A grilled swordfish steak in Palermo

Pesce spada alla griglia

A grilled swordfish steak in Palermo.
One of the great grilled classics is the swordfish steak. Throughout Italy it can be found on almost every menu.
This one, in particular, with a side of French fries, I ate in Palermo at the restaurant Torquemada.
It wasn't bad also because it's not difficult to prepare and if the fish is good and fresh it's a delight.

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Pesce spada alla griglia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

It is present in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones of all oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Sea of ​​Azov. It is a typical pelagic fish that in certain situations can approach the coasts. It mainly populates surface waters but can descend to 800 meters; it usually does not descend below the thermocline. It lives in waters between 18 and 22 °C (juveniles also in warmer waters) and in cold areas, it migrates south in autumn.
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A grilled swordfish steak in Palermo – Une tranche d’espadon grillé à Palerme – Una loncha de pez espada a la parrilla en Palermo – Uma fatia de espadarte grelhado em Palermo – Ein Stück gegrillter Schwertfisch in Palermo – Một lát cá kiếm nướng ở Palermo