and offers a unique experience to visitors, who can immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area and the spirit of devotion that permeates this sacred place.
In short, the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Soviore represents an important site of historical, artistic and spiritual interest in the Cinque Terre region, offering visitors the opportunity to explore the rich religious and cultural tradition of this fascinating Italian coastal area.

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Il Santuario di Nostra Signora di Soviore sulle alture di Monterosso

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora di Soviore sulle alture di Monterosso

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took along the trail click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the sanctuary is located:

The sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Soviore is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Monterosso al Mare, along the provincial road 38, in the province of La Spezia. The religious building is located within the Cinque Terre National Park along the slopes of Mount Soviore (464 m above sea level) among woods and terraced fields near the road between the municipalities of Monterosso al Mare and Levanto. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name of the Vicariate of the Riviera of the diocese of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato, of which the Madonna di Soviore has been the patron saint since 11 May 1974. The main holidays are on 15 August (the feast of the Assumption of Mary) and the Sunday after 8 September.
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The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore on the heights of Monterosso – Le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Soviore sur les hauteurs de Monterosso – El Santuario de Nuestra Señora del Soviore en las alturas de Monterosso – O Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Soviore nas alturas de Monterosso – Das Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau von Soviore auf den Höhen von Monterosso – Thánh địa Đức Mẹ Soviore trên đỉnh Monterosso – 蒙特罗索高地的索维奥尔圣母朝圣地 – モンテロッソの高台にあるソヴィオーレの聖母の聖域

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre

Il porticciolo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre visto dall'alto

The small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre seen from above.
Some time ago, while I was at home, I went to the Cinque Terre to do some trekking. Unfortunately the classic Sentiero Azzurro (the one that goes from Monterosso to Vernazza on the sea side) was closed for maintenance so, with my wife, we decided to try walking uphill to the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Soviore and then, once at the top, we went down the path that, passing by Nostra Signora di Reggio, descends to Vernazza.
From above the village of Vernazza is always splendid, don't you think?

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Il porticciolo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre visto dall'alto

Il porticciolo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre visto dall'alto

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of the trail, click here:
foto gallery

The village, which grew along the Vernazzola stream (now covered) which constitutes its central artery, has an exceptionally intact urban fabric, divided into a series of alleys and steep stairways. Above the town of Vernazza, at an altitude of 325 meters above sea level, is the sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Reggio.
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The small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre seen from above – Le petit port de Vernazza aux Cinque Terre vu d’en haut – El pequeño puerto de Vernazza en Cinque Terre visto desde arriba – O pequeno porto de Vernazza em Cinque Terre visto de cima – Der kleine Hafen von Vernazza in den Cinque Terre von oben gesehen – Cảng nhỏ Vernazza ở Cinque Terre nhìn từ trên cao – 从上面看五渔村韦尔纳扎的小港口 – 上から見たチンクエテッレのヴェルナッツァの小さな港

The village of Vernazza seen from the top of the path

Il borgo di Vernazza visto dall'alto del sentiero

The village of Vernazza seen from the top of the path
The last time I was in the Cinque Terre I walked the path from Monterosso to Vernazza passing by the Sanctuary of Soviore.
You climb a lot and then, when you go down to the village, you have a slightly different view than that of the Sentiero Azzurro.
I took many photos of which this is one of the most beautiful for me.
The only shame is that the sun's glare, the distance and a bit of haze didn't allow for a clear photo.

Do you know or have you ever visited the Cinque Terre? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il borgo di Vernazza visto dall'alto del sentiero

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here is where the village is located:

The village of Vernazza seen from the top of the path – Le village de Vernazza vu du dessus du chemin – El pueblo de Vernazza visto desde arriba del camino – A aldeia de Vernazza vista de cima do caminho – Das Dorf Vernazza von oben gesehen – Ngôi làng Vernazza nhìn từ phía trên con đường

Our Lady of Soviore above Monterosso al Mare

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora di Soviore sopra Monterosso al Mare

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore above Monterosso al Mare.
Some time ago, while I was at home, I decided to take a nice walk and so I headed (with my wife Dao) to the Cinque Terre. Unfortunately the classic Sentiero Azzurro was closed (and recently I had intelligently not checked on the very up-to-date website of the Park) and so we had to reinvent a route using the large network of trails in the area.
We set off on the path that from Monterosso al Mare passes by this splendid sanctuary and then descends to Vernazza.
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore is truly splendid (and photogenic) and repays the effort of the walk to get there.

Did you know this sanctuary? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora di Soviore sopra Monterosso al Mare

Il Santuario di Nostra Signora di Soviore sopra Monterosso al Mare

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took along the trail click here:
foto gallery

Here is where the sanctuary is located:

The sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Soviore is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Monterosso al Mare, along the provincial road 38, in the province of La Spezia. The religious building is located within the Cinque Terre National Park along the slopes of Mount Soviore (464 m above sea level) among woods and terraced fields near the road between the municipalities of Monterosso al Mare and Levanto. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name of the Vicariate of the Riviera of the diocese of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato, of which the Madonna di Soviore has been the patron saint since 11 May 1974. The main holidays are on 15 August (the feast of the Assumption of Mary) and the Sunday after 8 September.
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The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Soviore on the heights of Monterosso – Le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Soviore sur les hauteurs de Monterosso – El Santuario de Nuestra Señora del Soviore en las alturas de Monterosso – O Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Soviore nas alturas de Monterosso – Das Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau von Soviore auf den Höhen von Monterosso – Thánh địa Đức Mẹ Soviore trên đỉnh Monterosso – 蒙特罗索高地的索维奥尔圣母朝圣地 – モンテロッソの高台にあるソヴィオーレの聖母の聖域

The houses of the small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre

Le case del porticciolo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre

The houses of the small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre.
Going down one of the paths that cross the territory of the Cinque Terre you arrive at the small village of Vernazza.
The main feature of the village is its small square which in this case is portrayed from above.
In the foreground part of the bell tower of the church of Santa Maria di Antiochia; in the background the colored houses that overlook the small port.

Do you know or have you ever visited the Cinque Terre? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le case del porticciolo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre

Le case del porticciolo di Vernazza alle Cinque Terre

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here is where the village is located:

The houses of the small port of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre – Les maisons du petit port de Vernazza aux Cinque Terre – Las casas del pequeño puerto de Vernazza en Cinque Terre – As casas do pequeno porto de Vernazza em Cinque Terre – Die Häuser des kleinen Hafens von Vernazza in den Cinque Terre – Những ngôi nhà ở cảng nhỏ Vernazza ở Cinque Terre

La spettacolare vista dalla cima del Monte Zatta

La spettacolare vista dalla cima del Monte Zatta

La spettacolare vista dalla cima del Monte Zatta.
Qualche tempo fa, ormai, ero stato a camminare lungo il sentiero ad anello del Monte Zatta.
Una delle passeggiate più belle che io ricordi di aver percorso con, all’apice, la spettacolare vista che si gode dalla cima!

Have you ever hiked this trail? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

I took several photos along the Monte Zatta path and if you want to see them go to this page:

To see in detail the path I took I invite you to go to

Here's where the top is:

The summit of the Zatta mountain massif consists of a long wavy ridge, crossed by an easy ridge path. On the outer edges of this ridge are the Zatta di Ponente mountain (1355 m) and the Prato Pinello mountain (1390 m). Between the two ends rises the main peak, the Zatta di Levante mountain (1404 m). The southern slope is steep and stony, while the northern slope, towards the Bocco pass, has a gentler slope and is covered by a large beech forest.
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One of the peaks of Monte Zatta on the Alta Via of the Ligurian mountains – L’un des sommets du Monte Zatta sur l’Alta Via des montagnes liguriennes – Uno de los picos del Monte Zatta en la Alta Vía de las montañas de Liguria – Um dos picos do Monte Zatta na Alta Via das montanhas da Ligúria – Einer der Gipfel des Monte Zatta auf der Alta Via der ligurischen Berge – Một trong những đỉnh của Monte Zatta trên Alta Via của dãy núi Ligurian – 利古里亚山脉阿尔塔大道上的蒙特扎塔峰之一 – リグリア山脈のアルタビアにあるモンテザッタの山頂の1つ