Fried Chicken Feet in Taiwan: A Very Special Food

zampe di gallina

Fried chicken feet in Taiwan: a very special food.
Here they are, the delicious fried chicken feet and ready to be tasted!
Of course, at least for me it is like that, I think I will never taste them!

And would you eat them?
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zampe di gallina

I had posted several photos from Thailand of “special” food (and wait because I still have some to post) but even in Taiwan we are not complaining!

On Youtube I found this nice video also because I have difficulty finding others since I don't know exactly what the English translation is... In fact, typing chicken legs brings up thousands of videos on chicken legs that are not exactly the same thing...

Fried chicken feet in Taiwan: a very special food – Pieds de poulet frits à Taïwan : un aliment très spécial – Pies de pollo frito en Taiwán: una comida muy especial – Pés de frango frito em Taiwan: um alimento muito especial – Gebratene Hühnerfüße in Taiwan: ein ganz besonderes Essen – Chân gà rán ở Đài Loan: một món ăn rất đặc biệt – 台湾炸鸡爪:很特别的食物 – 台湾のフライド チキン フィート: 非常に特別な食べ物

Templi a Taipei

Templi a Taipei

Templi a Taipei.
Girando per Taipei, ma in Asia in generale, capita di frequente di incontrare templi splendidi (come del resto in Italia chiese).
Questo uno dei tanti, in una delle viuzze della capitale taiwanese.

Templi a Taipei

Zuppa per antipasto

Zuppa per antipasto

Zuppa per antipasto.
Una buona zuppa, almeno in Taiwan, è obbligatoria a pasto. Anche se non la chiedi te la servono in automatico.
Questa poi non era male, coperta da un “tappo” di pasta frolla che poi andrebbe inzuppato!

Zuppa per antipasto