Lasagna made with carasau bread, the recipe

Le lasagne fatte con il pane carasau, la ricetta

Lasagna made with carasau bread, the recipe.
Some time ago I had the pleasure of tasting this dish on board, prepared by the great MaitreD Giovanni.
Lasagna made with carasau bread is a variation of the classic Italian lasagna, in which carasau bread replaces the pasta. Carasau bread is a type of thin and crunchy bread originally from Sardinia. Here's how to prepare lasagna with carasau bread


– Carasau bread;
– Bolognese sauce or another meat sauce;
– Bechamel;
– Grated cheese (usually pecorino or parmesan);
– Butter (optional).


Prepare the Bolognese sauce or another meat sauce of your choice. Make sure it is well seasoned and tasty.
Make the béchamel: melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat, add the flour and stir until you get a roux (a smooth paste). Add the milk a little at a time, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Cook until the béchamel thickens. Add a little salt and nutmeg to taste.
Prepare a baking tray and start assembling the lasagna. Place a layer of carasau bread on the bottom of the tray.
Add a layer of ragù on the base of carasau bread. Make sure to cover the bread well.
Pour a layer of béchamel over the ragù.
Sprinkle with plenty of grated cheese.
Repeat the process creating alternating layers of carasau bread, ragù, béchamel and cheese. Make sure to finish with a layer of béchamel and cheese on top.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 30-40 minutes or until the surface is golden and crispy.
Allow to cool slightly before serving. Lasagna with carasau bread is delicious served hot.
This variation of lasagna is a one-dish meal that combines the crunchiness of carasau bread with the rich flavors of ragù and béchamel. You can customize the recipe by adding other ingredients such as mushrooms, spinach or cooked ham if you like.

And have you ever tasted these lasagnas? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Pane carasau (also known as pane carasatu, pane carasadu, pistoccu, pane fine, pane ‘e fresa or pane fatu in fresa) is a typical Sardinian bread spread throughout Sardinia, in the shape of a very thin and crunchy disk, suitable for being preserved for a long time. The term Sardinian comes from the Sardinian verb carasare, which means to toast. During the carasadura the bread is put back in the oven for the final cooking; this cooking makes it crunchy.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

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Un bel piatto di cannelloni al forno

Cannelloni al forno

Un bel piatto di cannelloni cotti al forno.
Non è proprio un piatto tipico di casa mia ma comunque ogni tanto, per variare il pranzo della domenica, mia mamma prepara una bella teglia abbondante di cannelloni.
A dire proprio tutta la verità i cannelloni crudi li compriamo in un pastificio vicino a casa. Il ragù di carne e la besciamella li facciamo noi però!
Una spruzzata di formaggio grattugiato e in forno fino a cottura ultimata.
Enjoy your meal!

Ti piacciono i cannelloni? Come li prepari a casa tua? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Cannelloni al forno

Cannelloni al forno

Cannelloni al forno

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

I cannelloni sono un formato di pasta di forma cilindrica. Il prodotto viene farcito con un ripieno salato che nella ricetta classica comprende un impasto di ricotta e spinaci oppure di carni macinate. È poi coperto con un sugo di pomodoro e salsa besciamella, e infine cotto al forno. In Romagna, Marche e Umbria i cannelloni sono un formato di pasta fresca all’uovo.
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I biscotti natalizi fatti in casa da mia mamma.
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