Un ottimo hamburger così come me lo faccio io a casa

Un ottimo hamburger così come me lo faccio io a casa

Un ottimo hamburger così come me lo faccio io a casa.
Quando sono a casa, spesso mi preparo un super-hamburger… compro un bel macinato, un paio di fettine di bacon, un paio di sottilette (meglio se quelle al cheddar), cipolla tagliata fine e per finire abbondante ketchup e senape!
Questo è proprio quello che ho mangiato io per cui la foto non è molto professionale, lo so…

E a te piace l’hamburger? Come lo prepari tu? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Un ottimo hamburger così come me lo faccio io a casa

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Ein toller Burger, so wie ich ihn zu Hause mache – Một chiếc burger tuyệt vời giống như tôi làm ở nhà – 一个很棒的汉堡,就像我在家里做的一样 –

Gli alberi del lungolago di Lugano in Svizzera

Gli alberi del lungolago di Lugano in Svizzera

Gli alberi del lungolago di Lugano in Svizzera.
Anche se il mare, secondo me, e’ un’altra cosa il lago ha comunque il so fascino.
Ed il lungolago della splendida cittadina svizzera di Lugano, con i suoi filari di alberi, e’ molto bello.

E voi, amate il lago? Lasciate un commento cliccando here.

Gli alberi del lungolago di Lugano in Svizzera

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Swiss town, click here:

The trees of the lakefront of Lugano in Switzerland – Les arbres du bord du lac de Lugano en Suisse – Los árboles de la orilla del lago de Lugano en Suiza – As árvores do lago de Lugano na Suíça – Die Bäume des Seeufers von Lugano in der Schweiz – Những cây ven hồ Lugano ở Thụy Sĩ – 瑞士卢加诺湖畔的树木 – スイスのルガーノの湖畔の木々

Strolling through the alleys of downtown Lugano

A passeggio nei vicoli del centro di Lugano

Strolling through the alleys of downtown Lugano
Two steps in the center of the small but very nice Swiss town of Lugano.
This is one of the prettiest alleys in the center with this beautiful arcade that hosts shops with all sorts of goodies.

Conosci Lugano e la Svizzera? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

A passeggio nei vicoli del centro di Lugano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Swiss town, click here:

Strolling in the alleys of the center of Lugano – Flâner dans les ruelles du centre de Lugano – Paseando por los callejones del centro de Lugano – Passeando pelas vielas do centro de Lugano – Bummeln durch die Gassen des Zentrums von Lugano – Tản bộ trong các con hẻm ở trung tâm Lugano – 在卢加诺市中心的小巷中漫步 – ルガーノ中心部の路地を散歩

Street art per le vie di Lugano in Svizzera

Street art per le vie di Lugano in Svizzera

Street art per le vie di Lugano in Svizzera.
Diversi mesi fa sono stato a fare una gita di un paio di giorni nella bella cittadina svizzera di Lugano e, passeggiando per le animate vie, ho incontrato questa opera in un giardino lungolago.
Lugano è una città molto attiva artisticamente parlando e questa opera, di Nicolas Party (Head, 2019, acrilico e olio su vetroresina, LAC) ne è la testimonianza.

Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

Street art per le vie di Lugano in Svizzera

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Swiss town, click here:

Street art in the streets of Lugano in Switzerland – Street art dans les rues de Lugano en Suisse – Arte callejero en las calles de Lugano en Suiza – Arte de rua nas ruas de Lugano, na Suíça – Street Art in den Straßen von Lugano in der Schweiz – Nghệ thuật đường phố trên đường phố Lugano, Thụy Sĩ – 瑞士卢加诺街头的街头艺术 – スイスのルガーノの通りのストリート アート

The red pedal boats of Lake Lugano

I pedalò rossi del lago di Lugano

The red pedal boats of Lake Lugano.
Walking along the lakeside of the city of Lugano, in Switzerland, I noticed and photographed these beautiful vintage pedal boats.
They are very particular and I had never seen anything like them.

And have you ever been to Switzerland on the lake?
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I pedalò rossi del lago di Lugano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Swiss town, click here:

The red pedal boats of Lake Lugano – Les pédalos rouges du lac de Lugano – Los botes de pedales rojos del lago de Lugano – Os pedalinhos vermelhos do Lago Lugano – Die roten Tretboote des Luganersees – Die roten Tretboote des Luganersees – Những chiếc thuyền đạp màu đỏ của Hồ Lugano – 卢加诺湖的红色脚踏船 – ルガーノ湖の赤いペダルボート

The Town Hall of Lugano in Switzerland

Il palazzo del municipio di Lugano in Svizzera

The Town Hall of Lugano in Switzerland
The beautiful building that dominates Piazza della Riforma in the splendid Swiss town of Lugano.

I haven't found much about the building online, maybe some readers can tell me more.
Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il palazzo del municipio di Lugano in Svizzera

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Swiss town, click here:

The town hall building of Lugano in Switzerland – Le bâtiment de l’hôtel de ville de Lugano en Suisse – Das Rathaus von Lugano in der Schweiz – Tòa thị chính thành phố Lugano ở Thụy Sĩ

Swiss Spätzli or Knöpfli, the recipe

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli.
Every now and then my mother likes to make this Swiss dish, a type of egg pasta, which is normally used as a side dish for meat dishes or savoury dishes.
We instead, taking note of the similarity to our palate with Ligurian trofie or gnocchi (which are made with potatoes), season them with Genoese pesto and they are truly delicious.
The leftovers are put in the freezer to be enjoyed another day, always with pesto or (this time yes) as a side dish for a nice grill of meat and sausages.

– 500 g of 00 flour
– 2 eggs
– salt
– half a glass of sparkling water
– half a glass of milk

Attention: to make this pasta you need a special tool Spätzle sieve to ensure that the pasta drips into the water at the right size.

you can knead everything by hand but we normally use a mechanical mixer.
Put the flour, the two eggs and a pinch of salt in the mixer and slowly add the liquid ingredients so as to obtain an elastic and dry dough.
At this point let everything rest for at least an hour.
After an hour, boil some salted water (as if you were cooking normal pasta) and, using the sieve I told you about before (and which you can see in the first photo below) drop the pasta into the water.

The pasta should cook for about five minutes until it reaches a firm consistency.

Drain and season to taste with your favorite sauce!

Have you ever eaten this dish? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

In addition to the attached photos I have several posts on the site, here, in which I show you this seasoned pasta.

Spätzle (a Swabian dialect term meaning little sparrows) are irregularly shaped dumplings (in Swabia the shape is elongated) made from soft wheat flour, eggs and water, originally from southern Germany (those from Stuttgart are particularly famous), also very popular in Tyrol, Alsace and Switzerland, Trentino-Alto Adige, despite their homeland par excellence being Swabia and Bavaria (south-western Germany).
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli, the recipe – Spätzli ou knöpfli suisse, la recette – Spätzli o Swiss knöpfli, la receta – Spätzli ou knöpfli suíço, a receita – Spätzli oder Schweizer Knöpfli, das Rezept – Spätzli hoặc Swiss knöpfli, công thức – Spätzli 或 Swiss knöpfli,食谱 – シュペッツリまたはスイスのクネプフリ、レシピ