The tower overlooking the Bay of Silence in Sestri

La torre che domina la Baia del Silenzio a Sestri Levante

The tower overlooking the Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante.
The Bay of Silence is famous for its colorful houses overlooking the sea and just a few meters from the water.
One of these buildings, which I called a tower in the title due to its structure, always fascinates me, especially for the view from the glass window on the top floor.
Unfortunately, I have only enjoyed the view from someone else's shots, but I hope that one day someone will invite me up there.

Do you know anything more about this building?
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La torre che domina la Baia del Silenzio a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where exactly is it located:

The tower overlooking the Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante – La tour surplombant la Baie du Silence à Sestri Levante – La torre que domina la Bahía del Silencio en Sestri Levante – A torre com vista para a Baía do Silêncio em Sestri Levante – Der Turm mit Blick auf die Bucht der Stille in Sestri Levante – Tòa tháp nhìn ra Vịnh Im lặng ở Sestri Levante

The Sestri Peninsula seen from Ciappa du Lu

La Penisola di Sestri vista dalla Ciappa du Lu

The houses on the Sestri Peninsula seen from Ciappa du Lu.
Some time ago now, I went to the famous rock called Ciappa du Lu (reachable from the path that starts from Sestri to go to Punta Manara).
From there, with my telephoto lens, I took several photos of the Sestri Peninsula from an unusual (for me) perspective.

Don't you also think the view from this rock is splendid?
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La Penisola di Sestri vista dalla Ciappa du Lu

La Penisola di Sestri vista dalla Ciappa du Lu

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where I shot it from:

The houses on the Sestri peninsula seen from Ciappa du Lu – Les maisons de la péninsule de Sestri vues de Ciappa du Lu – Las casas de la península de Sestri vistas desde Ciappa du Lu – As casas da península de Sestri vistas de Ciappa du Lu – Die Häuser auf der Halbinsel Sestri vom Ciappa du Lu aus gesehen – Những ngôi nhà trên bán đảo Sestri nhìn từ Ciappa du Lu

The alley of Sestri Levante, the heart of the town

Il caruggio di Sestri Levante, cuore della cittadina

The caruggio of Sestri Levante, the heart of the town.
In the heart of Sestri Levante, one of the pearls of Liguria, is the famous caruggio, officially known as Via XXV Aprile. This narrow pedestrian alley is the nerve center of city life, a place where history, culture and everyday life intertwine in a fascinating mosaic.
Walking along the caruggio is like taking a step back in time. The colorful houses, with their decorated facades and flower-filled balconies, tell stories of a rich and vibrant past. Each building has its own unique character, reflecting the traditional Ligurian architecture that makes Sestri Levante so special.
The caruggio is always lively, especially during the summer months. Here you will find numerous shops, bars, bakeries and restaurants offering a wide range of local products and culinary specialties. It is the ideal place to go shopping, enjoy an artisanal ice cream or simply sit at a café and watch the world go by.
The caruggio is not just a road, but a path that leads to one of the most iconic places in Sestri Levante: the Baia del Silenzio. This corner of paradise, with its crystal clear waters and golden beach, is easily reached by walking along the caruggio, making the experience even more magical.

Visiting the caruggio of Sestri Levante means immersing yourself in the authenticity of Ligurian life. It is a place where the past and present meet, creating a unique and unforgettable atmosphere. Whether you are a tourist looking for new discoveries or a resident who loves his city, the caruggio always offers something special.

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit Sestri Levante and walk along its alley? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il caruggio di Sestri Levante, cuore della cittadina

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The alley of Sestri Levante, the heart of the town – La ruelle de Sestri Levante, le cœur de la ville – El callejón de Sestri Levante, el corazón de la ciudad – O beco de Sestri Levante, o coração da cidade – Die Gasse von Sestri Levante, das Herz der Stadt – Con hẻm Sestri Levante, trung tâm thị trấn

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

A stroll through the alleyway of Sestri Levante in Liguria

Due passi nel caruggio di Sestri Levante in Liguria

A stroll through the caruggio of Sestri Levante in Liguria.
More or less around this time, but last year, I took this beautiful photo of the caruggio (this is what the pedestrian street that crosses a village is called in Liguria) of my town, Sestri Levante.
Almost deserted, just as many Sestresi like it.

Do you know or have you ever been to Sestri Levante?
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Due passi nel caruggio di Sestri Levante in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

Strolling through the splendid alleyway of Sestri Levante – Se promener dans la splendide ruelle de Sestri Levante – Caminando por el espléndido callejón de Sestri Levante – Caminhando no esplêndido beco de Sestri Levante – Ein Spaziergang durch die herrliche Gasse von Sestri Levante – Dạo bước trong con hẻm lộng lẫy của Sestri Levante

A Sunday morning in early March in the Bay of Silence

Una domenica mattina di inizio marzo in Baia del Silenzio

A Sunday morning in early March in the Bay of Silence.
This morning the bay was truly spectacular.
March and April are probably the best months to take a quiet walk, even on Sundays, in this heavenly place!

Do you know the Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante?
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Una domenica mattina di inizio marzo in Baia del Silenzio

Una domenica mattina di inizio marzo in Baia del Silenzio

Una domenica mattina di inizio marzo in Baia del Silenzio

Photo taken with iPhone SE.

Where is the bay located:

A Sunday morning in early March in the Bay of Silence – Un dimanche matin début mars à Baia del Silenzio – Una mañana de domingo a principios de marzo en Baia del Silenzio – Uma manhã de domingo no início de março em Baia del Silenzio – Ein Sonntagmorgen Anfang März in Baia del Silenzio – Một buổi sáng chủ nhật đầu tháng 3 ở Baia del Silenzio

Corso Colombo e la torre di Palazzo Fascie-Rossi

Corso Colombo e la torre di Palazzo Fascie-Rossi a Sestri Levante

Corso Colombo e la torre di Palazzo Fascie-Rossi a Sestri Levante.
Una delle vie principali del centro della mia cittadina è Corso Colombo.
Carrabile ma spesso chiusa al traffico. Al centro spicca in Palazzo Fascie-Rossi con la sua bella torre.

Do you know Sestri Levante? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is the website of the Palazzo Fascie.

Here is where the palace is located:

The street called Corso Colombo and the tower of Palazzo Fascie-Rossi in Sestri Levante – La rue appelée Corso Colombo et la tour du Palazzo Fascie-Rossi à Sestri Levante – La calle llamada Corso Colombo y la torre del Palazzo Fascie-Rossi en Sestri Levante – A rua chamada Corso Colombo e a torre do Palazzo Fascie-Rossi em Sestri Levante – Die Straße namens Corso Colombo und der Turm des Palazzo Fascie-Rossi in Sestri Levante – Con phố mang tên Corso Colombo và tòa tháp Palazzo Fascie-Rossi ở Sestri Levante

A beautiful building in Piazza Bo in Sestri Levante

Un bel palazzo in piazza Bo a Sestri Levante

A beautiful building in Piazza Bo in Sestri Levante.
I have passed by this square thousands of times but I admit that I have never photographed this beautiful building located in Piazza Bo.
I also ask for the help of visitors because I noticed that the square is dedicated to Francesco Bo, about whom I have not found any information online.

Can you tell me something about it?
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Un bel palazzo in piazza Bo a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the square located:

A beautiful building in the square dedicated to Francesco Bo in Sestri Levante – Un bel immeuble sur la place dédiée à Francesco Bo à Sestri Levante – Un hermoso edificio en la plaza dedicada a Francesco Bo en Sestri Levante – Um belo edifício na praça dedicada a Francesco Bo em Sestri Levante – Ein wunderschönes Gebäude auf dem Francesco Bo gewidmeten Platz in Sestri Levante – Một tòa nhà đẹp ở quảng trường dành riêng cho Francesco Bo ở Sestri Levante

Gnocchi with clam sauce tasted in Sergio's

Gnocchi al sugo di vongole gustati da Sergio

Gnocchi with clam sauce enjoyed Sergio's.
When, with the family, we want to eat fish, without breaking the bank but eating good things, we go to Osteria da Sergio (in the Lapide area of ​​Sestri Levante).
This is the dish that my sister almost always chooses: the gnocchi, however, are seasoned with clam sauce.
Very good!

Have you ever been to this tavern?
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

It doesn't have a website, I'll leave you with the reviews of TripAdvisor.

The gnocchi with clam sauce enjoyed by Sergio – Les gnocchis à la sauce aux palourdes appréciés par Sergio – Los ñoquis con salsa de almejas que disfruta Sergio – O gnocchi com molho de amêijoas apreciado por Sergio – Die Gnocchi mit Muschelsauce, die Sergio genossen hat – Món gnocchi sốt ngao được Sergio thưởng thức

The Marina di Ponente alley in Sestri Levante

Vico Marina di Ponente a Sestri Levante

The Marina di Ponente alley in Sestri Levante.
This alley is probably better known if you photograph it from the other entrance but I also like it from this side, the seafront side.
The red house at the end with the three green shutters and the beautiful green door.

Do you know this spot in Sestri Levante?
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Vico Marina di Ponente a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 28.

Where is the spot where I took the shot:

The Marina di Ponente alley in Sestri Levante – La ruelle Marina di Ponente à Sestri Levante – El callejón Marina di Ponente en Sestri Levante – O beco Marina di Ponente em Sestri Levante – Die Gasse Marina di Ponente in Sestri Levante – Con hẻm Marina di Ponente ở Sestri Levante

The path that leads to the sea in the Bay of Silence

Il viottolo che porta al mare in Baia del Silenzio

The path that leads to the sea in Baia del Silenzio.
Walking along via Portobello until you reach the entrance to the Ex Convento dell’Annuzniata you can continue along this narrow path until you reach one of the points with the most beautiful view of the Baia del Silenzio.
That point, which as a boy I heard called “La Canala” has a wall completely covered with vandalistic graffiti that, however, over time have become truly characteristic.

Do you know this particular spot in the bay?
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Il viottolo che porta al mare in Baia del Silenzio

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Where is the spot where I took the shot:

The path that leads to the sea in the Bay of Silence – Le chemin qui mène à la mer à Baia del Silenzio – El camino que lleva al mar en Baia del Silenzio – O caminho que conduz ao mar na Baia del Silenzio – Der Weg, der in Baia del Silenzio zum Meer führt – Con đường dẫn ra biển ở Baia del Silenzio