The beautiful flowers of the Common Primrose

I bellissimi fiori della Primula Comune

The beautiful flowers of the Common Primrose.
I still had some photos of flowers that I took some time ago in one of the nurseries in my area.
The flower in this post is the primrose, a beautiful plant with very colorful petals that normally start to bloom in spring.

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I bellissimi fiori della Primula Comune

I bellissimi fiori della Primula Comune

I bellissimi fiori della Primula Comune

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

The nursery I went to is: Gaggero Nurseries in Carasco.

The common primrose (Primula vulgaris Huds., 1762) is a plant of the Primulaceae family, which flowers in early spring. It is also called spring and owl's eye. It is a perennial herbaceous acaulescent plant (i.e. the flowers and leaves grow directly from the underlying rhizome). It flowers only once a year (they are "monocarpic" plants = only one fruit during the season).
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The beautiful flowers of the common primrose – Les belles fleurs de la primevère commune – Las hermosas flores de la prímula común. – As lindas flores da Prímula Comum – Die wunderschönen Blüten der Primel – Những bông hoa xinh đẹp của hoa anh thảo chung – 常见的报春花美丽的花朵 – サクラソウの美しい花

The bright elegance of the sunflower flower

La luminosa eleganza del fiore di girasole: un sole in terra

The luminous elegance of the sunflower flower: a sun on earth.
In the world of flowers, few represent joy, brightness and optimism as much as the sunflower. This sunny flower captures the gaze and hearts with its simple elegance, carrying a message of positivity that captivates everyone who encounters it.
The sunflower is a symbol of happiness and positive energy. Its distinctive shape, with its compact center surrounded by golden petals, looks like a small version of the sun. Watching a field of sunflowers following the sunlight throughout the day is an image that fills the soul with warmth and serenity.
This flower is known for its behavior of chasing the sunlight, rotating its head during the day to follow the path of the sun. This attitude has been interpreted as a sign of optimism and perseverance. Sunflowers teach us to look for the light even on the darkest days.
Giving a sunflower as a gift is a gesture full of meaning. It is a message of affection and hope for a bright future. In many cultures, the sunflower is associated with concepts of love, friendship and appreciation. It is a gift that can brighten the day of anyone who receives it.
The sunflower has inspired artists, poets and writers throughout the ages. It has become an iconic subject in works of art, from famous paintings to touching photographs. But its true beauty lies in the fact that it is not just a symbol in human culture, but a precious element of nature.
In a sometimes frenetic world, the sunflower reminds us to slow down and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. It invites us to celebrate life, to look for the light even in the darkest moments and to spread joy and positivity wherever we go.

The sunflower is much more than just a flower. It is a bringer of joy, a symbol of optimism, and a reminder to connect with nature and ourselves. Next time you see a sunflower, take a moment to contemplate it and remember the importance of spreading warmth and light into the lives of others, just as this beautiful flower does.

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La luminosa eleganza del fiore di girasole: un sole in terra

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 50.

The nursery I went to is: Gaggero Nurseries in Carasco.

The generic name (Helianthus) derives from two Greek words: "helios" (= sun) and "anthos" (= flower) in reference to the plant's tendency to always turn its bud towards the sun, before flowering (the mature flower instead always faces east). This behavior is known as heliotropism.
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The luminous elegance of the sunflower flower: a sun on earth – L’élégance lumineuse de la fleur de tournesol : un soleil sur terre – La luminosa elegancia de la flor del girasol: un sol en la tierra – A elegância luminosa da flor do girassol: um sol na terra – Die leuchtende Eleganz der Sonnenblumenblüte: eine Sonne auf Erden – Sự sang trọng rực rỡ của hoa hướng dương: mặt trời trên trái đất – 向日葵花的光彩优雅:地球上的太阳 – ひまわりの花の輝かしい優雅さ:地球上の太陽

The text of the post was generated with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Una bella azalea in un vivaio in Liguria

Una foto di una bellissima azalea in un vivaio in Liguria

Una foto di una bellissima azalea in un vivaio in Liguria.
Qualche tempo fa sono stato in uno dei più grandi vivai di fiori e piante della mia zona e mi sono sbizzarrito con le foto e tante le devo ancora inserire.
Questi sono i fiori rosati di una delle pianta chiamata rododendro o azalea.

Ti piace il fiore dell’azalea? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Una foto di una bellissima azalea in un vivaio in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 50.

The nursery I went to is: Gaggero Nurseries a Carasco. Ecco dove si trova:

Note con il nome comune di rododendro o azalea, infiniti ibridi e varietà, di piante arbustive, che vanno da 40 a 90 cm, con chiome a portamento aperto e foglie grandi, ruvide, ovali o lanceolate, di colore verde scuro lucido superiormente, più chiare o di colore rugginoso sulla pagina inferiore, con il margine glabro e revoluto, fiori semplici o doppi, dai colori vistosi, campanulati, con lobi a volte ondulati, riuniti in grandi mazzi, alle estremità dei rami.
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A photo of a beautiful azalea in a nursery in Liguria – Une photo d’une belle azalée dans une pépinière en Ligurie – Una foto de una hermosa azalea en un vivero en Liguria – Uma foto de uma linda azaléia em um viveiro na Ligúria – Ein Foto einer wunderschönen Azalee in einer Gärtnerei in Ligurien – Hình ảnh hoa đỗ quyên xinh đẹp trong vườn ươm ở Liguria – 利古里亚苗圃里美丽杜鹃花的照片 – リグーリア州の保育園にある美しいツツジの写真

Alcuni bei fiori fotografati in un vivaio

Alcuni bei fiori fotografati in un vivaio

Alcuni bei fiori fotografati in un vivaio.
Qualche settimana fa, anzi direi un paio di mesi, sono stato con mia moglie a visitare un grande vivaio di fiori e piante della mia zona.
Non mi sono potuto esimere dallo scattare decine di foto e piano piano le inserirò.
Di alcuni fiori sono riuscito a sapere il nome, di altri proprio no.
Qui ne pubblico un po’!

Ti piacciono i fiori e magari sai indicarmi i nomi di quelli nelle foto? Scrivimelo lasciando un commento here.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 50mm f/1.8 STM.

The nursery I went to is: Gaggero Nurseries a Carasco. Ecco dove si trova:

Some beautiful flowers photographed in a nursery – Quelques belles fleurs photographiées dans une pépinière – Algunas hermosas flores fotografiadas en un vivero. – Algumas lindas flores fotografadas em um berçário – Einige wunderschöne Blumen, fotografiert in einer Gärtnerei – Một số loài hoa đẹp chụp trong vườn ươm – 在托儿所拍摄的一些美丽的花 – 苗床で撮影されたいくつかの美しい花